Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 577: You tell them my strength!

What fell from the warship...

No, it should not be said that those who fell from the warship are ‘things’ because they are not things!

No, not...

In short, there are hundreds of dense figures falling from the battleship, all of them have the technique of flying and have a very powerful figure!


After these figures flew off the warship, they quickly came to Tang Yi's side and stood respectfully behind Tang Yi. Although these figures who just flew off the warship did not know what happened, they did The very regular stood so quietly, without saying a word.

In this way, hundreds of figures appeared in an instant behind Tang Yi, facing the Jingqi City branch office and the people of the 26 families, the venue became crowded and black.

At this moment, the number of people in Tang Yi's group has not lost to Jingqicheng branch and 26 families, and in terms of momentum, compared with Jingqicheng branch and 26 families, Tang Yi's group has the momentum To be more powerful, it has reached the level of crushing.

It seems that the figures who just flew off the warship not only reached the level of the warlord who can fly, but even reached a higher level...

Yes, that's right, the hundreds of people who descended from the battle ship from the sky are none other than the disciples of Xifu Neifu.

Tang Yi wanted to come to Weifu for a private visit, so he did not take them out of the warship and kept them on the warship.

Just when Tang Yi summoned the warships, he told these disciples in Xifu inner province by some special method and let them come down together.

Therefore, at this moment, hundreds of powerful disciples in Xifu Neifu flew down from the battleship and came behind Tang Yi.

"This and this..."

The people present saw so many strong men descend from the sky, and they were all stunned. Their mood at the moment also changed from the excitement and excitement of seeing the warship to the tension and fear.

In front of so many strong and powerful people, everyone dare not say anything more, so as not to make these strong people feel uncomfortable and cause any trouble.

Moreover, there is no need to discuss anything at this moment. Is Tang Yi's identity necessary to say? Is it not obvious enough?

Isn’t it obvious?

Being able to have the order of the special envoy, being able to own the unique void warships of the West House, and being able to attract hundreds of powerful men, is this not the special envoy and who is it?

Moreover, these hundreds of strong men are still wearing the unique costumes of Xifu, saying that they are not disciples of Xifu and don’t believe them!

These hundreds of strong men with strengths above the king of war are definitely the disciples of Xifu.

Since hundreds of strong people are all disciples of Xifu, what can make those who stand behind them make them so respectful?

Who is not the special envoy?

The teenage envoys, being obedient, felt shocked when everyone thought about it.

Lu Zhiming and Huo Xingchao were also dumbfounded. He didn't expect Tang Yi to bring so many Xifu disciples besides the warship.

These are hundreds of Xifu disciples!

Moreover, the breath of the hundreds of Xifu disciples is very strong, and everyone seems to have at least reached the level of the war emperor!

Hundreds of disciples at the battle emperor level!

This is simply shocking.

These...should be the disciples of Xifu Neifu?

Lu Zhiming and Huo Xingchao thought in their hearts.

On the other hand, although the evidence provided by Tang Yi was enough to prove his identity, and hundreds of Xifu disciples were enough to shock him, he was still dissatisfied and continued to the last question, saying: " This is my explanation for the second point. On this trip, I not only accompanied the warships, but also hundreds of disciples in the inner house of the Western House. Lord Lu? Do you think this explanation is satisfactory? Ha ha!"

With a sneer, Tang Yi continued to say: "For the third question, becoming a Zongzong does have the strength of Zongzong level. This is true, but... Although I am young, how do you know that I don't have Zhanzong level? What about strength? Cheng Xiuming, you tell Lord Lu, do I have the strength of Zongzong level?"

Hearing the words, Cheng Xiuming from the side stood up and said aloud: "In the foreign government, Master Tang Yi once challenged three special envoy adults at the same time, and defeated them, facing our hundreds of warlord-level inner government. Disciple, he can also cover up all our momentum with one voice. If Lord Tang Yi does not have the level of Zongzong level, there will be no Zongzong under that day."


"Challenge the three envoys at the same time, which means that Lord Tang Yi can challenge the three warlords at the same time! What kind of strength should it be, it is terrible."

"My God! One person's voice has covered up the momentum of hundreds of powerful emperors. This is too great. How old is Tang Yi?"

"Horrible, it's terrifying. Lord Tang Yi is not only extremely talented in forging talent, but also able to forge things of the rank order. He has reached such a level in practice!"

"No wonder, no wonder Lord Tang Yi was able to kill more than a dozen warrior warlords all at once~lightnovelpub.net~ This is not luck, nor is it a weird method, nor is it a demon law, this is his strength, really Real strength!"

"In forging, you can forge heaven-level items, and in martial arts, martial arts cultivation can also reach Zongzong. No wonder this age can become a special envoy. If I are a high-level mansion in the West House, I will also give Tang Yi an envoy identity , Too genius!"

"This is simply not human!"

"what did you say?"

"No, I mean, Lord Tang Yi is not an ordinary person. He is simply a genius. No, genius is not enough to describe him. It should be said that he is evil, peerless evil, and the talent is too good."


Hearing Cheng Xiuming said that Tang Yi's strength has reached the level of Zongzong, and he can challenge three envoys alone, and challenge hundreds of warlord-level disciples of the inner government, everyone present, whether Lu Zhiming and Huo Xingchao The people of Xifu and the twenty-six families, or the crowds watching on Tianwutai, were all shocked. Everyone opened their mouths, and they were speechless in surprise.

The teenage Zongzong, this is already very remarkable, and on this basis, it is actually shocking to be able to challenge three special envoys and challenge hundreds of war emperors.

Everyone present has never seen such a young and powerful person.

At this moment, the onlookers at Tianwutai not only no longer questioned Tang Yi's identity, they even changed the title of Tang Yi from "boy" to Tang Yi, and the tone was very respectful.

Crap, do you dare to respect?

The special envoys of the West House, forging geniuses, strong Zongzong strongmen, and any identity, can crush them ‘ordinary people’. Does this make them ‘ordinary people’ disrespectful?

(End of this chapter)

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