Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 919: Weird results.

Kind and brave, Jiuxing Zunzun, a disciple of the top level at Tian Tian Men, has a very powerful fighting power.

When Emperor Wen wanted to come and sent him to solve Tang Yi, it was more than enough.

After all, the person he dealt with was only a special envoy of Xifu, but only a teenager, and it would not be too difficult to solve at all.

As for what this teenager said before, he could defeat ten war emperors, hundreds of war lords, and thousands of war emperors...

When Emperor Wen was completely bragging, he didn't believe it at all.

"call out!"

After the order of the brave Tian Tian disciple named Shanyong, he quickly moved towards Tang Yifei.

Although the bravery is only nine-star warlord level, he has not reached the war emperor level, but he has also stepped into the war emperor level, and his strength is very powerful, at least comparable to the strength of ordinary one-star and two-star war emperors. Incomparably quick, just in a blink of an eye, Tang Yi is about to come.


Seeing Shan Yong rushing to Tang Yi, Gong Tianchun was slightly surprised.

The strength of Shan Yong, Gong Tianchun, who is a nine-star war emperor level, cannot be seen. When he saw Shan Yong, a strong man about to reach the war emperor level, rushed to Tang Yi, Gong Tian Chun's face was very ugly.

In his view, Tang Yi, who was only a teenager or a teenager, could not resist such a strong man.

However, Tang Yike was a genius in Xifu, and his talent was amazing. He was seated as a special envoy at a young age. His future achievements are limitless. If Tang Yi is killed, this is a huge loss for Xifu.

Of course, although I knew that, although Gong Tianchun didn't want to lose such a genius as Tang Yi, he didn't have any way at all, and he couldn't rescue him at all.

Because at the moment Zhen Tianfeng's eyes are staring at him tightly and locking his movements. It seems that as long as he has movements, Zhen Tianfeng will quickly follow up and block his shots, and will not give him the opportunity to rescue him at all. .

And Wang Tianba around him has lost his fighting power, even if no one obstructs, he can't help.

With the strength of good courage, only two war emperors in Xifu can obstruct the good courage, but one of them lost their fighting power and the other was stared to death.

In other words, no one can rescue Tang Yi at this moment when he is brave and daring towards Tang Yi!

Seeing this scene, all the people in Xifu had gray faces, and they all felt sorry in their hearts. They were a good genius in the underworld, but unfortunately they would fall here.

In the eyes of everyone in Xifu, Tang Yi had no chance of surviving when the brave nine-star warrior shot and their two warlords in Xifu could not rescue.


Shanyong flew to Tang Yi at a very fast speed. After approaching Tang Yi, he quickly raised his fist and then slammed into Tang Yi.

The punch was fast and anxious, full of explosive power, the streamer rolling around the fist, the momentum was like a rainbow, it looked very extraordinary.

At the moment of punching, an unusually violent blast sounded, showing how fast the punch is and how powerful the punch is.

Kindness and bravery are indeed worthy of being the strongest of the nine-star warlord level. Everyone can see how powerful this punch is. Under such a powerful attack, everyone feels that Tang Yi will never have it. Any chance.

In the face of such a punch, Tang Yi floating in mid-air, actually still motionless, not even evading, nor do I know whether it is frightened or too low strength, but the reaction can not come.

Seeing Tang Yi like this, everyone felt that Tang Yi would die.

Even Shan Yong himself felt that his punch could successfully kill Tang Yi.


The matter was beyond everyone's expectations.

I saw Shan Yong rushed to Tang Yi and punched Tang Yi's face. When Tang Yi was about to hit Tang Yi, Tang Yi finally responded. He slightly extended a palm and blocked it in front of him.

Suddenly, ‘pooh! With a bang, Tang Yi blocked the brave fists.

At this time, no matter whether he is brave or not, or no matter how powerful his fist is, he can't move forward and can't shake Tang Yi's palm!

This brave punch of Shanyong was so easily caught by Tang Yi with one palm.

In the face of this result, Shan Yong himself was also extremely shocked. He did not expect Tang Yi to take his punch. However, he was waiting for him to figure out what was going on and wanted to know the teenager in front of him. When the teenager was able to take his punch, the teenager spoke.

"I said, no one who can dare to hurt the disciples of Xifu can leave today!"

After catching the brave fists, Tang Yi said lightly.

As he said, his palm began to exert a little force, grasping the brave fist and squeezing hard, and the violent force swarmed along the fist.

With the power of Tang Yi, the violent force continued to move towards the oppression of good courage. Because the whole body of the good courage couldn't resist the power of Tang Yi, the sound of "Bang" suddenly turned into a sky of **** mist and fell Void.

Before the whole person responded to what happened, Shan Yong had already died tragically. He didn't even have a bone left. He didn't even know what happened even when he died, and he didn't even know when he died.

However, after finishing all of this, Tang Yi withdrew his hand slightly, and continued to look like a breeze. At this time, he was clean and tidy, and the dust was not stained. The **** mist that had previously exploded in kindness, no drop fell on Tang. Yi body.


Seeing this scene, whether it was Xifu, or Devouring Heavenly Gate, all the people present widened their eyes and froze in place.

At first, everyone thought that Tang Yi would die tragically in the hands of Shan Yong, and there was no possibility of survival. However, Shan Yong, a nine-star warlord, failed to kill Tang Yi, but was killed by Tang Yi instead. .

This result is really unexpected.

However, the scene just happened was too fast, and everyone could not see exactly what happened, and saw that the bravery of the brave was caught by Tang Yi~lightnovelpub.net~ Then, the bravery turned into a mass Blood mist, tragic death was empty.

This scene was so strange that everyone was puzzled.

Tang Yi, who was weak and stood still without a punch, how could it be okay, how could the bravery of the strong initiative to attack suddenly die, and no one can figure it out.


"Emperor Wen, this kid seems weird!"

Seeing this scene, Zhen Tianfeng also frowned and said to Wendi.

Even Zhen Tianfeng, a nine-star war emperor, didn't see exactly what happened.

Even, until Shan Yong died and turned into blood mist, he didn't feel other strength fluctuations and martial arts fluctuations besides Shan Yong's power fluctuations and martial arts fluctuations!

How did the bravery die and how it turned into blood mist, Zhen Tianfeng couldn't see it at all.

(End of this chapter)