Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 871: Did not show real strength?

The area where Ziyunmen is located. 【】


   "What do you think of this competition?" Zi Yunyan asked everyone.


   After hearing the words, everyone expressed their views one after another.


"We have seen the strength of Special Envoy Tang Yi at first, and he is at most equivalent to the strength of the goalkeeper. At first, he only recovered faster, so he won the goalkeeper. And the strength of everyone in the three flames is better The door is mainly strong, so Tang Yi's envoy and Ziyan's three elders have no chance of winning."


   "Yeah, not to mention three, that is, the three old men of Ziyan come out one-on-one, and the special envoy Tang Yi may not necessarily be able to win."


   "I think it is a good thing for young people to have confidence, but like the special envoy of Tang Yi in Xifu, it is a bit too confident."


   "It's overconfident to say it nicely, and it's arrogant to say that it's ugly! I think he is really arrogant."


   "Anyway, I don't think he can win."


   "I don't think so. I think the three old men of Ziyan will definitely win, there is no other possibility!"


   "One person challenges three nine-star war emperors, how could this be won? Who does he think he is? The God of War is strong? It's ridiculous."


   A group of high-level officials at Ziyun Gate expressed their opinions one after another. Everyone was not optimistic about Tang Yi and didn't think he could win the three elders of Ziyan.


   "Tianxun Deputy Master, what do you think?" Zi Yunyan asked towards Tianxun aside.


   "It's not easy to say. According to the strength displayed by the special envoy Tang Yi last time, and then according to the strength comparison of the two sides, I think the three elders of Ziyan can win. But... I'm not sure."


"Because last time I played against the special envoy of Tang Yi, I always felt that he still had a very powerful hole card. When fighting with us, he might have reservations. In short, the special envoy of Tang Yi in the West Mansion was right in front of him. It seems like there are layers of mist, which makes me completely invisible and gives me an unfathomable feeling. Therefore, it is really difficult to say at this moment who he will compete with Ziyan's three old men to win and lose."


"Of course, these are not the final reasons that I dare not be sure. The reason why I am not sure about the result of this competition is that before the competition, Taishang Chang originally proposed to come out one by one with the special envoy of Tang Yi. However, the special envoy Tang Yi actually offered to challenge the three elders!"


   "I think that if there is no absolute confidence, Special Envoy Tang Yi will never make such a request. It is precisely because he has absolute confidence that he dares to challenge the three elders alone."


"Although I am the deputy master of Ziyun Gate, I really hope that our three elders from Ziyun Gate can win, and I think they can win now, but I don’t think that Special Envoy Tang Yi is the kind of brainless arrogance. People, at this moment, since he dared to challenge the three elders who were too high, and he was able to act so confidently, then I think he should have full confidence. I can’t see through this contest."


   Deputy Master Tian Xun heard the words, lowered his head and thought about it, and then analyzed Ziyun Yan.


   "You are very reasonable, I agree with you, but..."


  Zi Yunyan listened to Tian Xun's analysis and then nodded, then said: "But I'm not the same as you think. I think...this competition will win special envoy Tang Yi."


   "Huh? Does the master think that Special Envoy Tang Yi can win?" Tian Xun froze for a moment, then turned his head to look at Zi Yunyan with some doubts.


  People who heard from Ziyunmen also looked at Ziyunyan. Everyone showed a puzzled look, which was difficult to understand.


  A teenage boy who challenges three nine-star warlords alone can still win?


   What kind of joke is this?


   Means that the three elders of Taishang who have reached the level of the nine-star war emperor have shot together, are they not the opponents of the Tang Yi envoy?


How can this be.


   The strength of this special envoy Tang Yi is only a bit stronger than that of the goalkeeper, and each of the three Taishang elders is stronger than the goalkeeper. How can the three win together?


   This is simply something you don't need to think about.


  What does the door owner mean by saying this?


  Publicly support Xifu's special envoy? Flatter the special envoy of Xifu? Disparage your disciples at Ziyun Gate?


   As the master of Ziyun Gate, is this good?


Of course, although all the senior officials of Ziyun Gate are irresponsible about Ziyunyan's words, they are very questionable, and even question Ziyunyan's attitude. They feel that Ziyunyan is a little flattery of the Xifu Special Envoy, but they did not say it. I did not openly question Ziyun Yan. After all, Ziyun Yan was also the owner of Ziyun Gate. He questioned Ziyun Yan openly. This is the enemy of the entire Ziyun Gate. It is simply looking for death. No one will do such a stupid thing.


   Therefore, a group of high-level officials just looked at Ziyunyan with puzzled eyes, wanting to know why Ziyunyan said so, and wanted to get an explanation from Ziyunyan.


Looking at the puzzled look of everyone, Zi Yunyan guessed what everyone thought, and then explained: "What do you think, of course I know, I don’t mean to hold others up, but to degrade myself, of course, as The owner of Ziyun Gate, of course, I also think that the three Taishang elders will be victorious and return. I also think that the three Taishang elders can kill Tang Yi’s envoy, which is not bad for the young Tang Yi envoy, but... "


After a pause, Zi Yunyan turned his eyes and looked at Tang Yi in the distance with a complicated look, and then said: "However, this special envoy for Tang Yi is simply too good and terrifying. I'm afraid the three elders are not necessarily Can win him. In addition, I have also fought with Special Envoy Tang Yi, probably knowing some of his strength. But when I fight, there is still a feeling that Special Envoy Tang Yi does not show real strength!"


   "Do you even have the feeling of the door owner?" Tian Xun said in surprise.


  He originally thought that only he had this feeling, but he didn't expect that even Ziyun Yan, who is a nine-star war emperor, would have this feeling!


  If the Tang Yi envoy didn't show his real strength against Ziyunyan, how strong was his real strength?


   The strength of God of War level?




  How old is he?


  Thinking, Tian Xun also glanced in the direction of Tang Yi~lightnovelpub.net~ looks complicated.


   Looking at Tang Yi's immature face, Tian Xun's heart felt a helpless feeling, feeling that he had lived for so many years that he almost lived on the dog.


   "Without real strength? Impossible?"


   "How is this possible? The gatekeeper is Jiuxing Warlord, how old is the other party."


   "How could he be so powerful?"


"Although I don’t think the door owner’s feelings will be wrong, but is this too exaggerated? This Tang Yi envoy has not yet shown his real strength against the nine-star warlord, the door owner? It’s already so strong, so how terrible will it be to show real strength? This is too exaggerated and a little unrealistic."


   "I can't believe it."




   (End of this chapter) [This chapter starts. Love. Have. sound. Fiction Net, please remember the website ()])!!