Urban: I Am God

Chapter 652: A bit of prudence (Part 1)

Chapter 652 A little bit of discipline (Part 1)

After the signing of the contract, the first batch of material transportation began directly in China, mainly the transportation of controllable nuclear fusion power plants. However, this nuclear power plant is not directly provided to the other party for the time being, but is directly operated by a Chinese company to provide electricity to the Italian government. supply.

Moreover, the second-generation technology selected for the controllable nuclear fusion power station is not the most advanced third-generation technology at present. Yes, domestic nuclear fusion power stations have been directly improved to the third-generation, and all the ones that were built at the beginning are the first-generation technology. second-generation technology.

The first-generation technology of controllable nuclear fusion power plants is naturally an experimental technology that was carried out by countries all over the world. Before there is no spiritual recovery, the conditions for such a technology to operate stably for a long time are not yet available, at least the technology at that time. is unattainable.

Although it can effectively operate for thousands of hours, it is still early for power generation and other applications.

The second-generation technology is a nuclear fusion reactor that uses spiritual power and other special arrays to assist after the recovery of spiritual power. The raw materials use the most deuterium and tritium on the earth, which is also known as heavy hydrogen and super-heavy hydrogen.

Although the nuclear fusion of these two reactions is also very safe and pollution-free compared to fission reactors, it still releases neutrons and produces certain neutron radiation hazards, but this kind of hazard is easy to solve, unlike fission. Nuclear waste can only be piled up in secret places, and it may not be resolved for hundreds or thousands of years.

The most ideal reaction of nuclear fusion is naturally helium 3 for fusion reaction. This reaction will not produce any pollution at all. It is truly pure and pollution-free, but there is very little helium 3 on the earth, which is not enough for large-scale use. , but for today's China, this is too simple.

After the first experimental spacecraft, although it is experimental, it can carry too many materials, and the cost is very low. Therefore, domestic nuclear fusion has been directly upgraded and transformed into a third-generation, pure and pollution-free nuclear fusion reactor that directly uses helium 3 and tritium to react.

Not only is it pure and pollution-free, but it releases more energy.

In Italy, the second generation of seawater refining can be used directly. Anyway, the cost is lower, and the electricity can be sold directly.

The first batch of transport materials was quite large, so Hu Fei helped. It was still the same transportation method as last time. Everything was transported to Hu Fei's Wushang Peak space, and then Hu Fei went directly to Italy, and then from released in space.

In this case, almost all the first batch of materials can be satisfied at one time.

Now Italy's land area is also quite large, but the first batch of nuclear power plants are mainly concentrated in five places, and these five places can be regarded as branches in different parts of Italy, of course, mainly their industrial centers.

These are not the power station in the industrial park built by Hu Fei here. The nuclear power station is dedicated to supplying Hu Fei's industrial park.

After Hu Fei helped transport the first batch, a press conference was held between China and Italy. It was said that the press conference was actually more like an online media live broadcast, because there is only one media channel, Weibo, like other TV stations. Temporarily impossible to put into use.

There are not so many satellite resources at present. Of course, if you want to recover quickly, because the cost of launching satellites is almost negligible, you can directly let the spacecraft fly into space and then release it directly.

It is not too difficult to release dozens of satellites at once.

But now factories don't have so much time to manufacture satellites, and all satellite manufacturing is lining up. The main reason is that the current satellites are improving very fast, and there is no need to directly manufacture some outdated satellites.

"China and Italy are traditional friendly countries, adhering to the strategy of supporting the development of friendly countries, we will carry out a series of in-depth strategic cooperation between the two sides, we will provide an interest-free loan to the Italian side, and A considerable amount of food to ensure the social stability of the Italian people."

With the results announced by the two parties on the TV, it can be said that all the countries watching the live broadcast on the Internet are gloomy and uncertain. For European countries, it is actually quite good. At least China is willing to help Italy to restore the economy and production. For them, Italy will obviously be on their side.

Moreover, since China has this attitude now, it should help other countries in the next step, right?

But of course they also understand why China is the first to help Italy. Obviously, because Italy allows the circulation of renminbi, although the dual currency system is now implemented, I am afraid that in a certain period of time, these Chinese manufacturers will quickly flood all Italian society.

And these manufacturers will use RMB for direct settlement, which can be regarded as helping Italy to earn foreign exchange.

In fact, many Italians don't care about whether to use the RMB or not. The reason is very simple. In the absence of social order for such a long time, ordinary Italians have lived a miserable life.

Even food can only be maintained in a basic state. Under such circumstances, Europeans and Americans are very realistic. It is nonsense to talk about the sense of national honor. People in various regions have their own ideas.

And now China is willing to choose Italy to be the first country to help at this time~lightnovelpub.net~ Naturally, a large wave of prestige has been brushed in an instant.

It can be said that in the hearts of ordinary Italians, China's current prestige has reached a certain point in an instant. At least for them, helping them solve food and daily necessities is already a huge kind of grace.

The part of the wages paid by Tianma Group and the scenes in Tianma Industrial Zone have actually caused huge waves in Italy. Anyone who works in Tianma Group can receive RMB not to mention, and they can also directly work in the industrial zone. You can buy daily necessities that other people buy now in various stores!

Best of all, these daily necessities are not expensive! Even slightly cheaper than what they sold in China before.

The so-called “suffering from the widow” means unequally. At a time when everyone seems to be living in prehistoric times, the employees of Tianma Group can still maintain a modern and civilized life, which is naturally enviable in the eyes of others.

Fortunately, Lonimi was explained and protected by the Italian government and army. Otherwise, it is estimated that these group employees will definitely encounter danger. In fact, even so, they have encountered a lot of danger, but it did not happen. too big of a deal.