Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 554: It’s called ‘Belmar Star’

At this moment, the attributes of this necklace have doubled not only the basic attributes, but also the special attributes from the original ability to be immune to mental attacks below level 2o to immunity to mental attacks at level 25!

Increased by 5 levels!

Of course, don't underestimate the 5th level, the more mental power you get, the harder it is to practice. It is already difficult to cultivate to the 2o level, not to mention the 25th level?

In the four major domains, there may be many people who can reach the 2o level of mental strength, but those who reach the 25th level after the 2o level are simply a handful. Those who have passed the 25th level can be counted by a slap!

In other words, after wearing this necklace, the entire four domains can mentally attack people who threaten the wearer, but only five!

This is very good!


The defensive limit of mental attack has been raised to level 35, and the necklace can also bring great mental defense. That is to say, in addition to being immune to mental attacks of level 25, even if the mental attack of level 25 is calculated, as long as it is at 35 Within the level, it will not cause fatal damage to the wearer!

In other words, people who wear this necklace may not necessarily be threatened. If they want to be threatened, they can get spiritual strength above 35!

And those who can cultivate spiritual power to level 25 and above are all in one hand. Those who have passed level 35, except for those who have gotten the opportunity of the God of War system like Tang Yi, almost no one can achieve it.

Even Tang Yi is only level 32 at the moment.

In other words, in the four domains, after wearing this necklace, it is an invincible existence for the warriors who specialize in spiritual attack!

Of course, this is not absolute, after all, there are people outside of the world.

In addition to the special attributes, what surprised Tang Yi most was that the additional skills have also been greatly improved!

The original additional skills can restore 4o% of your own health, and if released to others, it can also restore 2o%, which can be used once a day.

But at this time, it became the ability to restore 5o% of its own blood volume after release, and release 25% to others, and the number of times it can be used every day has changed from once to twice, and once more.

Overall, there is no small improvement!

It releases 1o% more for itself and 5% more for others, and more times for one release!

What does this stand for!

This means that if you are injured during the battle, you can recover 1o% more injuries!

And being able to recover 1o% more damage, you can restore 1o% more fighting power during battle, and the strength becomes stronger!

If you release it once more, it means that even if you are seriously injured twice by the enemy, you can instantly restore half your life!

This is a huge improvement!

If it is used by others, it has also been improved by 5%!

Although it is only 5%, it is not low!

In the case of equal strength, restore 5% more and 5% more combat power, then you have more opportunities and a higher chance of defeating your opponent!

In the battle of masters, let alone 5%, 1% more, is a very beneficial thing for yourself!

In general, the attributes of this world-class inferior equipment have been comprehensively improved and become extremely insane.

When he was still the design picture, Tang Yi already felt that the necklace's attributes were very good. There was an urge to wear it by himself and not to give it away. Otherwise, he would not spend 44oo points to buy the design. Figure.

After all, even if Tang Yi is extravagant, the God of War value cannot be so wasted.

That's 44oo points of God of War value, you can buy a lot of things, buy a few ordinary high-grade inferior goods, there are thousands more points, you can even buy a high-grade inferior goods!

If the attributes are really in Tang Yi's mind, it would really hurt to spend so much God of War value to buy an inferior product.

However, what Tang Yi did not expect is that after the forging of the finished product, the attributes are not only as simple as Tang Yi's mind, but also doubled!

Although it's only a low-grade tier, this attribute is better than the middle-grade tier in Tang Yi.

No, it should be said to be better than all the equipment of Tang Yi!

There is currently no equipment in Tang Yi that can match the attributes of this Belmar Star Necklace!

Even in the system store, some top-grade items, the attributes may not necessarily have this necklace!

In general, Tang Yi's 44oo points of war are worth the money, which also makes Tang Yi very gratified. Instead of feeling pitted, he feels that he has made some money.

Let’s just say that, for every penny you pay, the expensive things naturally have the reason that they are expensive to sell.

"That... little brother."

It was when Tang Yi appreciated the attributes of the necklace and was surprised and emotional because of the necklace. A voice of scorn came from the side.


Hearing the sound, Tang Yi immediately quit the system and recovered. And as soon as he turned his head, he showed that the person who spoke was the master forge on the side~lightnovelpub.net~Master Fang.

At this moment, Master Fang has completely stopped his movements, no longer forging, but standing on the side, looking at the direction of Tang Yi.

Before, he had forgotten the forging because of Tang Yi's skill, but now he has given up actively.

Nonsense, under Tang Yi's high forging skills, and under the heaven-level items forged by Tang Yi, where can he dare to forge? Even if forging, the first place is not his, so it is completely meaningless to continue to forge at this moment, so he chose to give up.

"Have you anything?"

Seeing that Master Fang called himself, Tang Yi glanced at him, and then asked faintly.

"That... little brother, if it's convenient, can you tell me, what is the attribute of the item you forged? Also, this is a new work, just like a newborn baby, there is no name at the moment, Since you created it, what name do you intend to call it?" Master Fang asked.

At the moment, Master Fang's tone of speech to Tang Yi is no longer so domineering, and his face is no longer that arrogant look, but a smile on his face, and he is very respectful, and he speaks a little cautiously, with awe. a feeling of.

It seems that because Tang Yi's hand was just revealed, he was also convinced by master-level forging masters like Master Fang, and he still served the whole body in such a way that he didn't dare to have any kind of temper.

"Attributes and names?"

Tang Yi glanced at Master Fang slightly, and then said: "I'm sorry, the problem of attributes, I'm not convenient to tell you, nor can I tell you. As for the name, this is not very important, I can tell you. It's called'Berma Star'."

(End of this chapter)

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