Urban: 999 Sets of Luxury Homes Will Be Rewarded For Signing In

Chapter 132: shock the world

Ye Chen completed the first step of the test, and then began to walk a few steps.

Boom boom boom!

The huge fuselage walked quickly in the laboratory.

Although the mecha is cumbersome, it walks very lightly.

In the end, Ye Chen even ran up and jumped up in the huge experimental chamber.


Ye Chen felt that the mecha he made was simply too bullish.

"The test is over."

At this moment, Ye Chen's cell phone rang.

"Mr. Ye, how is your mecha experiment?" Long Tian called.

Recently, the mecha made by the island country and the eagle country has gone viral on the Internet, which has put a lot of pressure on China.

"I did an experiment just now. The first step is considered successful."

During this time, Ye Chen signed in and received a lot of rewards.

Including the neuron technology applied to the mecha and the fusion technology of mecha alloys, they are all exchanged through the system sign-in.

Ye Chen said, and sent the mecha production video to Long Tian.

Long Tian turned on the computer and was completely shocked to see the content in the video.

Oh my god, this is too awesome.

In front of the mecha made by Ye Chen, the thing made by the island country and the eagle country is simply a child's toy.

There is a huge gap between the technology contained in Ye Chen Mecha and the current technology.

This gap is at least several decades.

It can even be used as an inappropriate analogy. The mecha studied by Ye Chen is a product from the future, which cannot be achieved by modern technology.

This is where Ye Chen's technology is awesome.

At this time, the video of the island country and the Eagle country mecha on the Internet is still going viral.

"Hey, there is still a gap in China's technology."

"When will China have our own mecha?"

"Too awesome, envious."

"What are the scientists in China doing?"


Ye Chen glanced at the news and raised the corners of his mouth.

When China's mecha is exposed, it is estimated that the world will be shocked.

But Ye Chen didn't bother to care about these things, so he slept beautifully.

These days, Ye Chen is indeed too sleepy to engage in scientific research in black and white.

Almost at the same time, a video of Ye Chen's mecha experiment was released on the Internet.

As soon as this video was released, the whole China became a sensation.

"Let me go, is this the mecha made by our country?"

"That's right, it must be from China, you see there is a national flag on it."

"Awesome, my country."

"It's too dick."

"It turns out that China also has such a great god-level scientist."

"It feels like the mecha announced by Eagle Nation is **** compared to our mecha?"

At this moment, in the conference room of China.

Several old experts were completely shocked by the mecha experiment in the video.

They have watched it countless times.

"Oh my God, this technology is beyond our knowledge."

"Is this really made by Mr. Ye in a month?"

"If the video is real, it's amazing."

In the video, the huge mecha moves quickly, without any cumbersome feeling.

Jumping, running, and even Ye Chen punched a set of combo punches when he was experimenting.

If this mech is put into battle, it is definitely a super killer!

At this moment, in an office in Eagle Country.

Experts from the island country and the eagle country looked sullen.

Especially the experts in island countries, he almost roared.

"This is impossible. This must be synthesized by Huaguo Computer."

However, the Eagle Country experts sighed.

"We have asked experts to appraise it, and this video is indeed true."


The island expert plopped and sat on the sofa behind him.

After ten years of day-to-day experiments, they finally succeeded.

However, I found that what I had made turned out to be rubbish.

In front of the mecha made by Ye Chen, their mecha is almost no different from scrap iron.

At this time, a bald head walked in.

His face is solemn.

"What do you think of this mecha?" The bald head said coldly.

The island country expert took a deep breath and said: "I feel that this video cannot be real. How can such a heavy body be so flexible, and the technology of human-machine exchange can't even reach such a speed, or even a percentage. I can’t do either of them. I don’t believe that Huaguo’s technology has developed beyond ours for decades."

The blonde scientist also nodded: "We still need to further verify the authenticity of this video, and I don't think it is possible."

"By the way, who made this mecha?" the blonde scientist asked.

The bald head said coldly: "According to our information, it was made by a scientist from China named Ye Chen."

The blond scientist took a deep breath and said, "Can this young man dig it?"

The bald head shook his head: "He is now closely protected by China, and we have no chance to contact him."

The blond scientist looked cold: "If he can't be dug up, he must be destroyed. This person is too dangerous for us."

The bald head said: "We have already done this work. Unfortunately, the first assassination failed. Don't worry, we will continue to arrange it."


Ye Chen slept and woke up.

Saw the online comments.

Sure enough, the official can't wait to send the video out.

This video also caused a sensation in China.

However, there are also two opinions on the Internet.

One is that I am very excited about the mechas made by China, and even regarded the people who made mechas as idols.

But another keyboard man pointed out that this video is fake.

"How can China's science continue to surpass the Eagle Country? This video must be fake."

"That is, it took ten years of joint research between the Eagle Country and the island country to produce the mecha. We have never heard of news in this regard. Suddenly a mecha is absolutely fake.


There are constant debates on the Internet.

Ye Chen closed the news after watching the news for a while.

He called Li Yaqi.

Recently, I haven't met Akei because of the experiment, so I usually contact him by phone.

He kind of missed Li Yaqi.

"Aki, come and play in my lab."

Li Yaqi said excitedly: "I saw it on the Internet, did your mecha experiment succeed?"

Ye Chen nodded: "Well, it's a success. You are the first person to see me making mechas."

"Great, I will go now, but your laboratory has become a military control zone. You have to say hello to me."

Ye Chen gave a wry smile.

Since the last assassination occurred, China has tightened his security.

No one is allowed to approach his super lab.

Ye Chen called Long Tian.

"My girlfriend comes to the lab to see me, let her come in."

Long Tian nodded: "Mr. Ye, when can I see your mecha?"

Ye Chen smiled and said, "The mecha production has not yet been completed. After it is completed, I will surprise you."

"Okay, okay, I look forward to this day."

Ye Chen hung up the phone, went to the computer, and started editing the code.

After entering the last piece of code, Ye Chen took a deep breath.

Click-artificial intelligence to start!