Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 840: Owner, the situation seems a bit bad

"Who? Who attacked us?"

"What exactly is going on?"

"What happened? How could..."

"Everyone be careful!"

"It's impossible, it's completely impossible, what kind of power is actually able to achieve this level?"

"Is this an illusion? Hundreds of people exploded at the same time, and they are still warriors at the level of war king and war emperor. Even the strong men of war emperor level can't do this degree? What kind of force attacked? we?"


Qian Sanjiang and the dozen or so Zhanzong class powerful persons and the most powerful Zunzun class powerful person had already walked to Wu Fugui's shop door. within.

However, at this moment there is nothing to restrain them, let alone let them into the shop, but they just stood in front of the door and dared not go further.

There seemed to be terrible wild beasts in the shop, which made them daunted and afraid to enter.

After seeing the scene just now, they were so scared that they stopped.

Of course, hundreds of warriors at the level of war kings and war emperors suddenly burst out in front of their eyes and turned into blood mist. Can they not be scared?

The situation is unknown, can they dare to enter the store?

Of course not.

"Yong Lao, what do you think?" Qian Sanjiang asked solemnly toward the old man with the strongest strength.

Although Qian Sanjiang's strength is only the level of Zongzong, he still has his eyesight. Although he is very worried about the safety of Duoduo at the moment, facing the strange situation just now, he saw hundreds of warriors die in front of him. Even if I worry about it, I know that something is wrong at the moment, and I know that they seem to have encountered an unprecedented terrorist opponent at this moment. This opponent has such a powerful means that they may not be able to deal with it.

The old man of the Qian family whose strength reached the level of the warlord named Qian Yong was the existence of the elder level of the Qian family, and had guarded the Qian family for several generations. The fighting experience was extremely rich.

And he also possesses a very magical sixth sense, which allows him to anticipate danger and avoid danger in advance.

At this level of training, Qian never knows how much danger he has experienced. However, he can turn danger into danger every time, and he can die from death every time. This is because he uses this sixth sense to predict danger in advance and avoid danger in advance, so Only lived freely to this day.

However, seeing the shocking scene just now, Qian Yong’s sixth sense was triggered again. At the same time of panic, there was an ominous hunch in his heart. Moreover, from the shop in front of him, he also felt an unprecedented Horror.

As if there was a strong presence in the shop, he could not help but shudder.

You have to know that Qian Yongke is a Zunzun level, and even he feels trembling, so what level of existence is there in the shop?

However, he glanced at the shop. Except for a lot of money and his fainting men, there was only one teenager, two women with good looks, and a very ordinary couple, none of whom seemed to be there. What a special place.

That ordinary couple does not have any strength on and off the body, nor does it have any breath of warrior, just an ordinary couple.

And the two women with good looks, one is the strength of the war king level, and the other is only the strength of the war spirit level. These two people can see the existence of the power at a glance. It's impossible for them to come from them.

And the last boy.

This young man doesn't seem to have anything special, it looks ordinary, and he can't feel any strength on his body. He doesn't even have the breath of a warrior. It looks like an ordinary person.

Hey, no!

What seemed to come to my mind, when the eyes swept the young man, Qian Yong seemed to find something strange, and his expression became solemn.

Then, he carefully looked at the young man again and carefully, and also felt the strength of the young man with the strength of the Zun Zun level strong man.

However, the results obtained are the same as before, the teenager is ordinary, without any trace of strength!

With this result, Qian Yong looked at the young boy with a stranger look, more dignified, and felt more wrong in his heart.

Qian Yong practiced to this day and lived to this age. His experience did not know how rich it was. He did not find it at first. However, after a few more glances, he could see that the young man should have practiced martial arts. It can be concealed, but the body movements and the temperament can not be covered.

No matter how you look at it, the teenager’s physical movements and demeanor clearly show that he is a warrior, and should be a warrior of not low strength. However, from his body, Qian Yong can’t feel any It's a little strange that there is no breath of power in the breath of a warrior.

Of course, the young man made Qian Yong rise to doubt at first, but this is not the case, but the young man is too confident and too calm!

Regardless of the two good-looking women or the couple, everyone seemed very nervous, and everyone looked a little frightened, and seemed to be scared.

However, only the young man, who could not see any strange look, always looked indifferent, always with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and seemed extremely confident.

Even if he saw the people of their money family, even if hundreds of people had just turned into blood mist, he did not show any trace of it. This is very strange!

So, after that, Qian Yongcai locked his eyes on the teenager, and finally discovered the fact that the teenager has power.

After discovering all kinds of weird places~lightnovelpub.net~ Qian Yongwang's gaze towards the teenager became very dignified.

When Qian Yong wanted to come, this young man could be so calm at the moment, and still be able to hide his strength in front of his warlord, without letting people find the slightest breath of strength, then his own strength must be very strong.

After contacting the situation in which hundreds of people turned into blood mist before, Qian Yong immediately positioned the teenager as a dangerous person.

"Homeowner, the situation seems a bit bad. The enemies seem to be stronger than imagined. We can't seem to deal with them."

Qian Yong looked at Tang Yi for a moment and then said to Qian Sanjiang, the head of the Qian family.


"So what should I do?" Qian Sanjiang asked, suddenly panicking.

Qian Yong is the elder of the Qian family. In the Qian family, Qian Yong is also the strongest. At the moment, even Qian Yong said so. How can Qian Sanjiang, who is the head of the family, not panic?

(End of this chapter)