Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 732: Meet the thief again

Mu Xianling awoke to see that he was lying in a wooden barrel without any traces, and his body was a little strange.

At the same time as being shy, she felt an unprecedented feeling for Tang Yi, so when she saw Tang Yi, she would be so shy, and she would show the appearance of a young wife who first tasted taboo.

But in fact, she and Tang Yi, nothing happened.

Not to mention anything touching, Tang Yi didn't even see Mu Xianling's body even when he saw it.

After Tang Yi explained this to Mu Xianling, it was even more embarrassing that Mu Xianling wanted to find a hole in the ground, and felt that it was shameful to throw it to her grandma's house. It was so common sense that such a huge misunderstanding would happen.

At the same time, Mu Xianling felt very sorry in his heart. He said, why didn't Tang Yi eat himself at that time? Is it not beautiful enough? Not attractive enough? Unfortunately, she was not conscious at the time. If she was conscious, she must seduce that as long as she cooked raw rice, she would not have all kinds of troubles afterwards. Tang Yi belonged to her alone. It's a pity.

This episode has just passed. In the next few days, Mu Xianling's improved physical training speed is thousands of miles a day, because Mu Xianling is also very diligent, Tang Yi is standing on the bow of the ship, she even sits on the bow of the ship to practice, just two days passed She made a breakthrough in her cultivation behavior, from two-star war spirits to Samsung war spirits, and was quickly promoted to one level.

This made Tang Yi amazed. Xin Dao's medicine was terrible, and Mu Xianling was really diligent enough.

In this way, under the rapid cultivation of Mu Xianling, the days passed, and the Western United warships also entered the eastern domain and entered the territory of the eastern domain.

Looking down from the sky, you can already see the cities in the Eastern Territory, see the different lifestyles of the people in the Eastern Territory, etc. This is not only for Tang Yi, but also for those who have not been to the Eastern Territory. For disciples, they are all very novel.

However, Tang Yi did not control the Western United Front ships to stay in these cities, nor did he want to take a look at the lifestyle of the people in the Eastern Region, but just flew in the direction of the Ziyun Gate.

After all, it is half a year away, and there is not much time left for communication. Tang Yi has no time to stay, and he has to hurry up, otherwise he will not be able to catch up.


Western United warships swiftly skimmed through the sky, like a lightning, blinking thousands of kilometers away.

Tang Yi stood on the bow and looked into the distance, standing like a saint.


At this time, a dark shadow slowly entered Tang Yi's field of vision, and quickly flew over head-on.

Although the speed of this shadow is not as good as that of Tang Yi’s Western United warship, it is also extremely fast. Ordinary war kings and emperors are not as good as this shadow, and ordinary people in the Eastern Region cannot even keep up with this road. The speed of the black shadow can't even be captured.

When he saw this shadow, Tang Yi's brow suddenly fell, and he looked from a distance. Although he didn't know what the shadow was, he felt a bad feeling in his heart.

Otherwise, the sky is so big and there are so many roads to go. Why don’t these shadows go, but they will have to greet them and get close to the Western United Warship?

If you come up so high, there must be something else!

And, somehow, seeing this shadow, it made Tang Yi feel a familiar feeling in his heart, and felt like he had seen it somewhere.

Looking at him carefully, until the shadow came closer, Tang Yi finally knew why he felt this familiar feeling in his heart! He finally saw the true face of this shadow!

This shadow is actually a warship!

Moreover, Tang Yi is very familiar with the appearance of this warship. When he left from Fengyue City and went to Xifu to take the entrance examination, Tang Yi encountered it once.

At that time, the warship hung a conspicuous and terrifying black skull banner!

At this moment, the warship flying upwards is also flying a horrible black skull banner!

Yes, that's right, this warship is the skeleton warship that Tang Yi had encountered in the first time!

That flag is the skeleton flag of the swallowing thief!

"Actually encountered the swallowing thief again?"

After seeing the flying shadows, Tang Yi was slightly surprised. He didn't expect to encounter a thief who swallowed the sky while in the Western Region. After entering the Eastern Region, he would encounter a thief who swallowed the sky! This swallowing thief is indeed ubiquitous and active in the four domains.

However, unlike Tang Yi's mood when he first encountered the swallowing thief, Tang Yi was slightly nervous and worried.

However, at the moment, except for a trace of surprise, Tang Yi did not have any tensions and worries. The wind was light and calm, and he did not take this swallowing thief as a threat, and even did not take it as one thing!

Not only did he not take it seriously, on the contrary, Tang Yi also showed a sneer, thinking that he still thought about how to earn the God of War value. Unexpectedly, some people gave the God of War value to the door.

A ship's swallowing thief, this is a huge amount of God of War value, enough for Tang Yi to make money.

Thinking, Tang Yi deliberately lowered the speed of the Western United warship.

At the speed of the Western United Warship, even if the Skeleton Warship that swallowed the sky was greeted frontally, the speed was very fast, but it could not stop the Western United Warship at all. The Western United Warship could casually pass by and avoid this swallowing sky. Thief's warship.

However, Tang Yi did not do that, but reduced the speed so that the warship that swallowed the thieves could easily stop the Western United warship.

"Tang Yi is a thief who swallows the sky."

Aside, Mu Xianling saw Tang Yi's expressionless face, thinking that Tang Yi did not see the warship that swallowed the thieves, and immediately spoke out to remind.

"I know."

Tang Yi said lightly.

"then you……"

Originally Mu Xianling wanted to ask Tang Yi, since he knew why he did not react, UU read books www.uukaanshu. After all, com is a swallowing thief, killing people without blinking, specializing in attacking the major forces of the four domains, swallowing thieves who have killed hundreds of their candidates, is he not nervous?

But Mu Xianling thought about it, her strength was so much lower than Tang Yi, she could see the warship that swallowed the thief, how could Tang Yi not see it, there was no response at this moment, it was not that Tang Yi did not see It is because he is sure to deal with the swallowing thief, so he is so calm?

Thinking of this, what Mu Xianling originally wanted to say, swallowed back abruptly, closed his mouth, and stood quietly beside Tang Yi again.

Looking at Tang Yi's broad shoulders from behind, Mu Xianling's heart is full of security. She feels that as long as she is under this wide back, no matter the wind and waves, no matter how much danger, she will be safe and sound, Tang Yi will definitely protect she was!

Later, the disciples of Xifu Neifu also came to report the attack of the swallowing thieves, but Tang Yi only ordered all the disciples of Xifu Neifu to stabilize their minds, don't panic and ignore them, and then sent the disciples in Xifu Neifu.

In this way, Tang Yi's western united warship and the skeleton ship that swallowed the thieves are getting closer and closer, and will soon collide.

(End of this chapter)