Urban: I Am God

Chapter 228: Let foreigners appreciate the fear of Bo

Chapter 228 Let Foreigners Understand Boss Hu's Fear

How to cooperate? These matters do not need to be handled by Hu Fei. In fact, it is a strategic cooperation. It is very simple. Hu Fei bought both companies. After reaching this condition, you can discuss the rest by yourself. Any premise is important, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with negotiating.

Both companies are one boss, but although both are independent companies, cooperation with each other is definitely more free from suspicion than cooperation between two completely independent companies.

After all, the big boss of both companies is the same, and some things are much easier to negotiate.

After leaving the BMW Group, Hu Fei didn't care whether Anthony was arrested by the police. He sat with Kevanquant through Kruger's connection.

"Hello, Mr. Kefan, what do you think of my proposal?" Hu Fei asked with a smile.

"Of course I have no problem. I'm not interested in running the company, as long as the company can maintain a state of high progress." Ke Fan said with a slight smile.

To be honest, Ke Fan was really surprised when he first learned about this matter, but no matter how surprised he is, it has become a fact. 61% of the shares have been in the hands of others, Hu Fei, and these things cannot be changed. , whether he likes it or not.

People have already completed the acquisition of BMW, even though the shares in his hands are also quite large, but it has not affected the operation of too many groups, not to mention, Kefan is not prepared to interfere in the operation of BMW Group.

"Then it's no problem, trust me, the cooperation will benefit both, and the company's development is getting better and better." Hu Fei said seriously.

"Of course, I definitely believe this. I have no opinion on this, but Mr. Hu, I have a question to ask you." Ke Fan hesitated and said.

"You said." Hu Fei nodded immediately.

"Is that so, my sister sold the shares to you? I know, is it for a man." Ke Fan hesitated, then asked.

"Yes." Hu Fei nodded, there was nothing to hide, after all, they were brothers and sisters, although the relationship between brothers and sisters did not seem to be any better.

"Sigh." Ke Fan sighed, but didn't say anything, just nodded and said, "Mr. Hu, thank you, don't worry, Mr. Hu, I will definitely not have any opinion on BMW."

"That's it, if you have a chance, Mr. Kefan, you are welcome to go to China." Hu Fei said with a smile and stretched out his hand.

"Then I will definitely contact Mr. Hu at that time." Ke Fan immediately smiled and nodded.

"In this way, I will ask someone to invite you to Mr. Kefan. The Silver Wings Pegasus Club welcomes you to join Mr. Kefan." Hu Fei said with a smile.

"Really? Then I'm really honored." Ke Fan was stunned for a moment, and then immediately said with a look of joy.

He didn't expect that there would be such an accident, and he actually had the opportunity to join the Silver Wings Pegasus Club. He had heard of this club of course, not to mention other things. Just some of the big guys in it had a great influence on business. broad.

Although the Quant family has a lot of business, apart from BMW, other aspects are more limited to Germany, and the international influence is not particularly large.

"We are friends." Hu Fei said with a smile.

After solving the matter here at Kevanquant, the rest is much simpler.

A few days ago, the conversation between Hu Fei and Anthony on Facebook was very popular, especially when many domestic netizens came out to play.

Now that the matter is resolved, it is natural to post on Facebook. Don't think that there are no trolls abroad, and there are still many trolls. At the very least, there are many foreign netizens scolding Hu Fei under Hu Fei's Facebook, and these people scold him much more harshly than domestic scolds.

Every move is something like shooting you in the head.

"Today I tell those who scold me that I officially hold 61% of the shares of BMW Group, and I just announced the dismissal of Anthony and other former presidents of Tianma Group, and I have called the police. As for those of you who support Anthony Yes, continue to support him. After he joined BMW, he not only failed to comply with the non-compete agreement, but also sold the company's confidential information. Are you supporting such a person who has no professional ethics?"

Although Hu Fei's current Facebook page is not as large as his number on Weibo, he still has more than 100,000 followers, and many of these foreigners are Hu Fei's fans. After coming out, the following reply was stunned.

"ohmygod! My God, did you just buy 61% of a new car company just to punish a few former employees?"

"What's the situation? I want to know whether Hu is for the next step of the group's strategic development, or is it just for the dismissal of these employees? If it's the latter... this is too willful, right?"

"Are the Chinese people so rich now? Companies with tens of billions of dollars buy when they want to buy it? Isn't it Jack Ma, the richest man in China? This person doesn't seem to be surnamed Ma, right? Or did I get China wrong? The person's last name?"

"You're right upstairs, it has nothing to do with what you said about Jack."


Foreign netizens are relatively serious, but you can't help but there are countless idle and boring fans in China who are flipping through Facebook~lightnovelpub.net~ Especially if these fans still understand English, then you can't bear it. .

Almost not long after Hu Fei posted on Facebook, some netizens directly reprinted and translated them to China, and also very thoughtfully reprinted and translated a considerable part of the comments of foreign netizens.

"Hahaha, these foreign netizens are friendly and lovely, for the next step of the group's strategic development? Nima, you all think too much, we can tell you bluntly, in the eyes of Boss Hu, what the heck is strategic development? Strategy? How can it be fun for me to punish employees for development?"

"66666, obviously these foreign netizens have little knowledge. In order to punish a few employees for buying a car company? Basic operations, basic operations, no 6, no 6. This is nothing, Boss Hu has done a lot more than this, Is there any brother who went over the wall to teach a big brother abroad and get to know our boss Hu again?"

"I think it's time for the big brothers abroad to feel the fear of being dominated by Boss Hu. These are all basic operations."

Don't tell me, there are really boring fans who just jumped over the wall, but not all fans can speak English, what should I do? At this time, the role of the translation software came into play. Under Hu Fei's Facebook, popular science articles from countless domestic fans appeared, and Hu Fei looked at it with a dazed expression.