Urban: I Am God

Chapter 245: who did it?

?Chapter 245 Who did it?

The Munich Police Department is under tremendous pressure, not only the police department, but even the security services of the German government have been mobilized, and the impact of this incident is too great.

First of all, there seems to be a wave of firefighting in the suburbs of the city, but when the police went there, apart from bullets, bombs, bloodstains, etc., not a single corpse was left at the scene, obviously the incident happened not long before they went. , but the scene seems to have happened for a long time.

Well, that factory belongs to Legoff. Although the Munich police do not have much evidence against him, he is actually the focus of attention whether it is Interpol or the German police, so there must be an accident there. related to him.

But then, a local big man, the billionaire's son Charles, disappeared directly, not only disappeared, but also transferred more than 800 million US dollars through transfers! Then the other party's family immediately called the police, and when they rushed over, they found that Charles was gone.

In an instant, the Munich Police Department has linked the two incidents. Charles was kidnapped as soon as there was an accident on Legoff's side. Especially according to the police report, Legoff seems to have offended someone recently, and the funds are huge. gap, and now that Charles has been kidnapped, is there any need to say the result?

Just when the police were frantically looking for someone, a forest fire broke out in the suburban forest, which is nearly tens of kilometers away from Munich. The most important thing is that it may have been arson. When the fire department and the police rushed over, it was more than ten kilometers away. Leman, a log cabin in an abandoned lumber mill, where they found Charles.

But when they found it, Charles' body was already hard, and Charles' tragic state shocked many police officers. It is conceivable how much torture he suffered.

Cape Charles' father, Cape Glück, is crazy. He is just such a son, but now this son has been tortured and killed in Munich. With the influence of the Cape family in Europe, Munich The pressure on the police station is not so great.

But now they can't find Legoff and others at all. They don't know if they escaped or went somewhere. Anyway, they can't find any trace of them at all. Although the entire German internal police system has been alerted, it is difficult for people like Legoff to escape.

The last remaining way was to track the money transferred by Charles, but the money was soon transferred to dozens or hundreds of accounts, and then began to be transferred in various countries around the world.

Even within the EU, it is not easy to retrieve and track the transfer data of a bank, let alone jump from one bank to another bank, and then continue to jump, especially if they start the investigation passively, then This speed is even slower.

It is not so easy to get relevant authorization to retrieve data from these banks, and by that time the daylilies will be cold. At least in the short term, that money has no idea where it will go, let alone when it leaves the EU and goes to other countries, it will be even more difficult.

The Quant family, when Kevanquant got the news, he was also silent for a while, because there was another idea in Kevanquant's mind, but no one would say this idea, because He himself made random guesses, but there was an idea in his heart that this matter had something to do with Hu Fei.

Charles just offended Hu Fei, and then something happened? Is there such a coincidence? Of course, what happened to Charles was terrible, and the skirmish with Hu Fei seemed unnecessary.

But Ke Fan knew Charles very well, because he was afraid that Charles was courting his own death, and he had provoked Hu Fei after that night, but these days, it seemed that he hadn't heard anything similar.

However, if this was true, Ke Fan felt a little terrified, because it meant that Hu Fei's power in Europe was terrifyingly strong. Could this be the power of the family in his family tree?

"Mr. Glück, this is what Master Charles has experienced recently. He does seem to have offended someone." In the Cape family's manor, a housekeeper handed a document to the gloomy middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man took the document and opened it without saying a word. When he saw the person in the document, he immediately raised his eyebrows: "Hu Fei? Does Charles have a conflict with this person?"

"Yes, at the banquet of Mr. Kefan, it seems that it was caused by the jealousy of Emma Watson. At the reception, Master Charles tried to deliberately pour red wine on Hu Fei and Emma Watson, and then After being avoided by Hu Fei, he was humiliated again, and then Mr. Kefan came forward, and Master Charles left there angrily."

"Then a friend of Master Charles sent the video of Hu Fei and that Emma Watson going upstairs to make out to Master Charles, and then Master Charles called an unfamiliar number. I don't know the content, but according to our investigation , that phone number should belong to Legoff." The butler quickly said everything.

"So, this Chinese is very suspicious?" Gluck asked in a deep voice.

"...It can only be said that Master Charles has contacted Legoff. I don't know the content, but it should be impossible for this Chinese to have such power in Europe." The butler hesitated for a while, but decided to tell the truth.

The atmosphere in the room became quiet for a while.

"This may not be what he did, but if it wasn't for him, Charles would not have contacted the devil in Legoff, and Charles would not have an accident. Let me find out what this man is doing in Germany." Gluck directly He slammed the information in his hand onto the table.

"Yes, sir."


Hu Fei didn't think about this~lightnovelpub.net~ He was using his mobile phone to swipe Weibo, mainly because Hu Fei's recent lawsuit against Facebook not only caused a huge sensation abroad, but also in China. It occupied the headlines for several days, and the sensation abroad was caused by many domestic fans of Hu Fei who took the initiative to jump over the wall and "brush" the popularity.

Therefore, our domestic netizens are cute, not to mention that Weibo is still our own company, and of course we have to support our own company.

However, several days have passed since this incident. With the timeliness of modern news, news that can last for a few days is considered a big hit, so the number one trending search on Weibo has naturally changed today.

#A university professor has researched that human beings will die within a few years#

#A professor studies the increase of cosmic energy#

These are the top two hot searches. Hu Fei just saw it. I don't know why, but seeing this title, Hu Fei's heart couldn't help but move, and then he clicked on the details.