Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 684: Blocked from the door? Gorgeous beast ca

After all, the Shijia people are not stupid. If the Jiucheng mercenary regiments do not accept them, then the fate of the Shijia people waiting for them will be extinct, and they do not want to be wiped out because of this.

In this way, Shijia delivered the compensation, then packed up his luggage, and left Tianjuecheng overnight.

Liu Tian and the Jiucheng Mercenary Corps she owned, just like this, with the help of Tang Yi, got a big mansion that can accommodate hundreds of people without any reason, and also got assets of ten million Lingjing.. ....

Holding the key of the house and the Lingjing card with thousands of Lingjing, Liu Tian looked at the night sky and couldn't help but show a bit of a wry smile, he said: "Tang Yi, do you want to see my ability? See if I deserve to be with you? I know that your identity is definitely not as simple as an ordinary disciple. If you want to be with you, you must have certain skills and a certain identity! Well, since So, since you gave me this opportunity, then I will never let you down. I will use these things you gave me today, and I will definitely surprise you next time I meet!"

After talking, Liu Tian gritted her silver teeth, her eyes gleamed with light, showing a firm look. It seems that at this moment, some bold ideas and some extremely ambitious goals are sprouting in her heart.



the next day.

Tang Yi took yesterday's party and walked out of Tianjuecheng branch again to the second appointed place, the Song family.

However, the people sent by Tianjuecheng branch to accompany Tang Yi today are no longer Master Zhao Ming, but Liu Cangsong, the owner of Tianjue City.

Last night, after Tang Yi and his entourage went back, Zhao Ming reported to Liu Cangsong about Tang Yi’s itinerary. In the report, Zhao Ming portrayed Tang Yi as a god, saying that Tang Yi would not only practice alchemy, but also very Gao Ming, what kind of instant fusion technique, what kind of special flames, and the Eight Dao Tribes in the sky that day were cited by Tang Yi and so on.

During the complaint, Zhao Ming was very excited and very excited, and Liu Cangsong was also infected by Zhao Ming’s emotions. He was so excited that he could not wait to observe the scene at the time. Regret does not fall, regret not accompanied to go.

In his view, such a wonderful process, such a brilliant alchemy technique, should be glanced at, but he actually missed this opportunity yesterday because his old friend Li Feng came to the two associations, and he missed this opportunity. This is really regrettable. .

Therefore, today Liu Cangsong decided that no matter where Tang Yi went, no matter how busy the Tianjuecheng branch was, he would also personally accompany Tang Yi to take a trip to see how amazing this youngest envoy in the history of Xifu, Is the alchemy technique as powerful as legend.

Therefore, today, Zhao Ming can only be left in Tianjuecheng branch, instead of Liu Cangsong to deal with affairs, and Liu Cangsong himself ran out, beside Tang Yi, acting as a guide instead of Zhao Ming character of.

A proprietor of a branch of Tianjuecheng actually provided a guide for others. If this is known to the people of Tianjuecheng, I am afraid that it will shock the eyes of the whole world.

At the same time, people in Tianjuecheng will be more curious about Tang Yi's identity.

Even the masters of the sub-prefectures of the city are willing to be tour guides, so Tang Yi's identity must be different.

Accompanied by Liu Cangsong, Tang Yi wanted to go to the Song family. It was very simple. Liu Cangsong was like a living map. After taking Tang Yi and his party for a long time, he found the Song family.

Of course, the reason why I found it so fast, in addition to the fact that Liu Cangsong is a living map of Tianjuecheng, there is another reason that the Song family is not difficult to find.

After all, this Song family is the top three family in the Tianjuecheng refining medicine family. When mentioning the Song family in Tianjuecheng, it is almost nobody knows, no one knows, where is the Song family, how can no one know?

So, how can such a existence be difficult to find?

Can you find it with your eyes closed?

"Who is coming!"

Tang Yi and his entourage came to the gate of Song Mansion, and several guards guarded Tang Yi indifferently.

"Excuse me, can Song Jianzhong, the head of your Song family, be there?" Tang Yi asked.

"You want to see our house owner?"

The bodyguard looked at Tang Yi and his entourage a little, and then asked the official business: "Can there be an invitation?"

"There is no invitation, just come suddenly today, so I did not inform your head, did not get an invitation." Tang Yi answered honestly.

"If you don't have an invitation, you can't go in." The bodyguard still said officially.

After all, the Song family is a family of refining medicine, and it is also a first-class family of refining medicine. Every day, like the Tang Yi and others, they come to visit the Song family. There are dozens of people who want to pray for the Song family to make alchemy. If people go in, isn't the Song family overcrowded?

From the point of view of the guards, Tang Yi was just some people who came to the Song family for medicine, so how could he let Tang Yi and others go in.


After hearing this, Tang Yi frowned, and UU read www.uukanshu.com, but he felt a little unhappy, but still politely said: "Can you trouble this big brother to report one or two?

"Notifications are useless. If there is no invitation, our house owner will not see you. Hurry back." The gatekeeper said impatiently.

"Why? This eldest brother, you haven't reported it yet. How do you know that your head does not want to see me?" Tang Yi's brows became more and more obvious, and his heart was also very unhappy.

Aside, seeing Tang Yi's expression, Liu Cangsong, who was the head of the Tianjuecheng branch government, also frowned, thinking that the Song family was too ignorant to lift up, and even dared to stop their special envoy in the Western House, It's hardly alive.

Liu Cangsong secretly decided that if the Song family really caused Tang Yi to be unhappy, he must rectify the Song family well. Even if it is not a bright and comprehensive rectification, he must stumbling in the dark and cannot let the Song family It's better!

"The house owner of the Xu family came to visit today, so our house owner will not see guests, please come back a few." The guard said indifferently.

"Xu Family?" Tang Yi wondered.

Aside, seeing Tang Yi doubting, Liu Cangsong whispered, "This Xu family, like the Song family, is the first-class refining medicine family in this unique city."

"Oh I got it."

After listening to Liu Cangsong's explanation, Tang Yi nodded. However, when Tang Yi wanted to continue to say something to the guard guard of the Song family, in the distance, a beast car slowly drove to the Song family's In front of the door.

This veterinary car is extremely gorgeously decorated. The carriage is made of very luxurious refining materials. The monster that pulls the car is also a majestic and rare fourth-level monster beast wind wildebeest. It is a warrior with dozens of powerful breaths who is alert and carefully guarded. It seems that there are some extraordinary characters in the beast car.

(End of this chapter)