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Chapter 632: Fire and Blood Cavern Part 1

?1000 cores!

What Tang Junming didn't expect was that the Ashen clan was much more trenched than he had imagined. After searching the Ashen clan, he actually brought Tang Junming a full 1,000-core general experience.

Moreover, the general experience of 1000 cores is obtained directly. In addition to the Cangbird clan, there are many magic weapons, rare minerals, exotic flowers and weeds, etc. The value of these treasures is no less than 1000 cores. In the interim, he can definitely bring Tang Junming the general experience of more than 2000 cores.

You should know that Tang Junming searched the earth dragon clan and the Tianlong dragon tree clan, but he only directly obtained 1500 nuclear general experience. On average, each race only directly brought Tang Junming more than 700 nuclear general experience.

There are so many more Crow Birds than them, and the remaining wealth can bring Tang Junming the general experience of more than two thousand cores. One can imagine the wealth of the Crow Clan.

Tyrant, I like it!

Tang Junming happily collected all his wealth, and waited to convert them all into general experience. Once the exchange was completed, the general experience earned would enable Tang Junming to be promoted to the middle of the eighth level.

In addition to searching for wealth, Tang Junming will naturally not forget to enslave more ninth levels of Consummation to improve Tang Junming's attack system.


After spending a lot of time, Tang Junming enslaved sixty-six nine-level complete mythological existences from the Tianlong tree clan, the earth dragon clan, and the blue bird clan, of which the three major races accounted for one third, or twenty. Two statues.

In this way, Tang Junming can make them form twenty-two nearly perfect attack systems, making them the sharpest knife in his hand.

If it were not for the limited number of Dream Seal Seeds, Tang Junming would not only enslave the existence of sixty-six nine-level consummation myths, he would have to enslave all the nine-level myths of the three races.

But even so, through the existence of these sixty-six ninth-level consummation myths, Tang Junming also indirectly controlled three races, forming a terrifying and powerful clan that can be called the top ten of Xuanxue Island.

Tang Junming did not expect that he originally planned to enter the Xuanxue Island to disrupt the bloodthirsty apes, so that the bloodthirsty apes did not have time to deal with the Blue Star Universe. By the way, he could earn a lot of general experience and treasures of heaven and earth. .

Unexpectedly, he encountered the trap of catching the Yin just after entering the Xuanxue Island, and then enslaved the ancestor Long Jiao through the trap of catching the yin, and by the way, the ancestor of the earth dragon who took advantage of the fire was taken as his subordinate.

Afterwards, the idea of ​​a three-dimensional attack system was conceived. Babadily planned to completely enslaves the Asoke clan. Since then, with the three races, a solid foundation has been laid on Xuanxue Island.

To be honest, with Tang Junming’s power on Xuanxue Island at this moment, he can completely sweep the entire Sheng Tang Dynasty. Even if one hundred or one thousand Sheng Tang Dynasty are tied together, I am afraid it is not the dragon tree clan, the earth dragon clan and the blue bird. The opponent of the family.

Looking at the large number of men and horses under his command, Tang Junming's face was full of smiles. Now that the power is established, it is time to deal with the bloodthirsty and evil apes.

However, before starting the war with the bloodthirsty apes, Tang Junming has one more thing to do, and that is to send the elites and seed masters of the dragon tree clan, the earth dragon clan, the sky bird clan to a safe blue star, and they can also Help Tang Junming guard the blue star.

With proper consideration, Tang Junming asked the three major dragon ancestors to gather the future seeds of a part of the races to enter the Blue Star. Of course, there is no nine-level existence among them. After all, the permanent space passage of Kunlun Sacred Mountain can only accommodate the free entry and exit of eight-level existence at most.

But even so, it is enough for the three major races to send most of their ethnic seeds to a safe place.

As for the precious ninth-level existence, Tang Junming left a part to carry with him as his attack weapon, and the rest let them hide in a safe place, and then he was ready to deal with the bloodthirsty apes.

Fire and Blood Cavern!

One of the important blood essence stone producing areas of the bloodthirsty ape family. It is said that a large number of low-grade blood essence stones and middle-grade blood essence stones can be produced every year, and even occasional high-grade blood essence stones appear. One of the richest mines in Blood Island.

In order to protect this place, the bloodthirsty ape clan has arranged twelve nine-level mythological existences. Among them, there are three mythological existences of ninth-level perfection. The other nine are all above the mid-level ninth level. You can see from here. The bloodthirsty ape family attaches great importance to the fiery blood cave.

Tang Junming chose this place, besides wanting to enslave more ninth-level perfect mythical fierce apes, it was naturally because of the massive blood essence stones here.

Tang Junming is very poor now.

The Fire and Blood Caverns are nearly ten thousand miles in circumference, like a volcanic crater. The top is narrow and the bottom is wide. The exit is only a few hundred miles in radius. However, the various mine tunnels below stretch endlessly, covering ten thousand miles, and the height is even thousands of miles. It can be seen that it is huge.

The bloodthirsty ape clan mines a large amount of blood essence stones every year, and at the same time pours a large amount of blood into the fire blood cave. The hot blood is like a red flame, so it is called the fire blood cave.

For thousands of years, the bloodthirsty ape clan did not know how many beasts had been killed here, and they poured their blood into the fiery blood cave. It can be said that this is a completely fierce land, hated by countless races on Xuanxue Island.

If it weren't for the huge power of the bloodthirsty apes, I'm afraid that the various tribes of Xuanxue Island would have destroyed the fiery blood cave long ago.

In order to protect the Fire and Blood Caverns, the bloodthirsty ape family has laid a third-order formation here-Ape Fighting Heavenly Formation, which is also the most famous third-order formation of the bloodthirsty ape family, but Tang Junming The formation can be said to be well understood.

Not only did this great formation of ape fight heaven fail to stop Tang Junming, but Tang Junming spent several days quietly cracking it, and instead was used by him.

After making full preparations~lightnovelpub.net~ Tang Junming only then used the other way to give back to the other body, and with the help of the great array of Ape Fighting Heaven, he quietly entered the depths of the Fire and Blood Cavern, which is also the Fire and Blood Cavern. Where his warehouse is, quietly laid a swamp and sinking formation here.

In order to avoid the leakage of news, Tang Junming even arranged a third-tier superior moon-shielding fog array outside the entire fire and blood cave, and he also set up a large shielding array with several nine-level perfect dragon trees to shield the moon and fog array. attack.

"Ten Thousand Dragons Demon Array!"

"The swamp sinks into the mountains!"

"Seven evil spirit lock formation!"


Tang Junming's power was fully opened as soon as he shot, and several nine-level perfect dragon trees of Tianjiao, led by the ancestor of Longjiao, laid out a number of arrays, and swallowed mountains and rivers with energy to live in the twelfths around the warehouse of the fire and blood cave The ninth-level bloodthirsty ape includes all of them.

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