Urban: I Am God

Chapter 598: all I want

Chapter 598

"What do you want to do?!" Pell said solemnly.

"Nothing, I just want to know some inside stories about the Guangming Sect." Hu Fei said lightly.

"You don't want to help Peggy hide anything, do you?" Hu Fei added, the reason why Ye Tianqing just kept Peer's soul was not so that he could hear his conversation with Peggy ?

"Yes, he killed me with your hands, but in the same way, isn't it you who wants my life? Why should I help you? If it wasn't for you, it wouldn't be so easy for him to kill with a knife." Pell was silent for a moment, and then spoke coldly.

"I said, did you make a mistake?" Hu Fei smiled.

"What?" Pell froze for a moment.

"Don't you know what your current situation is? Don't you understand when you see your current situation? Death is not the most terrifying thing." Hu Fei said lightly.

"You have to understand that physical torture and soul torture are two completely different concepts."

Hearing what Hu Fei said, Peer suddenly reacted.

"Actually, I don't care if you say it or not, but it depends on how comfortable you want to die?" Hu Fei said and waved his hand directly.

Ye Tianqing over there immediately laughed wickedly. In the past, these methods were his specialty, but now he has never used them in Hu Fei's place, and now, he finally has the opportunity to use them.

Ye Tianqing just waved his hand casually, and a faint green flame emerged directly from the feet of Peer's soul, and then Peer suddenly let out a miserable cry.

His voice was so miserable, almost instantly, his entire soul slumped to the ground.

"I said, I said, I'll tell you anything you want to ask." Pell shouted loudly.

Hu Fei waved his hand, and Ye Tianqing immediately revoke the spell. After Ye Tianqing revoked the spell, Peer's soul seemed to have dimmed all of a sudden, and it seemed that his soul was weak. Little, just at this moment, a milky white light emerged from somewhere, directly emerging from the depths of his soul.

What followed was that his soul seemed to be strengthened and repaired by this force, and it returned to its previous appearance.

And this change made Hu Fei and others stunned for a while, but Hu Fei soon showed a strange smile, and Peer first showed a relaxed expression on his face, and then the expression on his face changed greatly. Soon he also thought of something terrible.

"I said, I said, Mr. Hu, if you ask me, I will say anything. Just ask Mr. Hu to let me go directly to where I should go after you ask me." Pell hurriedly said.

Death is not the most terrifying, the most terrifying is the punishment that cannot be escaped after death.

"Very well, let me ask you, now that people like Peggy have obviously gained power, where does their power come from?" Hu Fei asked directly.

"I'm not too sure about this. Peggy said that it was a gift from the Lord. The Lord sent an oracle and sent their angels. The angels gave us the power, but now the angels say that we are still We can't be generals, but if we have more believers who can believe in them, they can drop more clones and give us more power." Pell said immediately.

"Have you seen these angels?" Hu Fei narrowed his eyes and asked directly.

"I've seen it, the wings behind Peggy and the others came from them." Pell said immediately.

"Very well, apart from these, did they get anything else?" Hu Fei asked again.

"It seems that I have also obtained some resources, some energy stones, which store some power. The Holy See's defensive magic circle relies on these energy stones to maintain its operation, and it is also possible to directly input the power into their bodies by believers."

"In addition, Peggy is going to establish a holy knight order directly under the Holy See. Ivan is the head of the knight order, and there are other organizations, but I'm not the same as him, so he didn't tell me."

"Also, these angels seem to be asking them to find some ancient artifacts, so that they can get more power from the angels." Peer said directly, many things, even Hu Fei did not ask, He said it directly.

Hu Fei and Yu Huaiyang looked at each other, and he didn't say anything, just continued to ask, directly asking about some secrets about the Holy See and other things.

Peer knows that he can't stop talking. It seems that this guy's bones are not that hard at all. After asking, Hu Fei said directly: "Ye Tianqing, let his soul go."

Hu Fei doesn't know exactly where the human soul goes after death. This is a matter of reincarnation of the six realms. Even Ye Tianqing and the others don't know. Let your soul stay in this world for a while, but after a while, the soul will naturally go where it should go.

Seeing Hu Fei let someone release him, Peer's face was relieved, and he gave Hu Fei a rare salute, and his soul soon disappeared.

"Master, why do you want to let him go?" Ye Tianqing couldn't figure it out.

"Why don't you let it go? Let you destroy his soul?" Hu Fei glanced at Ye Tianqing and asked lightly.

"Don't dare." Ye Tianqing's heart skipped a beat, and then he said.

"Sect Master Yu, what do you think??" Hu Fei didn't bother to pay attention to him, but turned directly to Yu Huaiyang.

"It looks like they have a problem now." Yu Huaiyang shook his head slightly, "As far as I know, the Guangming Sect and the angels are not together. Although their powers seem to be the same, in fact they are not together. , Guangming religion was established by people later, they can be said to have stolen the belief of the original angels, established a belief by themselves, and developed a vast number of believers. At least that was the case in our time."

Hu Fei immediately nodded thoughtfully to show that he understood. According to modern terms, the angel and the Lord seem to be together, but according to Yu Huaiyang and the others, the Lord was man-made in ancient times, while the angel was Even before them, the Guangming Cult stole the angel's faith, and now the two sides are involved again.

It seems that Peggy and the others don't know too much at all.

But now Hu Fei is thinking, what kind of existence are these angels? If it is said that they are also people, it is just a manifestation of power, then they should also be sealed by themselves, so why did they not come out after the unsealing, but in this way?

If it is not unblocked, that means, they can contact these believers before unblocking?

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