Urban: I Am God

Chapter 188: I'm not really worried

Chapter 188 I'm Really Not Worried

"Mr. Hu, now there is such a strike in the company, what are you going to do in the future?" Another shareholder hurriedly asked.

"You don't have to worry about this. Don't worry, the company's management will take care of this kind of thing. You shareholders can just wait for the dividend at the end of the year." Hu Fei waved his hand and said.

Several shareholders almost fell to the ground, no, can you point your face when you speak, where is the management of the company now? You just fired all the management at the front, and then you said that the management of the company will deal with it? Can your words be reliable?

"Several, do you have anything to do? If it's okay, I'll go riding first. If you are interested, you can find a few horses. I have bought all the horses here. Especially those horses are very good. I have decided to match them with my Mongolian horses, there may be any new and powerful breeds.” Hu Fei pointed at the horses in the distance with a smile.

Fairmont looked down Hu Fei's finger and almost became angry. The horses Hu Fei pointed to were the same horses that he had before, but they didn't belong to him now. Something like that happened before. Fairmont naturally couldn't ask for it, and the racetrack paid him compensation according to the market price.

He can't do anything about it, what else do you want if they act according to the rules and give compensation? As for what to do with the horses afterwards, it had nothing to do with him, but he didn't expect Hu Fei to buy them directly.

Several shareholders looked at each other in dismay. What else did they want to say? Hu Fei had already put his arms around the reins of the horse, tapped the belly of the horse with both feet, and left immediately.

Now what they wanted to say, they didn't say anything. But what other options do they have now? There is no choice at all.

Several shareholders could only say goodbye. After leaving, these shareholders quickly gathered together again, "Fairmont, what do you say now?"

"Do you mean to blame me?" Fairmont said with a sneer.

"Didn't you bring it to this point? I said to take it slow. You suggested to do it all at once. What's the result now? What have you done? Even your own horse has fallen into the hands of others." Another shareholder said with a sneer.

"Didn't you agree at that time?" Fairmont looked at him with a gloomy face.

"Okay, don't talk about it, it's too late to say this now, what are your opinions now?" the third shareholder asked.

"I'll say it first, I'm not going to participate, I didn't agree very much at the beginning." One of them said simply.

"Yes, I didn't force it anyway, it's okay not to participate, but you know if you can leak the things here." Fairmont said directly.

The shareholder glanced at Fairmont and sneered: "Don't people know if it's leaked? Don't worry, I'm not that stupid."

After speaking, regardless of their expressions, the shareholder turned around and left.

"What do we say now?" another shareholder asked.

"The power of the media." The previous shareholder glanced at Fairmont. Fairmont owns the largest media group in Italy. In this regard, it is natural to see what Fairmont means.

"No problem." Fairmont nodded simply. As a media boss, Fairmont naturally knew how to deal with it.

"Let's take into account the influence of diplomacy." Another shareholder hesitated.

Everyone was silent for a while. If Hu Fei was an Italian, there would be no problem, but Hu Fei was not. Even if Hu Fei was a European, it would be easy to deal with. important partner.

Not to mention that many of the current cooperation between China and the EU is stepping up the pace.

"I will control the degree. Normal reporting is always fine." Fairmont shook his head and said. He also had some pity in his heart. If it was decades ago, no, it would be more than ten years ago. He would not have such concerns.

But now he has to think about it, at least some unlimited means can't be used.

However, he is not very worried about this. This is a very big thing, and the media should report it normally.

The next day, the labor union of Tianma Group officially announced the workers' strike, which started a wave of protests. Almost at the same time, the outside of Hu Fei's hotel was surrounded by a lot of media.

But they were at the gate of the hotel, because Hu Fei had already packed the entire hotel, so it was impossible for them to come in at all, and the security outside blocked them directly.

In addition, this incident has also caused a huge sensation on the Italian Internet. After all, Tianma Group has always been the pride of Italy in Italy, but now it suddenly broke out that the Italian Tianma Group has workers on strike? This is the first time.

Although various strikes are often seen in the West, this is the first time for Tianma Group, but this is not the point. The point is that for the first time they know that the real owner of Tianma Group is not Italian or European. People, but actually Chinese!

This is simply unimaginable!

Therefore, even if Fairmont didn't say hello, these reporters would probably just want to rush into Hu Fei's hotel and tie Hu Fei there for an interview.

But it is doomed that they can't get in at all.

"Mr. Hu, these reporters want to interview you. Are we going to be interviewed?" Yang Zhengpeng looked at Hu Fei and asked.

"Accept, why not?" Hu Fei rolled his eyes and said quickly.

"Tell them~lightnovelpub.net~ I can answer 3 questions, I can accept their interview in half an hour, and let the people outside prepare, let's go out for a walk today." Hu Fei said simply .

"Yes, sir." Yang Zhengpeng nodded simply and said.

Half an hour later, after Hu Fei changed his clothes, he appeared at the gate of the hotel on time. When Hu Fei appeared, a group of reporters immediately surrounded him.

"Mr. Hu..."

"Mr. Hu..."


Countless microphones stretched out, but Hu Fei's bodyguards directly blocked these reporters out, and they couldn't get close at all.

"Everyone be quiet, I have ordered three people, and I can answer your three questions." Hu Fei said loudly.

These reporters fell silent immediately, knowing that if they continued to argue, they would probably not get a single question.

"This reporter friend." Hu Fei pointed to one of the girls who looked pleasing to the eye and said.

"Mr. Hu, there has never been a strike in Tianma Group's history. Is this strike related to your taking over the company? Did you respond to the labor union's reasonable request for higher wages?" He asked directly with a crackle.

(End of this chapter)