Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 789: Successive attacks

"It's a character who can break into my tenth mountain gate without loss. The strength is extraordinary, but..."

After the unsatisfied Tian Xun regrouped, he narrowed his eyes and turned to Tang Yidao: "However, if you want to defeat the old man, it is not enough for you to rely on such a punch."

"Oh, I also know that I can't beat you with such a punch, but again, it is even more impossible for you to beat me with the punch just now! Come up with real skills, otherwise, you will be as embarrassed as before. No, it should be said that you will be more embarrassed than before."

Tang Yi said lightly.

"Okay, then I will show you my true skills!"

Tian Xun heard the words and took out a pale green long sword. This is his accompanying sword Yufeng Feiying sword, this sword has reached the inferior level of the world, and the quality is very good.

When Tian Xun took it out, there was still a light breeze, surrounding the sword, approaching the sword, or touching the sword, and he would feel refreshed.

Such a long sword of such good quality, used to exert sword skills, is certainly very powerful.

After taking out the long sword, Tian Xun's figure moved and rushed to Tang Yi again.

His figure resembles a roaming dragon, moving around quickly, as if flashing, it will appear once, disappear once, the trace is hard to find, and it is very lingering.

At this moment his speed is several times faster than before!

It seems that when a punch hit Tang Yi before, Tian Xun didn't use any body style, but at this moment, he used a profound body style!

This kind of body method is strange and unpredictable, and the speed is amazing. If the ordinary warrior faces such a body method, I am afraid not to say that I want to resist it. Even if I want to react, I can't respond at all.

Because, you don’t even know when the enemies who use this method will appear, where they will appear in the next second, and you don’t even know what kind of means he will use after they appear. I can't even capture the figure, how can I fight this? How does this react?

Can't respond at all.

In the distance, seeing Tian Xun's display of such a body method, seeing Tian Xun's figure is illusory, no trace can be found. Really capable, and Tang Yi on the opposite side will suffer.

Of course, Tian Xun's body method is indeed very strange and unpredictable, very fast, no trace can be found, but how?

Is Tang Yi an ordinary warrior?

of course not!

Tang Yi is faster than speed!

Tang Yi's body style is more advanced and stronger than that of his body style.

The most important thing is that Tang Yi’s speed, because he has eaten countless attribute pills, and because he wears several pieces of god-level equipment, he has become very powerful. With the upper body method, the speed is even more amazing. Even if Tianxun As a powerful warlord, even with a strange and unpredictable body style, how can it be better than Tang Yi in terms of speed?

Can't catch up.

I saw Tian Xun used the strange and unpredictable body method, quickly came to the left side of Tang Yi, and then clenched the pale green long sword, a sword pierced toward Tang Yi's neck.


The pale green sword flashed past, drawing a deadly arc.

If the ordinary warrior is not fast enough to keep up with the rhythm of Heaven Seeking, it is estimated that this sword will be penetrated.

However, in the face of this sword, Tang Yi responded quickly!

Although Tang Yi's skin is extremely thick and his defense is extremely high, ordinary attacks will not cause him any harm at all. However, at the moment, he is facing the warlord level strongman. He still dare not neglect the warlord level. Who knows if the warlord level strongman can hurt him? Moreover, it is still such a fatal part of the neck, how can he let others attack such a part?

Therefore, when a sword stab came that day, when the long sword was about to stab Tang Yi's neck, Tang Yi leaned in a timely manner and evaded.


This deadly sword, this tricky sword pierced with a strange and unpredictable method, was swept across Tang Yi's body and was hidden by Tang Yi.

Originally, in the eyes of everyone, Tian Xun's attack was strange and unpredictable. He didn't know where he attacked, how he didn't know how to attack, and when he didn't know how to attack. This sword, Tang Yi should be inevitable, , But did not expect that Tang Yi avoided it easily.

In the face of Tian Xun's strange and unpredictably fast body style, Tang Yi seemed to have no influence at all. He easily caught up and avoided the past with ease. This is really amazing.


Seeing Tang Yi so relaxed, Tian Xun was also taken aback, but he also reacted extremely quickly. While Tang Yi avoided the sword, he responded immediately.

Long Sword paused slightly, then changed the stab to sweep, and then swept horizontally towards Tang Yi's neck, so that Tang Yi, who had just escaped a thorn, was threatened again.

Faced with the light blue sword that struck again, Tang Yi looked calm and calm, only to see him step off the ground, and then use the extremely fast speed to fly back.

This sweep suddenly swept into the void, without touching Tang Yichen.

However, Tian Xun is a war emperor-level strongman, how rich is his combat experience, how old is his vision, and how accurate is the timing of his grasp.

Seeing that Tang Yifei got up and flew backwards, his eyes brightened, and the long sword that was swept out of his hand was a slight pause again, and he changed back from the sweep to the thorn, and once again moved towards Tang Yi. Stabbed in the past!

At the same time, in Tian Xun's body, the momentum soared, and the violent energy overflowed!

"Liuyun Shattered Sword!"


A shout~lightnovelpub.net~ The light blue sword in Tianxun's hands suddenly showed a layer of streamer at the moment of stab, this layer of streamer wrapped the light blue sword, making the light blue sword look like As if it were a falling meteor with a slender tail, dazzling.

At the same time, a breath of terror and a wave of destruction came from the pale blue sword, making the sword look as if it was really a comet carrying a destruction power. It is daunting and desperate.

Moreover, Tian Xun's sword suddenly became extremely fast, and it took two breaths to stab Tang Yi in front of him, but at the moment, it became a breath, twice as fast!

In a blink of an eye, the long sword came to Tang Yi's neck again, the sword pointed at Tang Yi's neck, emitting a terrifying light, as if to swallow all the blood in Tang Yi's neck!


Facing Tian Xun's repeated attacks and successive attacks, Tang Yi sneered, very disdainful.

I saw him...

(End of this chapter)