Urban: I Am God

Chapter 592: there's always someone to swell

Chapter 592 There is always someone to swell

As a hotel that can open at this time, the group behind this hotel is naturally one of the top groups in the country. After all, these companies were the ones that lost the most, and these people were the first to be added afterwards.

It's not about how powerful these people are, but as a country, the collective support of these people is necessary to stabilize the currency and maintain social stability.

So this is understandable. Besides, these groups all pay a lot of taxes for the country. Let them develop first, and the country's development speed will be greatly accelerated.

The faster the country develops, the more compensation for ordinary people will be.

"Sir...Is there an appointment for this?" The two security guards at the door still stopped Hu Fei.

Although Hu Fei's name may be relatively famous, not many people know what Hu Fei looks like. After all, not many photos of Hu Fei were circulated outside.

Now, because there are very few hotels that are open, but there are many when they need a hotel, all hotels now require reservations.

"I don't need an appointment." Hu Fei stretched out his hand and took out a certificate from his body and handed it over.

After seeing this certificate, the two security guards didn't say anything, and quickly returned the certificate to Hu Fei, and immediately said respectfully, "Sir, you are welcome."

This document was actually given to Hu Fei by Tang Guolong's non-fortress. In his words... Hu Fei would be more convenient to do things no matter where he was.

After nodding, Hu Fei raised his legs and walked in. Bao Qingyu and the others naturally followed Hu Fei.

After Hu Fei and the others entered, the security guard at the door immediately notified the person in charge with the walkie-talkie, but after entering the inside, Hu Fei naturally couldn't disturb the person in charge, so he gave Ye Tianqing a look, and Ye Tianqing instantly Understand in seconds, directly cast a spell to hide the figure.

The four people walked directly to the second floor according to the box location given by Bao Qingyu. The second floor is a high-end restaurant box similar to a clubhouse, with lounges and the like in it.

When Hu Fei and the others walked to the corridor, they saw a little girl in her twenties walking around a door.

"That's Qin Ruobai's assistant." Bao Qingyu said.

Hu Fei nodded immediately, and Ye Tianqing undid the formation that blocked them with a wave of his hand. The four people appeared directly in the corridor. The little assistant didn't look in this direction, but he wasn't frightened.

"Xiaoling." Bao Qingyu shouted.

The little girl in her twenties heard the sound, turned around and saw Bao Qingyu and Hu Fei standing here, a surprise appeared on her face, He ran over and said quickly, "Sister Qingyu, what should I do? They locked Sister Ruobai inside and locked the door."

"Let's go take a look." Bao Qingyu said immediately.

Several people returned to the door of the box, and Hu Fei immediately heard a voice from inside: "Ah... what are you doing?! I tell you, if you do this again, I will call the police."

"...Fuck, what are you pretending to be, I'll tell you, Lao Tzu asked you to come here to give you face, to prove that Lao Tzu really likes you, now the existence of the entire entertainment industry is unknown, although the order is stable Come down, but if you want to restore your previous status, you must need resources."

"Hey, what's your name? What's the matter with sleeping with me all night? Why don't you know how many people you've slept with? Besides, you don't want the video here to be uploaded to Weibo, right? At this time, those celebrities are all When you are trying to maintain your fans, you are exposed to these scandals ... it is a devastating blow to your reputation."

"...I warn you, don't think that now the world has changed, you can do whatever you want, and I can still call the police." A very recognizable female voice came out.

Although the door of this box has good sound insulation, for Hu Fei and the others, there is no difference between having this door and not having it.

"It's shameless!" Bao Qingyu couldn't help but whispered angrily.

"Sister Qingyu, what should I do?" the assistant named Xiaoling next to her asked anxiously.

"The person inside opened the door." Hu Fei smiled, but he didn't do it the first time. Instead, he reached out and patted the door, and said loudly.

"Who the **** are you? Get out of here." A man's roar came from inside.

"I tell you, if you don't open the door again, I will call the police." Hu Fei said loudly.

"Call the police? You can call the police if you have the ability. I'll see if the news spreads out here, Qin Ruobai's face will be better. Besides, what if the police come." The people inside immediately said loudly.

"Okay, the text is over." Hu Fei shrugged his shoulders and said a word, without saying a word, he raised his foot with a "bang", and Hu Fei kicked the door open.

Hu Fei's strength was so great that the door leaf was even kicked off the door frame, and flew directly inside, hitting the dining table inside, smashing into two pieces.

The people inside let out a few exclamations, and then Hu Fei could see clearly that there were three men in the room, as well as a beautiful and beautiful Qin Ruobai.

Although Qin Ruobai's clothes were a little messy, there were no other problems. These people probably didn't force it directly. After all, if they force it here, the nature is really different.

"Who the **** are you? Yo~lightnovelpub.net~ Isn't this Bao Qingyu? What? You are also interested in letting us invest." A man standing closest to Hu Fei pointed at Hu Fei and they directly He roared, and halfway through his roar, he saw Bao Qingyu who rushed in and blocked Qin Ruobai from behind.

With a "bang", before Hu Fei could make a move, Ye Tianqing, who was standing beside Hu Fei, swayed and kicked the man's chest, and his body flew upside down. "Boom" hit the wall, and the whole room seemed to vibrate.

With a "wow", the man who was attached to the wall like a painting fell to the ground with a slap, and then spit out a mouthful of blood. The whole person fell directly to the ground, like a dead dog in an instant, motionless. .

However, he wasn't dead yet. As for how many bones were broken, it was hard to say. Ye Tianqing had a good grasp of this aspect.

The room was dead silent, and even Qin Ruobai who stood up over there was startled, hiding behind Bao Qingyu and didn't dare to move.

(End of this chapter)