Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 737: Terrorist attack

"Quick, the three of us shot together, destroying these falling light balls, otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable."

The situation was critical, Fei Yu immediately reacted and hurriedly said to Yuanwu and Baili listening to the wind.

Yuanwu and Baili listen to the wind and also know the seriousness of the matter, and can feel how terrible the light **** falling in the sky.

There are at least hundreds of these light spheres, each of which is equivalent to the power of a small skill exerted by their power level!

This is terrible too!

Hundreds of small skills equivalent to the power of warlords are brought together. How terrible damage can this cause?

Imagination is terrible.

How can the warriors in the battleship that are below the strength of the warlord resist?

If you really let these light **** fall on the battleship, as Fei Yu said, the consequences would be disastrous!

Thinking of these, Yuanwu and Baili did not dare to ignore the wind, and together with Feiyu, they moved into the sky.

In this way, the three warlords can all shoot together, using various means to destroy the falling sphere of light in the sky.


When the manpower is poor, they only have three people, but there are hundreds of light **** falling in the sky. How can this be destroyed?

Moreover, these light **** are not so good to destroy. If you want to destroy or offset, the three warlords have to use at least one martial skill that is not low, at least above the ground level, so as to be able to withstand Cancel a light sphere.

It is so difficult to offset a light ball, hundreds of light **** fall? How can they resist it? How can I resist it?

Therefore, the three warlords finally made a decision to only resist part of the light ball, protect the core part of the warship, and prevent the warship from falling. As for the other...

They are helpless.

"Boom, boom!"

The ball of light in the sky finally landed on the warship that swallowed the thieves, and a fiery white light erupted, which was very eye-catching.

One shock wave after another oscillated at the place where the white light fell.

Screams, booms, winds, mixed together.

The warriors to whom countless thieves belonged swept away in the white light and disappeared between heaven and earth.

Made of special materials, the extremely sturdy warship is also bombarded and fragmented in this countless white light bombardment.


There are countless light **** falling.

At this moment, seeing the horror of these light balls, some were desperate, some were wailing, some were panicking, very frightened.

The entire Tianyuan warship that swallowed the thieves was in chaos.

"Adult Feiyu, Yuanwu, and Baili, save us. Please help us."

Some people shouted desperately at the three warlords. However, the three warlords were also unable to defend themselves at this moment and could not respond to them at all.

"What should I do, I don't want to die, I still have a lot of things to do, and there are old people and children in my family."

Some people are overwhelmed in despair. Usually they always plunder and kill others. At this moment, they are crushed by others. They only know that despair is so terrible.

When it was just a day before, it was dangerous, and although it was likely to be suppressed by the big forces of the four domains, they thought it was a big deal and nothing terrible, so they resolutely chose this line.

But it is only now that they have made the wrong choice. There is a more terrible existence than death, that is, "despair", the despair before death.

Compared to the physical, the torture of the soul makes them more uncomfortable!

"It's terrible, it's terrible. Why do the warships in Xifu have such a terrible attack? Hurry, everyone is going away, don't gather together and reduce the loss. In addition, the captain of the Zongzong level is in a group of three. Go against it."

Someone was calm and commanded calmly.


Under the pressure of absolute strength, all arrangements and all resistances are in vain.

A ball of light falls and everything returns to chaos.

In this way, before the two sides approached, Tang Yi’s western united warship launched an attack on the Tuntian thief, causing heavy losses.

After a while, all the **** of light fell, everything was calm and quiet, and only the sound of the wind was high.

Feiyu, Yuanwu and Baili listened to the wind floating in mid-air. After a round of light ball attack, the three of them gasped and looked tired.

Due to the huge consumption, the three of them hurriedly took out the restored Dan medicine and flew off the warship, meditating to adjust their interest rates, and strive to recover as soon as possible.

The Tianyuan warship that swallowed the sky was heavily attacked, and the ship was pitted and ruined. In some places, it was shattered and shattered, leaving no debris, and a piece was directly missing.

At the same time, due to the attack, the energy supply of the warship was inadequate, and the power plant was stalled. The entire warship was parked in mid-air like that, unable to move.

Of course, this is not the most serious.

The most serious thing is... On the ship, blood was dripping with stumps and broken arms everywhere.

At least hundreds of people died in this blow!

These people who were killed by the ball of light are all at the level of war kings or even war emperors.

Put it in the ordinary way, a war king takes it out, already a master, can be used as a power leader.

The powerful warlord can even exist as the owner of a medium-sized family.

Needless to say, the Zongzong strong, placed on the large sect, are the top of the pyramid.

However, these people were killed by just one blow, only being hit by a ball of light.

Even when they died, they didn't even see the appearance of their opponents.



the other side.

Tang Yi used the attacking skills of the Western United Warship. After sending out a blow, he saw that the other ship's ship was stalled under the bombardment of a white light. , Shocked by the power of the Western United warship.

He didn't expect that the attacking skills of the Western United Warship were so powerful, and actually had such great power.

It is not that the other party did not respond, nor did not respond, but responded and responded.


Although we have also responded to ~lightnovelpub.net~ also responded, but under the bombardment of those golden **** of light, all the responses, all the counterattacks, all became futile, all, in In front of this golden ball of light, it was only crushed all the way.

Tang Yi saw that apart from the three silhouettes flying into the sky and barely able to resist, the others could not resist at all!

Even the Quebec class warships made of special materials are in disarray.


This is too strong.

Tang Yi originally only wanted to use the ship's attack skills to weaken the strength of the swallowing thief, but he did not expect that the power of the Western Union warship was so huge after it was promoted from the level to the level.

Such a power, if you come a few more, let alone weaken the strength of the swallowing thief, even if it is directly annihilating the swallowing thief!

However, during Tang Yi's thinking, countless hints rang in Tang Yi's mind.

(End of this chapter)