Urban: I Am God

Chapter 846: so awesome

Chapter 846 so awesome

Everyone thought this was just an awesome picture, but when the face was finished, Zhou Qing's eyes went black. When Zhou Qing opened her eyes the next moment, she was a little dumbfounded.

And at this moment, the live broadcast room is even more sensational!

Because the difference between just now and now is too big. If everyone seemed to be watching a movie just now, then at this moment, it was as if they were watching the outdoor live broadcast, and the picture was still the kind of outdoor ultra-high-definition picture quality. The live broadcast, everything around it, is so textured and authentic.

It was as if they were really watching the scene.

The audience was so sensational, but Zhou Qing was dumbfounded, because when it was dark in front of her eyes, and after replying, Zhou Qing even felt that she could smell the unique metal of the machinery that was full of them. smell.

"My God, brother... brothers, you may not believe it, I can even smell rust at the moment, really... my god, this is too real? This... how to do this Arrived?" Zhou Qing's tone was extremely excited.

She lowered her head and raised her hands subconsciously. Her eyes were a pair of hands with obvious special materials, not like human skin, but Zhou Qing subconsciously touched a piece of machinery around her, and the full sense of touch kept coming.

"My God! I can really touch it, I can really touch it!" Zhou Qing subconsciously exclaimed.

"Isn't it? Is it true? Is it still tactile? This is too awesome, isn't it?"

"The anchor won't blow it, right?"

"My God, is it true? Isn't the anchor a nurse?"

"Fuck it, the Xingchen Group is so awesome! I just said that the other live broadcast rooms have a circle. Anyone who broadcasts this game, the anchors are crazy at the moment, they say that they can feel the touch, smell, etc., and it seems that they Their physical strength has increased, they can feel it."

"Fuck, is it true?"

"666666666, don't say anything, I declare that the other games are dead."

"This is too awesome. How did it happen? I thought that the virtual game in the novel would not be realized. Is it possible to realize it now?"

"666666666, no wonder the central bank dares to give guarantees! This is awesome! No wonder Xingchen Technology dares to directly press the central bank with 100 billion yuan, I rely on it, won't it be possible to work for local tyrants to make money in the game in the future?"

"Nima, why are there only 50,000 places for the beta test! I won't say anything, I'm going to place an order now and buy a helmet."

"go together!"

The entire barrage was densely packed in an instant, and everyone went crazy.

At this moment, a mechanical voice suddenly came to mind on the screen, "Codename: Perfect Sunny Day, leave your workbench immediately, your spaceship is about to do the next batch of hair, please leave immediately."

"Brothers, this makes me leave from here, let's go take a look now." Zhou Qing was extremely excited and walked straight forward.

"My God, really, it's the same as walking by myself, that is, my height seems to be very high, and brothers, your barrage is in the upper left corner of my line of sight, but you shouldn't be able to see it, you can see it The picture seems to be what my eyes see."

"It's awesome, it's awesome!" Zhou Qing was also extremely excited.

Following the sound of the machine, Zhou Qing quickly saw people coming out of other rooms, the first player she saw, a prompt box immediately appeared in the line of sight in front of her: "Ding detected other users, code name: Chopping down a street."

"Hey, buddy, are you also in an internal test?" Zhou Qing said subconsciously.

"Ah, yes, my God, this game is too awesome, I'm going, I thought I'd crossed it myself." The whole person of Kuang Xie Yi Street is obviously in a state of confusion, although his name is more awesome , but obviously people are not the kind of arrogant people, but rather dull.

"All remote controllers, please follow the prompt sound immediately, please follow the prompt sound immediately, and please gather at the near-orbit airdrop warehouse within three minutes." The mechanical voice continued to ring.

Zhou Qing and others quickly followed the large army. This should not be the place where everyone was born. There were only 12 of them gathered together. Following the instructions on the ground, they quickly found a place similar to a landing chamber.

After entering, all seats have seat belts, and the mechanical voice once again began to remind them to sit well and fasten their seat belts.

Zhou Qing and Kuangcianjie Street are also connected, and they also figured out a little how to play. First of all, their own feelings are almost exactly the same as yours in reality, but you are actually a remote-controlled robot, so you There are scanners.

The scanner also represents the role of the communicator. Anyway, you can scan things, and you can also directly connect to other people's communication numbers.

Everyone has their own separate communication number, which is a combination of letters and numbers and will not be repeated. Zhou Qing has already added friends with Kuangcian Street. Anyway, the friends in the game don't matter anymore, and this game is almost unprecedented.

This feeling was too sensational, but there was even more sensation next. When they finished their ride, there was a roar of "hum", the part they were riding in immediately began to move, and then the hatch below them began to open, revealing The view of space outside.

Then there was a loud bang, and the airdrop warehouse they were riding in quickly began to fall~lightnovelpub.net~ When the airdrop warehouse went out, the entire barrage was once again swiped by countless 66666 and Niubi. because it looked out from the surrounding portholes.

Above them is a huge building similar to a spaceship, and at this moment, this building seems to be placing an order, and countless airdrops are continuously falling from it.

These airdrop warehouses crossed the lines of fire in the air, looking extremely dazzling and shocking, and under their feet was a fiery red planet.

At this moment, the sight in front of all of them directly popped up a task box.

"All remote-controlled pioneers, the following is the target of our development, Mars. The fleet has air-dropped orbital warehouses and simple forward bases, and the construction on Mars and logistical construction such as mines requires your expansion. I wish you all the best!"

"Mission goal: reach the ground successfully."

When this quest popped up, all players were in a bit of a trance, they were playing the game, not the real thing.

But at this moment, the airdrop warehouse keeps falling, and everyone seems to be really sitting on an airdrop warehouse, especially the continuous falling and fire around it, it looks very real.

When the ground became stronger and clearer, the airdrop warehouse made a sudden "bang", and everyone felt the huge reaction force. When the airdrop warehouse landed on the ground with a "bang", the surrounding hatches opened instantly.

The 12 players rushed out of the hatch in excitement, and when they went out, everything around them was desolate and desolate in front of them.

"My God! This... is too shocking!" For the vast majority of players, the Earth is not finished, let alone Mars.

At this moment, the scenery of this other planet can be said that only when you see it in person can you understand how shocking it is!