Urban: I Am God

Chapter 343: conversation between men

Chapter 343 The topic between men

But cultural export, you must have a reasonable form to export. In fact, it has been discussed in China all these years. Otherwise, if you can't find a suitable point, it will become the current situation in the domestic film and television industry, that is, almost all of them play by themselves.

You see, many movies with super high box office in China are almost all caused by the domestic market, most of which are in Asia. This is still due to the cultural export of our ancestors, which has caused the whole country around China to be deeply affected by it. Influence of Chinese culture.

So does cultural export matter? Of course it matters! Just look at the countries around China, and you will understand how strong the cultural output of our ancestors is!

In modern society, the film and television industry has such an important task.

So Hu Fei will not refuse this.

Hu Fei and Wang Lin were in a high-end restaurant, and they belonged to the kind of high-end restaurants that were relatively private. There were not many locations, but they were concealed enough and had enough privacy.

Yang Yiqing and Wang Lin's girlfriend went to play in another room. There were only Hu Fei and Wang Lin in this room.

"Hey, I said, you are so awesome." Wang Lin smiled and gave Hu Fei a thumbs up.

"No, although I know I'm very good, but you keep praising me, I wonder if you like me." Hu Fei asked Wang Lin speechlessly.

"Fuck off, I like women, I mean, you are the richest man in the world now, and you are still so young, all men like is money and women, you don't like either money anymore, but you won't be interested in the third one. Right?" Wang Lin looked at Hu Fei and said.

"Go away, you're not interested." Hu Fei rolled his eyes.

"Then your secretary looks like a young boy." Wang Lin also said speechlessly, "Don't tell me, your private secretary, are you planning to let her find another man as her boyfriend?"

When two men sit together, they are naturally talking about women, just as women like to talk about men when they are together.

"Uh... I don't like forcing people." Hu Fei choked, thought about it carefully, asked Yang Yiqing to find another man? Hu Fei thought it was impossible. This is not a question of possessiveness or not, but a question of ability.

To put it a bit harsher, Yang Yiqing knows too many secrets of Hu Fei. If he finds another man, what if that man has an idea about Hu Fei's property? To tell the truth, Hu Fei's fingers showed a little bit, which is estimated to be an astronomical sum.

Right now, Yang Yiqing has enough authority to transfer tens of billions from Hu Fei's account, even without Hu Fei knowing.

Of course, this is unpleasant. It is difficult to get to this stage. The main reason is that it is not easy for Yang Yiqing to find a boyfriend. First of all, which man can tolerate his girlfriend almost 24 hours a day with another man ? Little to no personal space?

Even if this can be tolerated, it is almost impossible for two people to have time to date, so naturally they will not be together.

In addition, with a role model as big as Hu Fei by his side, what kind of man can get into Yang Yiqing's eyes? Is there anyone better than Hu Fei?

It doesn't mean that Hu Fei is excellent, but he is not afraid of comparing goods if he does not know the goods. Although Hu Fei inherited the money, in fact, Hu Fei is messing around everywhere now. Has his assets increased?

Therefore, Yang Yiqing is destined to end up being Hu Fei's woman, who cannot escape.

It seems difficult to imagine in this modern monogamous society, but in fact, how many ordinary people know about the real life of the real rich people?

It’s like, at a barbecue stand, two drinking bragging and spraying Apple President Cook there, saying that Cook’s measure was wrong, that measure was wrong, and that caused the sales of Apple’s new mobile phones to plummet, what should be done.

It seems to be no problem at first, but if you think about it carefully, if you have a monthly salary of less than 10,000 yuan, you are going to spray a CEO with a market value of nearly one trillion US dollars across the group. Why would you? Even if other people's measures fail, but they are not much better than you? Do you know if others know?

If you were really that awesome, you would have already made your mark. Talent is really hard to hide.

Therefore, it is not to say that it is difficult to imagine that Hu Fei has several women at the same time, but at least there are some things, which is also an unspoken rule.

It doesn't mean that men and women are not equal. If a woman can achieve such an achievement as Hu Fei, there are still several men around her, believe it or not? Let's just say that the famous Wendi Deng, after his divorce from Merck, didn't he find a young and handsome man ten years younger than her? And she only sleeps with that one man?

Besides Wang Lin next to him, changing girlfriends is faster than buying clothes. Look at how many people on the Internet call Wang Lin a scumbag, and some of Wang Lin's girlfriends jumped out to try to force Wang Lin. ? Or to put it more bluntly, when these women slept with Wang Lin, didn't they know that it was impossible for them to marry Wang Lin?

But why are they still rushing, it's not because Wang Lin can't let them suffer.

"Let's go with the flow, she can't run anyway." Hu Fei shrugged and said.

"That's why I said you are awesome. Anyway, if I had such a beautiful woman by my side, I couldn't help it." Wang Lin shrugged and said.

"Can I be the same as you? I am such a good man, thinking like your lower body..." Hu Fei said solemnly, Wang Lin rolled his eyes beside him, just halfway through, Hu Fei's phone suddenly rang. He picked up the phone and looked at it, it was Yang Yiqing.

Hu Fei was a little strange. Yang Yiqing was next door. Why did he make a call? Hu Fei answered the phone directly: "What's wrong?"

"Master, Sister Bao is here, do you want to bring her here?" Yang Yiqing asked.

"Come here." Hu Fei was a little surprised, but said indifferently.

"Okay." Yang Yiqing quickly hung up the phone.

More than ten minutes later, there was a knock on the door of the room, and then Yang Yiqing took Bao Qingyu to push the door and walked in. Yang Yiqing didn't come in. After Bao Qingyu came in, she closed the door and left.

"Why are you here?" Wang Lin next to him asked curiously.

"Why can't I be here, I just happened to talk to someone about an endorsement contract." Bao Qingyu found a seat without a word and sat down casually.

"What are you doing sitting so far away? Come here." Hu Fei couldn't help laughing, he stretched out his hand and patted the seat next to him.

Bao Qingyu paused, then stood up, then walked to Hu Fei's side and sat down.

"Er??" Wang Lin next to him looked suspiciously at the two of them~lightnovelpub.net~ what were they looking at. Hu Fei rolled his eyes at him, and he was not polite. He stretched out his hand and took Bao Qingyu's hand in it and asked, "When did you come back?" "

Bao Qingyu looked at Hu Fei in surprise. She didn't take the initiative to talk to Hu Fei just now, thinking that Hu Fei didn't want outsiders to know her relationship with him, so she pretended to be normal, but Hu Fei didn't hide it at all, which made Bao Qingyu Qing Yu's eyes were a little surprised and moved.

Although she may be a goddess in the eyes of other ordinary men, in the eyes of people like Hu Fei, Bao Qingyu is very clear that she is like an ancient actress, there is no difference.

"No, what's your situation?" Wang Lin was completely stunned.

"There's nothing wrong, didn't there be someone on the Internet who always blackmailed her and said she'd slept with me? So I just didn't do it again and again, and really slept her." Hu Fei shrugged his shoulders and said.

Wang Lin: "..." Wang Lin was immediately speechless, and after a long time he gave Hu Fei a thumbs up: "You are awesome, I take back what I just said, you have shown that home flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers."