Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 950: Open the ruler aura of dignity!


Tang Yi's thousands of incarnations of giant swords blasted on the gray mark, and a tremendous loud noise erupted. Suddenly, the vast aftermath rolled up, and a mushroom cloud also rose in the air!

The gray mark of Zuo Qiu was smashed by Tang Yi's sword at the first time of collision, and turned into countless gray energy molecules, disappearing between heaven and earth.


The figure of Tang Yi was also blasted out by the great power carried by the gray mark!

It wasn't until he flew out for hundreds of meters that he half-struck his body and stopped.

After stopping, Tang Yi raised his head and spurted blood with a ‘poo’ sound.

In this blow, his internal organs were completely smashed and seriously injured!

You know, Tang Yi is wearing Xingyao King Baojia, Xingyao King Baojia can bring 80% defense to Tang Yi, and reduce 80% of the damage, and also increase the blood volume by 20%, plus Tang Yi Wearing other defensive equipment and a body that has eaten countless pills, Tang Yi's defensive power is almost unmatched and almost invincible. Even Zuoqiu is estimated to be inferior to Tang Yi's defensive power.

However, this blow still severely wounded him, so it can be seen how terrible Zuo Qiu's strength is, and how powerful Zuo Qiu's holy rank middle-class martial arts technology is.

Such martial arts are exhibited in the hands of strong men like Zuo Qiu, which is even more terrifying. With just one blow, Tang Yi has been hit hard and lost his fighting power.

It has to be said that Zuo Qiu is too powerful, and his casual shots, with just a single blow, made Tang Yi fightless and completely defeated Tang Yi.

If Tang Yi is an ordinary warrior rather than the owner of the system, if he does not have enough God of War value, he is hit hard at this moment and loses his fighting power. In the end, there is no other possibility except for being killed by Zuo Qiu.

However, Tang Yi is not an ordinary person, but the owner of the system. At this moment, he also has enough God of War value.

So, after being badly hit, Tang Yi immediately lost her mind and entered the system, quickly taking the super-healing agent in the system backpack.

Super Healing Potion: Heal volume restored to 80%.

After taking the Super Healing Potion, Tang Yi bought another small gold sore medicine to fill up the remaining 20% ​​of the blood volume.

After being badly hit, Tang Yi's original face was very pale and extremely bleak. However, after taking the super treatment and small gold sore medicine, his face instantly restored to ruddy, and his spirit became energetic and looked not only unharmed. , The state is not so good, but extremely good.


Seeing this scene, Tang Yi was hit hard, and then recovered instantly. Zuo Qiu also froze for a moment, his brow furrowed slightly, and he was a little surprised when he was puzzled.

He didn't expect that Tang Yi was so safe that he was able to reply quickly!

This really surprised Zuoqiu a little.

At the same time, he also said that Tang Yi really deserves to be the most talented disciple in Xifu for hundreds of years. No wonder he can practice to such a degree in such a short time, really there are two brushes, but unfortunately ...

"At this level, it seems very difficult to win him..."

Tang Yi took two medicines in an instant, and after recovering all the injuries he received, he stared at Zuoqiu, his eyes dignified.

After the first blow, Tang Yi also clearly understood the power of Zuoqiu. Although he also prepared a lot before, after killing the disciples who devoured Tianmen, his strength has also improved a lot, but in the face of Zuoqiu, it is still not enough. .

Wanting to kill Zuoqiu with his current strength is harder than climbing the sky.


Tang Yi will not give up, he still has so much God of War value to consume, and the capital of World War I, how can he give up?

Moreover, it was just his care. He didn’t expect Zuoqiu’s martial arts to be so powerful. He thought that relying on his own defensive power and the 80% damage reduction of Xingyao King Baojia could withstand it. When Qiu's martial arts, he did not use any martial arts, but only used intermediate swordsmanship to deal with it, which was hit hard.

Tang Yi was also too confident about the 80% damage reduction of Xingyao King Baojia, so it caused the result just like that.

After re-stabilizing his emotions, Tang Yi regrouped, clenched thousands of incarnate giant swords, and fought again!

This time, Tang Yi will not have any relaxation and will go all out to treat!

Of course, the meaning of going all out is not to let Tang Yi open all the big moves at once, and to decide against Zuo Qiu, but to mean seriously.

After all, Zuo Qiu's strength is strong. Even if Tang Yi opened all the big moves, he might not be able to win Zuo Qiu.

Premature use of big moves will make Tang Yi's situation very disadvantageous.

After all, Tang Yi's big move has a duration.

For example, the ruler aura of dignity, when opened, increases all attributes by 500%, attack power by 500%, defense power by 500%, recovery power by 2000%, and blood volume by 2000%.

After use, the power has skyrocketed!

However, the duration is only 10 minutes!

For example, the divine inheritance of the power of God’s Ring of Strength, after use, can turn the area within 10,000 meters into the realm of God. In this area, the power will be increased by 110 times.

This can also make Tang Yi's strength turned upside down!

However, the duration of Power Realm is only 2 minutes!

Also, you can only use it twice a day.

The battle with Zuoqiu is obviously a protracted battle. Tang Yi can only grind slowly and grind Zuoqiu to death one by one!

This is also the most effective way to fight BOSS in the previous life. If all the big moves are opened at once, Tang Yi will have no big moves available, and the situation will be very embarrassing. Unbreakable!

Therefore, how to use these big tricks, Tang Yi should think about it.

After quick thinking, Tang Yi intends to first open the aura of dignity.

There is no restriction on the use of the dignity ruler aura for three hours, which is suitable for Tang Yi to use!

[The Ruler of Dignity LV1]: Unique unique aura ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ growth aura.

Description: The player will become more powerful by stepping on the aura.

Attributes: After opening, the player's all attributes are increased by 500%, attack power is increased by 500%, defense power is increased by 500%, recovery ability is increased by 2000%, and health is increased by 2000%.

Special effect: After the aura is turned on, the player's first attack will explode 2000% of the original power damage.

(Hint: as long as the player's first attack is within the duration, no matter what martial arts the player uses or whatever means, they can get superimposed special effects.)

Duration: 10 minutes.

Interval time: 3 hours.

(Hint: Aura can be superimposed with any martial arts, any effect, any state, there is no upper limit. Except for special restrictive skills)

(End of this chapter)