Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 650: Cihang Dandanfang

"Then you should look at your eyes wide open!"

Tang Yi said confidently.

With that, his heart sank and he entered the system store in his mind.

As with forging, forging requires drawings, while practicing Dan also requires Danfang.

Tang Yi wants to practice Dan, he must first buy Dan Fang, then buy the materials needed by Dan Fang, and finally condense it out.

Although he has not practiced Dan, but with the experience of forging, Tang Yi is familiar with the process of using the sub-professionals in the system.

Find the Danfang column in the system store, and Tang Yi began to choose the right Elixir prescription for Xiaoxin.

In fact, if you want to treat Xiaoxin's disease, Tang Yi has many methods, such as buying a finished medicine directly, such as buying some special healing utensils, and then buying some monster blood with a healing effect or a strange flower with a magical effect. Weeds, various methods.

The reason why I chose the more troublesome pill, and refined the pill by myself, is because Tang Yi wanted to make Master Lu embarrassed, so that he could not help but let him know that as an alchemist should not be so powerful.

The alchemy master is a healer, and the healer should have a compassionate heart, not to lose sight of the benefits, and not to take advantage of someone else's illness and to take advantage of the fire. This is not what an alchemist should be.

Such a person is not worthy of alchemy master.

Tang Yi chose the alchemy method to save Xiaoxin, which also has such a purpose.

After picking a moment in the Danfang column of the system store, Tang Yi finally found a Danfang suitable for the small core.

No, it should be said to be suitable for everyone.

However, this recipe is also extremely expensive.

Dan Fang has only two effects, but these two effects make Tang Yi stunned.

[Danfang name]: Cihang Dandan

[Danfang price]: Qipin medicine

[Purchase price]: 1000 God of War value.


Effect: Eliminate all negative states, instantly restore 30% of the blood volume, and can restore 10% of the blood volume every day until it is full. (It can be taken by others except the player, but the effect of taking it is halved. Taking it by others can instantly restore 15% of the blood volume and 5% of the daily blood volume.)

[Materials required for refining]:

Bloodweed (0/100)

Spirit of Tianshan (0/1)

Dragon Blood (0/10)

Jiutian Cihanghua (0/1)

[Level required for refining]: Intermediate alchemy

【Number of refining】:1~20

(Hint: The above elixir effect and refining quantity are standard values, and the actual finished product will appear in different quantities and qualities according to probability.)



This effect...

It really applies to everyone...

Eliminate all negative states and restore 30% of the blood instantly, that is to say, as long as you take this Cihangdan, you can eliminate all negative states in the body, whether it is illness or poisoning, you can go to the light at once! Let the body be free from all diseases and all poisons, even if Xiaoxin suffers from terminal illness, he can recover instantly!

In addition, it can instantly restore 30% of the blood volume? Of course, others take 15% of the blood volume, which is less than half, but that is enough. This is equivalent to saying that even people who have only one breath at a time, as long as they take this Cihang Dan, they can recover six. One-quarter injury! Restore one sixth of vitality!

Not only can it cure all diseases and detoxification, but it can also pull people back from the edge of death. It is absolutely not an exaggeration to say that this Cihangdan is a magical pill.

In short, the effect of this panacea is extremely anti-natural!

However, this is the price...

I haven't counted the materials yet. The price of the Cifang Dan's Danfang was actually sold to 1,000 God of War value... It's a little expensive!

If you count the materials, the cost of this immortality is estimated to be 2000 God of War value, or even higher?

It costs thousands of God of War for one and a half terminal illness, which makes Tang Yi feel a little unworthy.

Although Tang Yi has tens of thousands of God of War values ​​at the moment, no amount of God of War values ​​is not so expensive or wasteful.

A semi-fatal disease, in fact, he can buy the finished medicine. According to Xiaoxin's condition, it is estimated that only a few hundred points of God of War value can be used to buy the corresponding medicine. There are also no side effects, maybe the therapeutic effect is better than Ci Hangdan!

Of course, although hesitated and unwilling, although I felt that there was a better and cheaper way to treat Xiaoxin, in the end, Tang Yi chose this recipe and bought it.

Not for others, just in order to be able to show their talents at this moment, hit the face of Master Lu well.

After all, Tang Yi's words have just been released, and people need to see the real alchemy technique. However, if Tang Yi is too expensive, he chooses to buy the finished product and directly takes out the small core, then...

Isn’t that shameful to the grandma’s house? How does this make others view Tang Yi?

I am afraid that Master Lu will laugh to death?

What about alchemy? What's the matter with you taking out the Elixir? Who knows if you cultivated that?

Others will definitely question this!

Therefore, Tang Yi still has to buy a pill formula and practice it with the intermediate alchemy technique in the sub-professional skills, so as not to be ridiculed by others!

Face value is more important than God of War~lightnovelpub.net~!

After all, Tang Yi not only represents himself at the moment, but also represents Xifu and the system.

He is the special envoy of Xifu, but the spokesperson of the system. How can he be ignored by such an identity? How can you make people laugh?

In addition, there is another reason why Danfang is so expensive, that is an attribute on Danfang...

Refining quantity 1~20……

It is this attribute that Tang Yicai made up his mind to buy this recipe.

You know, even low-level small gold remedies require 200 God of War worth one. Like this powerful Elixir that eliminates negative states, how many hundreds or even more?

And this is just the price of one, if you buy ten or twenty? I am afraid it will cost thousands of thousands of God of War value.

However, in this recipe, it can be said that the amount of refining can range from 1 to 20! That is random...

So...if 20 are randomly refined, wouldn't Tang Yi earn it?

Even if the price of Danfang plus materials is a few thousand points of God of War, then he can still make a profit!

In addition to taking Xiaoxin, Tang Yi can also save the rest!

This is still good!

Of course, if only one was refined... Tang Yi lost money.

In general, this is a gamble, whether it is effect or refining quantity.

With good luck, Tang Yi can get a lot of good medicines, and bad luck... Then Tang Yi can only swallow this bitter fruit by himself.

Everything is possible, maybe losing money, maybe making money, anyway, Tang Yi has no other choice at this moment, he can only buy, as for making money or losing money, it is destiny...

Figured this out, Tang Yi clicked the buy button and bought this recipe.

(End of this chapter)