Urban: I Am God

Chapter 377: this is just the beginning

Chapter 377 This is just the beginning

President Wen is really angry to death, do you guys have any guts? You are also the president of a country. As a result, you were beaten up and a sum of money was taken from you. Want to be someone's dog leg?

But now, they really can't do anything about it. It's mainly because of excuses made by others, so that they can't find any faults at all. Any country has zero tolerance for terrorist organizations, so they can only use the excuse to ask the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to negotiate with the other party. For a moment, if there is no inspection result, let them release as soon as possible.

Although the oil refining industry in the country is extremely developed, they do not have crude oil. Almost all crude oil has to be imported. The annual import volume is close to 150 million tons. As a country with a population of less than 50 million people, the use of this crude oil has been Quite a lot.

Mainly there is another reason, that is, there are quite a lot of oil refining auxiliary products in the country that are to be exported, such as plastics and other products, etc., of course, most of them are domestic gasoline and other use.

The monthly crude oil transportation is customized. Although it must be said that there is a national strategic reserve, the national strategic reserve and the crude oil import between private companies are complementary. Most of the time, Liman, the national strategic reserve Reserves of crude oil or other refined products are imported and purchased from private companies.

To put it bluntly, the state gives money to these private companies, and then let the private companies import it on their behalf. After the crude oil comes back, after the refinery and other measures, the crude oil will become strategic reserve oil.

Whether it is refined oil or crude oil, it is necessary to reserve a part of it, but the strategic reserves of the Bangzi country are not many, because they do not have so much economic strength to reserve so much, like other countries, the strategic reserves are produced by their own oil fields and then Store and then import for consumption.

According to the current level of market consumption and inventory, without considering strategic reserves, their country's crude oil can only be used for about a month.

That is to say, if these crude oils are restricted, after a month, there will be an instant shortage of domestic crude oil. At that time, without energy, the systems of the entire country will collapse.

You must know that crude oil involves not only what everyone imagines, but gasoline, which can be used in cars to run, as well as aviation kerosene for aerospace, diesel and heavy oil used by various ships in large cruise ships in ports. All kinds of oil used in tanks and armored vehicles, and various plastic products are all extracted from oil.

These things have a very good refining industry in China, so naturally there is no need to import them from the outside, but now if the crude oil is interrupted, it means that these semi-finished plastic products, etc. will also be directly lacking, and the lack is not a small number.

This is the entire continuous industry chain.

It just hurts President Wen that the results here are not over yet, the energy department official said immediately after answering a call: "Mr. President, the cruise ship at a port in Malaysia has also been detained. There are Indonesians, and not just cruise ships carrying crude oil, but several cargo ships.”

"Assi!" President Wen couldn't help but utter a foul language, what does it mean? Of course President Wen understands that these three countries don't have to think that they are all victims of the last Hu Fei attack, but damn, you guys We are victims, and we are victims too.

Why is it too urgent to fry? We should be in the same camp, right? You are someone else bullying you, are you coming to bully us? Grass!

But this is not the key. The key is that after these three countries are united, it means that they have no place to dock here in the Straits of Malacca! Is it possible to take a detour from Australia? That would be thousands of nautical miles, close to tens of thousands of kilometers!

The problem is, almost all of their crude oil comes from the Middle East! This is the most important thing!

And now it's not just crude oil, but also other freighters. South Korea's economy is very developed. They have a lot of equipment for export, but now if freighters are restricted, although the earth is round, but you ship things to Europe. , you can't cross the Pacific Ocean and then ship it from the Atlantic Ocean, right?

How much will the shipping cost increase?

Although it is said that they are not blocking the strait, they are only restricting them in the port. The question is, all cruise ships need to be replenished. Why is Singapore's economy so strong? Do you really think his city is awesome?

It's not because Singapore is in a good place, that port occupies an important supply position, and all cruise ship supplies have to enter the port, which is an important reason for their economic development.

Sometimes these ports are irreplaceable. Although almost all Southeast Asian countries now have similar ports, other places have to detour.

All optimized ports are now all owned by these three countries.

"Contact all the staff and ask them to come over for an emergency meeting at night." President Wen said with a wry smile. Now they are all admitting counsel. The problem is that admitting counsel is not enough. This shows that it is obvious that Hu Fei is doing it. People are warning them.

I can engage you without even using the foreign exchange market, it's just up to me if I want to.

During the day he has other itineraries to arrange.

At about 8 o'clock in the evening, President Wen was about to convene all his staff for a meeting. Just when he was about to meet, suddenly his secretary slammed the door of the conference room and rushed in~lightnovelpub.net~ Something has happened to Mr. President. ' said the secretary aloud.

"What's the matter?" President Wen immediately stood up anxiously.

"Saudi Arabia announced to stop all our oil supply, and not only Saudi Arabia, but almost all Arab countries in the Middle East that are a faction of Saudi Arabia have made similar announcements, as long as they have crude oil supply contracts with us." The secretary quickly said in a low voice.

"What?!" President Wen swayed and almost fell to the ground.

"What's going on?" Stabilizing himself, President Wen asked with his hands on the table.

"The Saudi oilfield that signed the crude oil supply agreement with us exploded. It is said to have been artificially destroyed. After investigation, the Saudi intelligence department said that it may have been done by an independent terrorist organization in our country, just to make you step down. Saudi Arabia Said that our country has not dealt with its own affairs well, which has seriously affected the security of their country, and before the investigation is clear, all oil supply with us will be terminated." The secretary briefly explained the reasons.

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