Urban: I Am God

Chapter 201: You bite me on purpose (on)

Chapter 201 You bite me on purpose (1)

Arturo was interviewed here, and Fairmont in the office was watching it on TV. He wanted to see what the **** had to say, but when he heard Arturo's words, Fairmont directly put the The pen holder slammed into the TV.

"I'm mad at me, I'm mad at me." Fairmont's whole person is not good, Arturo's words are too cheap, what is the treatment of Tianma Group is better than that of Fairmont Media, since the other party can propose Such a request, can we also make such a request?

Is this a **** industry? you compare? The question is, is there anything wrong with Arturo's words for other ordinary people? No problem! Since the workers of the Tianma Group can make such a request, of course we can, not to mention that the wages of the workers of the Renjia Group are almost double ours.

Looking at it this way, after we raise our salary by 70%, it is still not as good as other people's original salary, so is there any problem with our strike?

I have to say that Arturo's words not only made Fairmont mad, but at this moment even the other senior management of the media group who were watching the TV report were caught off guard, no... this is not what we are reporting about Tianma Group ? How suddenly, this strike happened to our group itself?

"Mr. Arturo, do you mean that the group encouraged you to strike?" a reporter at the gate asked loudly as if he had been beaten.

"Of course, because our group's employees have watched a lot of interviews on our TV station recently, haven't many TV stations recently invited a lot of experts and professors? These experts analyzed from various aspects Tianma Group's salary increase for Tianma Group employees. Necessity, after our workers listened to it, they were deeply inspired, so we also decided to go on strike with a pay increase."

"Because according to these experts, if we don't raise our salaries, we won't be able to live." Arturo said solemnly.

"Hahaha..." Hu Fei, who was sitting in the hotel at the moment, laughed wildly again, Nima, it's interesting, interesting, very interesting, this Arturo is very good, but I don't know if Fairmont is mad at the moment. ?

Fairmont was not mad, because he had smashed the TV and couldn't see what Arturo said later, but other senior management of Fairmont Media Group heard what Arturo said, After listening, they almost dropped their jaws.

Do you want face? Do you want a B face? They wanted to grab Arturo's collar and say, what we are analyzing is the situation of Tianma Group, what does it have to do with us?

Then the problem came. After reading the analysis of the experts and professors hired by their own family, they suddenly had an epiphany, oh, if we don’t raise wages, we will not be able to live without raising wages, and then these workers also decided to strike. , is this right or wrong?

The leaders of these group companies could not help but fall into contemplation.

What Arturo didn't even think of himself was that these words were actually an idea given to him by one of Arturo's subordinates. I have to say that when his subordinate said this idea, Arturo Luo also admired it, he was so calm and flattered, and Fairmont had nothing to say.

You see, the expert was hired by you, right? The analysis program is also held by you, right? Our own workers stopped, and suddenly we opened up the second line of Ren and Du, and had an epiphany. Is it wrong? It's okay, old man!

So, let's get a raise too!

But Arturo didn't expect that when he persuaded the workers at first, he didn't use this statement. In fact, although these workers agreed, some of them were still in the heart, but he saw that so many people agreed. Agree not, reluctantly agree.

But as soon as Arturo's interview came out, all these workers saw it, and after hearing what Arturo said, these workers, think about it carefully, Nima, there's nothing wrong with it!

What our trade union chairman said is very reasonable! The TV station itself has analyzed it. We can't survive without a salary increase. Why don't we increase our salary?

Many workers who had a cold reaction to this incident suddenly became enthusiastic. It was as if the strike was what they wanted to start.

Never overestimate the IQ of some workers, especially those of European and American workers.

Arturo really did not expect that his speech in this interview would ignite the enthusiasm of all the strikers. After he finished the interview, his phone was blown up. Many workers were very enthusiastic. Announced that Arturo is doing well, Arturo said it is good, they will firmly support Arturo's request for a salary increase.

Some reporters went to interview some of these workers. They just wanted to see if the union had obtained the permission of the workers. Who knew that when they interviewed, they found that the workers were very emotional and were very user of Arturo. As if Arturo is some kind of hero who saves the world.

This wave of operations, let alone Fairmont, these reporters and media did not expect, even Arturo himself did not expect, because after a day passed, Arturo was a little surprised to find that special, he was in the guild My reputation has actually risen to the top, and I have received unprecedented support from the workers~lightnovelpub.net~ This... Arturo has some MMPs in his heart, you grandchildren, you don't usually see you supporting me, what's the matter? Are you so excited to give you a salary increase? But after the MMP in his heart, Arturo was also a little excited. I have never felt like a hero like today.

No wonder so many people like to be leaders, it's so cool to have a lot of responses. Arturo felt that even if Hu Fei didn't give him the money at this moment, he was willing to carry on the strike.

Fairmont still knew the entire content of Arturo's speech. I don't know, and the people below didn't dare to hide it, but after knowing it, Fairmont was directly fainted again. Could it be that all this is me? Caused by yourself?

It's just that not long after Fairmont was admitted to the hospital, Hu Fei decided to accept an interview with a news media himself. Of course, this time the interview was not with the News Corporation under Fairmont's name, because Hu Fei was afraid that their News Corporation would even be a It's an interview, so it probably won't be released.

"That's right, I invited a few reporter friends over because I made a decision." Hu Fei smiled and said with a smile as he looked at the few reporters in front of him.

"I won't answer any questions today, I just want to say that I watched Mr. Arturo's speech today, and I agree with Mr. Arturo's speech! So I have made a major decision!" Hu Fei said There is a pause here.

(End of this chapter)