Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 939: Run away?

A long time ago, Tang Yi's mental strength level had reached level 32. After such a long period of improvement, his current mental strength level had reached level 42, which was a full increase of level 10.

Forty-two level, what is this concept?

In the four major domains, there are only a handful of people with mental strength above 30, no more than 20, and those with mental strength above 35 can be counted by a slap, and they are all well-known strong names. By.

People with a mental strength level of more than 40... haven't heard of it yet.

Maybe there is, but it is definitely an old monster who has been cultivating for a hundred years, the top existence in the four domains!

In other words, Tang Yi's mental strength level has reached the top of the four domains at this moment!

How strong is the forty-two level of mental power and the use of spiritual power?

Tang Yi couldn't imagine it!

"Soul shock!"


After deciding to use the additional skills of the soul cloak in the shortest time, Tang Yi shouted, and then he was shocked, an invisible ripple, centered on Tang Yi, rippling around.


In the void of the Sanskrit array, this rippling ripples are stacked one after another, and the speed is very fast. In a blink of an eye, it has spread out for several meters, and hundreds of circles of invisible ripples have been swung out.

The instantaneous flow of air also became incomparably rapid. An invisible pressure pressed all the people present, making everyone feel as if they were being pressed by a mountain, and they were extremely heavy.


When Tang Yi exploded the "soul shock" martial arts, a scream came from behind him. It seemed that the sneak attacker was hit by the soul shock.

The powerful force that Tang Yi had felt so stingy to him before, and the feeling of threat that made him feel very uneasy, disappeared suddenly. It seemed that the threat was lifted with the scream of the sneak attacker This also made Tang Yi slightly relieved, and the heart and soul concussion was really effective.

Without much thought, Tang Yi turned his head and quickly defended against the second attack. At the same time, he also opened his eyes wide and wanted to see who the attacker was.

The timing was so accurate, and the strength was so powerful.

However, when he turned his head, he suddenly saw a black figure behind him quickly fled towards the distance. With a "sing", he escaped hundreds of meters away. After escaped, this figure bit Fang, his eyes full of haze, looked at Tang Yi very distraught.

And this black figure, this figure attacking Tang Yi, who is not the Emperor Wen Tian who devoured Tianmen?

Is the Emperor Wen Wen who attacked?

This is really unexpected for Tang Yi!

At the moment, Emperor Wen's complexion was sore, his eyes, ears, nose, and corners of his mouth overflowed with blood. It seemed that Tang Yi's soul was shocking, causing him considerable harm!

In the hands of Emperor Wen, he also held a dark short dagger, with a green light flashing on it, which was very strange.

It seems that this dagger is the weapon that Emperor Wen just used to attack Tang Yi!

No wonder, no wonder Tang Yi just had a feeling of being stared at by the poisonous snake on the back. It is estimated that this feeling was brought by this dagger.

Tang Yi was slightly taken aback when he saw that the attacker was actually Emperor Wen.

He did not expect that the reason why Emperor Wen had never shot was actually to wait for this moment and wait for the opportunity to sneak attack?

No wonder he killed thousands of Tianmen disciples, he could stand still, and he was so calm. It turned out to be waiting for a sneak attack!

What a deep calculation!

Sure enough, he was the leader of the Tianmen Gate, and he was an old fox.

If you are not facing Tang Yi, but other powerful people, maybe the person who was attacked has already died so long ago!

Of course, if he is not facing Tang Yi and Emperor Wendi's strength, he doesn't need to attack.

Tang Yi did not expect that the soul concussion actually prevented Wendi's sneak attack and also wounded Wendi.

You know that it is the leader of the Tianmen Gate, but a nine-star war emperor who stepped into the level of God of War!

The spiritual strength and martial arts can actually hurt such a strong man, which is really unexpected for Tang Yi.

Of course, Tang Yi still underestimated the power of spiritual power and the power of soul shock.

If it were not for Emperor Wen, who possessed a treasure of mental defense, he resisted most of his mental attacks.

If it weren’t for Emperor Wen’s own spiritual power level, he also reached level 30, which is very powerful.

If it weren't for the Soul Concussion to bombard Wendi, Wendi canceled the original attack and used a Soul Amulet, which gave him a very strong protection.

I am afraid that just now, Emperor Wen is about to see Lord Yan, and the soul will be directly scattered by Tang Yi's soul shock.

However, even so, even if Emperor Wen put on several defenses, he also suffered a lot at the moment, and his soul was traumatized.

This kind of injury can't be seen on the surface, but it seems to be relatively weak. However, Emperor Wen's combat power, training speed and various aspects will be affected!

This kind of injury can't be recovered without soul treasures or years of cultivation.

These are things that Tang Yi does not know.

When Tang Yi was surprised that the person who shot was actually Emperor Wen, he saw that after Emperor Wen withdrew to go for hundreds of meters, his face was pale and he groaned slightly, and then shouted loudly to the disciples who bitten Tianmen: "We withdraw!"

He didn't hesitate to say that, as soon as his figure moved, he quickly flew towards the distance.

Run away!

The emperor Nine Stars Battle Emperor, the Emperor Wen, who speaks one thing and has a great voice, has escaped!

Facing a teenager, he fled!

This is really surprising!

The disciples who bit Tian Tian heard the voice of Emperor Wen, they were a little stunned for a while, and then relieved again.

They all know why Emperor Wen fled, and they will not look down on Emperor Wen~lightnovelpub.net~ nor will they think there is anything wrong with this decision. On the contrary, everyone thinks this is the right choice!

after all……

Everyone turned their heads and looked in the direction where Tang Yi was, revealing a deeply fearful look.

After all, this young man is a demon, an invincible existence, staying to death, why not escape?

If they don't escape, they will eventually become a corpse!

There was nothing wrong with the decision of Emperor Wen.

Thinking of this, the people who ate Tianmen also set off and quickly chased toward Emperor Wen.

In this way, under the leadership of Emperor Wen, four nine-star war emperors, as well as four or five hundred disciples who had devoured Tianmen, fled quickly and flew towards the distance.

Five nine-star war emperors, as well as four or five hundred disciples who devoured Tianmen, fled in a serious panic in the West Mansion.

(End of this chapter)