Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 888: The headquarters of the thief who swallo

Tang Yi stood on the bow of the western united warship and looked towards a mountain in the distance.

Flying locust hill is now close to our eyes, and it won't take long to arrive.

Flying locust hill, located in the land of monsters and beasts on the border between the east and the west, the ancient wasteland.

From the eastern region or the western region, enter the Qinghuang Ancient World, and then walk for another two hundred miles, you can reach the flying locust mountain.

Because the flying locust mountain is located in the deserted ancient world of the monster and beast, the surrounding area of ​​the flying locust mountain is inaccessible.

However, although there are countless monsters and dangers around Feiqiu Mountain, they are full of vitality on Feiqiu Mountain, there is no trace of any monster, even the surrounding monsters regard it as a forbidden place and dare not One step closer.

However, here is the gathering point of Tian Tianmen.

Moreover, this place, Xifu also has an uninformed information, that is, in addition to the gathering point of the Tianmen Gate, the flying locust mountain is also the headquarters of the swallowing robber!

The reason why the swallowing thieves can rampage in the four domains, the forces of the four domains have nothing to do with the swallowing thieves, and no trace of the swallowing thieves can be found, because the swallowing thieves hides the headquarters in the ancient desert world This monster beast rampage.

Who could have imagined that the thieves who swallowed the sky would hide the headquarters in the place where monsters and monsters were rampant?

No one can think of it.

Therefore, for a long time, the major forces in the four domains have not been able to suppress this airborne tumor.

I have to say, whether it is a thief or a devourer, the hidden consciousness is really good.

The reason why the Tiantian Gate is set here is because it is not far from Tianqi Mountain.

Second, coming here is a land of monsters and beasts, very lurking.

Third, it is because the Tiantianmen and the Tuntian Thieves are originally homologous. It is convenient to set the gathering point at the headquarters of the Tiantian Thieves...

Therefore, the Tiantianmen set the gathering point here.

Since the Tiantianmen has set the gathering point at the Flying Locust Hill, this has happened recently, and it has never been here before, so Xifu misunderstood that it was only the gathering place for Tianmen, but did not know that there was a swallow here. Headquarters of the Thief...

The headquarters of the thief who swallowed the sky was actually in the flying locust hill. This is information that Xifu did not have.

They thought that it was just a gathering point for Tianmen, and they did not know that it was also the headquarters of a thief who swallowed the sky. So they underestimated the guard force here and sent Tang Yi to lead the encirclement and suppress the sight of Tianmen.

If the flying locust hill is just the gathering point of the Tianmen Gate, then this is okay. This task is very easy and simple. Just send a good special envoy to take the entourage with the disciples of Xifu Neifu. It should be easy to complete At most, there are some casualties.

However, the flying locust hill is not only the gathering point of the Tianmen Gate, but also the headquarters of the swallowing thief. This is different.

Since it is the headquarters of the thief, how could there be no strong man?

The swallowing thieves attacked the warships of the four major domains in the air, how can they attack the warships of the four major domains without any strength?

So as the headquarters of a thief who swallowed the sky, where is it so easy to suppress?

How is it possible for a special envoy of Xifu level at the Zongzong level and hundreds of disciples in the Xifu inner level at the Zhuang emperor level to encircle and suppress this place?

This is simply wishful thinking.

If the Xifu envoy who came to suppress this time is not Tang Yi, but someone else, I am afraid that this trip will have no other result than the annihilation of the whole army.

Because of Western Government’s negligence, the intelligence was not in place, and the entire envoy of the envoys who had come to suppress them was wiped out. I am afraid that the high-level officials who planned this task could not be blamed.

This time, the tasks planned by the senior officials of the West House, whether it is the Tang Yi line or the Tianqi Mountain line, have made major mistakes, and the information has not been put in place. If you act according to the original plan, whether it is Tang Yi The side is still Tianqi Mountain, I am afraid that the whole army will be wiped out.

If so many powerful people suddenly fall, and a large number of future elites of Xifu will be killed and wounded, Xifu may be the worst hit in history.

Of course, whether the mission this time was planning failure, the intelligence was not in place, or the undercover bite was stalking it, deliberately provided wrong information, or exposed the whereabouts of Xifu, which is unknown.

Fortunately, the people sent by Xifu to complete this task are not ordinary envoys, but Tang Yi with the God of War system!

For Tang Yi, what about the headquarters of the thief?

With his current strength, seeing God killing God, seeing Buddha killing Buddha, even if he meets the God of War, he has the power of World War I. If it breaks out in full, he may even be able to win!

Even the strong God of War has the power of a battle, so a headquarters that swallows thieves is not enough for Tang Yi.

Of course, Tang Yi is not aware of this now. The Western United warship under his control is quickly moving towards Feiqiu Mountain and is about to enter Feiqiu Mountain.



Somewhere in the open mountain of Feiqiu Mountain, there is a large group of continuous buildings. These buildings are extremely beautifully built, one after another, very artistic, and it is very pleasing to the eye.

In the center of the building complex, there is a huge palace. The palace is very large, magnificent, and gorgeously decorated. It stands in the building complex and is very dazzling. It seems that this palace is the landmark of the entire building complex. .

On the west side of the complex, there is also a huge square, where four or five huge warships stay, each with a flag of the skull on it. If Tang Yi is here, then he can Recognize that this is the Skeleton Warship on which the Thief Thief is riding.

The thief who swallowed the sky was going to attack the warships that robbed the four domains~lightnovelpub.net~ is to take these skeleton warships and set off from this square.

At the moment, in the huge palace in the center, three middle-aged people are talking to each other, and they seem to be discussing something.

"According to reliable information I have received, the Fei Yu who went to the Xifu Special Envoy, and the deputy master of the Tianmen Gate, Yuan Wu, and the head of the Wolf Sky Mercenary Regiment Baili listened to the wind. Not only did the person not intercept the Xifu special envoy, but they were all killed by the Xifu special envoy."

"In addition, I also received news that the Xifu envoy was also given the task of Xifu. In a few days, he will also lead the disciples of Xifu's inner government to come to Feiqiushan to suppress me."

"What do you think about this?"

A middle-aged man said to the other two middle-aged men.

The whole swallowing thief is managed by two leaders in total, and the middle-aged man speaking at the moment is one of the two swallowing thieves. His name is Gao Shuang, and his strength has reached the level of nine-star warlord.

(End of this chapter)