Urban: I Am God

Chapter 848: this is the player

Chapter 848 This is the player

50,000 people are actually not a lot for the current foundation, but this number is neither too much nor too little, mainly because these people are not responsible for logistics!

You must know that the logistics of developing an alien planet is a huge astronomical figure. It can be said that at least more than 60 to 70% of the materials are brought by logistics.

Human development, oxygen, food, and the most important source of water, these are all important material transportation. Don't look at Mars, it seems that there is water on it, but if there is water, these waters cannot be used. At most, they can be decomposed first and then regenerated. synthesis.

You must know that water sources are not just water sources for human beings, but also contain multiple nutrients, as well as some trace elements necessary for human beings and so on.

But it is not just as simple as pure water. If it is just pure water, it is harmful to the human body.

So, these things need to be added manually. Now there are only a few limited people who play NPCs who need logistics. In fact, these NPCs are not fully played by people, but can also be done directly using advanced puppet production.

These NPCs are actually located in other bases or directly played on the earth. They are all people from the Mantra Hall under the name of Hu Fei's company. These people are loyal enough, and there will not be too many problems.

As for the rest, they are all puppets anyway, and they don't need any logistical supplies. Of course, energy is still needed, but as long as there is no problem, the basic energy source and the spiritual power in the air are enough.

Others are not needed. In this case, the creativity of these players can be considered to be fully displayed.

Anyway, the first day is spent like this, but these players can't log in to the game without restrictions. Everyone is limited to 8 hours of login time per day. This is necessary, mainly to prevent them from forgetting real life because of the game. This is part of it.

Another part is that low-level puppets cannot withstand long-term operation in a short period of time, so they all need to rest to absorb spiritual power to maintain operation.

And in all the information to the players, it has been clearly stated that the player's game body cannot disappear after going offline, because it is a completely realistic game, so if you are offline, please keep your body in the base specially for keeping your body. place.

The fee is not charged within a certain level, anyway, it is actually giving them a parking space to avoid their direct death.

Although it was only one day, in fact, some of these players have experienced death. For example, some people ran directly to the top of the mountain and jumped directly from the mountain.

Even if the gravity of Mars is much smaller than that of the current Earth, and even if the body of a puppet is much stronger than that of a human being, you can't help jumping down from a height of several kilometers!

And there's still solid rock underneath.

These puppets lack arms and legs, which is a must.

For these sand sculpture players, Hu Fei is also a little helpless, but there is no way, because there will always be such sand sculpture players in the game, and you are helpless to them.

Fortunately, most of the players are normal. They are working hard to complete construction tasks, such as building some houses. Of course, the materials in the early stage are provided by the official, but in the latter case, including all the official will Directly use the task to guide.

As for the low-grade immortal stones, in the later stage, they will also be made into electronic digital versions, that is to say, all immortal stones will be stored in the official here, and players have only one number in their hands, just like the current currency.

The only difference is that there will be no RMB in this real game world for the time being.

However, since they exist in reality, sooner or later, it is estimated that they will be linked to reality, but at present, they cannot be discovered, and it is estimated that they will not be able to discover them for a long time in the future.

Aside from this, there are other special fights, but in this game, Hu Fei didn't set anything that can't be PK, and there is no PK system, such as red names, etc., However, it is not completely unlimited.

For example, if you slaughter and frame other players for no reason, then you will be officially recorded, which is directly recorded in the system in the eyes of the players.

In fact, to put it bluntly, these things are also a kind of invisible test, such as your personality, etc. In the future, these players will participate in some important tasks, so their personality must be within the control range.

Anyway, their puppets have built-in cameras, etc., which will be recorded. All the reasons for PK will be recorded, and the principle of judgment does not need anyone to be responsible, and almost everything can be decided by the eye of the wind.

Of course, if there is an inaccurate judgment of the wind eye, it can naturally be handed over to humans to judge.

In order to avoid errors and cannot be explained, there is also an explanation in this system, that is, in the eyes of these players, the so-called official organization is recorded through monitoring and other different methods, to maximize the simulation. .

Well, of course the players think so, and it's actually true.

So if you can hide the past, then you can also avoid the consequences of PK, but in fact, this approach is almost impossible.

These game puppets are almost always under surveillance, and it is almost impossible to avoid them. The reason why there is such an explanation is to avoid misjudgment, and it is also one of the game's systems~lightnovelpub.net~ When all the players go offline after the game time ends, the network on the earth will be completely sensational. , although before they went offline, it was already a complete sensation.

But now these players are crazy about Amway's "Towards the Stars", an unprecedented game by their side.

In fact, among these 50,000 people, there are quite a few expert-level people, and after these people entered, it was obvious that they were not there to play the game, but to check whether the game was really realistic.

"...As a graduate majoring in physics, although I am not a scholar, but now that I have increased intelligence and spiritual power, the previous knowledge is nothing to me, and I can be very responsible. Tell everyone, the physics engine in this game is incredible!"

"It's completely like the real thing. In fact, with our country's exploration of other planets in the solar system, the data of these planets, especially the accurate data, are constantly being updated. Whether it's gravity or other data, it's exactly the same as Mars in reality!"

"And for the sake of reality, the sunrise and sunset on Mars are exactly the same as in reality. If it weren't for the fact that it didn't feel pain, and after I quit the game, I was still on Earth, and I thought I went to the real Mars!"

This player's comment is one of the most popular, because he not only commented, but also brought a lot of detailed calculation data under the comment, etc. These are all tests he made.

In the so-called players, you don’t have to worry about being veritable. In the past, all games were all kinds of veritable players, but now in this game, in the aspect of verisimilitude, there is really no player who can find any bugs in the game. .

Except for the pain!