Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 845: Wu Fugui's choice, who lives and lives?

Ning Mengqiu thought that if a lot of money is willing to die for himself, then Ning Mengqiu also decided to make a lot of money and trade his life for a lot of money.

Now, she wants to see what attitude Duoduo is.

After all, after following so much money for so long, loving so much money for so long, and paying so much for so much money, she also wanted to know whether or not she had in her heart, whether she liked her or not.

However, the next second, Ning Mengqiu's illusions were completely broken.

Qian Duoduo didn't even think about it, so he replied: "Of course, I live, of course, I live, Tang Yi, if you let me go, I will immediately kill this."

"Oh? You got it? She has been with you for so long, don't you have a touch of affection for her?" Tang Yi asked deliberately.

"I'm just playing with it. There is no emotion. If you die, there is no regret. Tang Yi, you let me down, let me come down, I immediately killed this." Qian Duoduo answered immediately .

At the moment, Qian Duoduo looked very positive. It seemed that as soon as he let go of him, he would be able to kill Ning Mengqiu immediately.

"She looks so beautiful, are you willing?" Tang Yi asked again.

"Of course I am willing. There are so many beautiful women in the world. How can I not be willing to do so, and I will go find a chant." Qian Duoduo didn't care.

"Ha ha."

Tang Yi smiled irresponsibly, instead of continuing to ask questions, but turned his head and looked at the Wu Fugui couple behind him, revealing a vicious look, saying: "Today's thing, spreading it is not good for me, the more Few people know that the better, and your couple saw things that they shouldn’t see and things that they shouldn’t, so... I’m sorry!”

Although Tang Yi's words were not clearly stated, even if he did not express them, others would already know what they meant.

"You, are you going to kill us?"

Wu Fugui and his wife are just two ordinary people. Today, when they saw such a horrible scene, when they saw hundreds of people die as blood mist, they were already terrified. At the moment, when they heard Tang Yi’s words, the two became more and more afraid .

It turned out that the two of them hugged tightly together because of fear. At the moment, after hearing Tang Yi's words, the arms around them clasped tighter, and they seemed to be afraid of losing something. .

"Yes, you know too much, I can't keep you!" Tang Yi said lightly, as if he really wanted to kill Wu Fugui and his wife.

"Tang Yi, they are innocent, don't implicate them?"

Aside, Fang Yuelan saw Tang Yi actually want to kill Wu Fugui and his wife, and hurriedly came out to persuade him.

However, Tang Yi had his own considerations. Where would he listen to Fang Yuelan's persuasion, he immediately said: "Don't talk, miss, just stand quietly on the side."

"But..." Fang Yuelan wanted to say it again. However, Tang Yi's third glance gave him a glance back at what Fang Yuelan wanted to say.

Being so glared, Fang Yuelan said nothing, but she was particularly disappointed with Tang Yi at the moment, and felt that Tang Yi was wrong.

Tang Yi actually killed even her good friend Ning Mengqiu and even ordinary people, which was too bloodthirsty. She Fang Yuelan did not want to be friends with such bloodthirsty people.

Of course, let alone that relationship.

She would not want such a bloodthirsty person to be a husband.

On the other side, Wu Fugui saw Tang Yi saying he would kill his home, and immediately prayed: "This lord, we are just two ordinary people, you just let us go. What happened today, we promise to never say it. If you reveal half a word, let us thunder and thunder, not to die!"

Fan Hong also prayed: "This lord, please forgive us for our lives. Our mouths are tight and we won't say anything. Moreover, I have been pregnant for three months, even if you want to kill Can we let me give birth to the child before killing?"

After hearing this, Wu Fugui said in surprise: "Hong'er, are you pregnant? Why didn't you tell me?"


Fan Hong nodded to Wu Fugui and said, "Your career is just at the beginning stage. I'm afraid you are distracted. I didn't dare to tell you. And I need help in the shop. If I tell you that I am pregnant, then you Where else will I work? Are you more tired? So where will I tell you?"

"Hong'er, you... are really embarrassing for you. Hey, it's a pity that I'm too incompetent, not only can't give you a happy life, but also makes you suffer with me, at this moment even pregnant, even our children can't keep Hey, it’s useless to blame me.” Wu Fugui sighed, desperately said.

"Don't lose your husband, all this does not blame you, and things may not be as bad as you think."

Fan Hong comforted him, and then turned to Tang Yi and said, "This adult, looking at me as pregnant, you will spare us. We promise that we will not say what happened here today. "

"You really wouldn't say it?" Tang Yi pretended to ask.

"We promise that we will never say it." Wu Fugui and Fan Hong said at the same time. It seems that for the sake of life, the two of them looked very serious.

"The less people know this, the better, so you can spare you, but only one person can be spared, you see who you choose to leave alive." Tang Yizhuang thought for a while, and then moved towards the two Asked.

However, after Tang Yigang finished speaking, Wu Fugui immediately answered: "My mother is pregnant, let her live, I die, let me die."

"Don't let me die~lightnovelpub.net~ Fan Hong hurriedly stood up and argued.

"Ma'am, you are pregnant, you should live and give birth to our children." Wu Fugui saw Fan Hong fighting for death, and hurriedly persuaded her.

But hearing Wu Fugui's words, Fan Hong complained: "Fujun, you are dead, how can I still live with my children."

"But... hey." Wu Fugui still wanted to say something, but when he saw Fan Hong's disgruntled eyes and loving eyes, he couldn't say anything anymore.

Aside, seeing that Wu Fugui and his wife loved each other so much, they cherished each other so much that they were willing to die for each other's death. Fang Yuelan was very moved, and at the same time was very complaining to Tang Yi. Why do you want to be so unforgiving?

"Oh, you are interesting, others are fighting for life, but the two of you are fighting for death. Now you think about it, who will die, who will live." Tang Yi smiled and asked again.

(End of this chapter)