Urban Inventor

Chapter 123: Robot transformation

"Boss, do you mean transforming people into robots?"

Ning Wei asked curiously.

"Robot transformation?"

Zhang Wei thought about it for a moment, and then said, "Using biotechnology and genetics knowledge, through genetic engineering, it is indeed possible to transform people into a new life of half flesh and half machinery. However, this kind of semi-robot is like a clone When it comes to ethical issues, I am afraid that they will be rejected by most people. Moreover, this is not the only way to make the human body strong. "

After talking, Zhang Wei walked into the room, thinking about a question while walking, "This seems to be an evolutionary direction of humans? At first, it was a semi-mechanical man. Only the brain was not changed, and the body was replaced by machines. Finally, All robots, at this time, humans can get rid of their bodies, store their brain thinking in the machine, and obtain eternal life. They can freely travel through the universe and accumulate unimaginable conditions without being affected by time, anaerobic, foodless, and high temperature. Knowledge is not limited to the human state.

It's just that in this way, humans don't have various hormone secretions, and they don't have various desires. How is this different from robots? Could it be said that robots are the ultimate form of humans?

I still ca n’t accept this way of evolution, genetic evolution is king! ”

Ning Wei looked at Zhang Wei's back and murmured, "The boss's next research direction seems to want to make people's body stronger?"

It took a long time before he recovered, and he should report the intelligence of the intelligent robot to the top.

It did n’t take long for the No. 1 chief and other bigwigs to know about this.

Since the release of individual armor by the United States, the national gangsters have felt huge pressure to raise the robot project to the height of national strategy. After all, whether it is in the military field or the civilian field, robots are the future development trend and have a pivotal role.

In early April, after Google launched the artificial intelligence X, it made the bigwigs of these countries squeeze a sweat, because the national intelligence personnel risked sending top secret information, the US military is using artificial intelligence technology to create new crawler military robots Compared with the previous robots, the intelligence of these military robots has been greatly improved. They are powerful, unmanned, autonomously attacked, and will not hurt their own sides by mistake. Moreover, the US military is also designing more powerful humanoid robots.

Military experts analyzed and concluded that the lethality of a crawler robot equipped with artificial intelligence is many times stronger than ordinary infantry, but the unit price is far lower than the cost of an infantry. Human soldiers have to pay wages and benefits, and they will be injured and die, as well as high compensation. If there are too many deaths and injuries, they will also arouse protests from the domestic people. But robots are different. They do n’t need rest, they are responsive, they have fierce firepower, and they have high hit accuracy. They do n’t care if they die, and domestic public opinion wo n’t pay attention. Robots can be mass-produced. In terms of US industrial capacity, if no cost is considered, a million robot army can be built in a month. From now on, military robots will become the main force of the US military, and the US military will no longer be afraid of casualties because their soldiers are basically robots.

Therefore, the country's big brothers also held several secret meetings on the robot project, and many experts participated in the discussion.

The final conclusion is to spare no effort to complete the robot project as soon as possible.

Therefore, after learning that Zhang Wei made an intelligent robot, the No. 1 chief immediately notified several bigwigs and held a brief secret meeting.


11:10 pm.

Zhang Wei is online.

Jingle Bell.

After ringing for a few times, Zhang Wei picked up his phone and found that it was the chief's call, and immediately connected the phone.

"Hahaha, Xiao Zhang, haven't you rested yet?"

The first long and hearty smile, obviously in a good mood.

Zhang Wei smiled and said, "I haven't rested yet. Thank you for your attention."

"Of course I want to care about you, but you are a genius in our country, a genius that has been rare for five hundred years and a thousand years. The rise of the Chinese nation needs geniuses like you.

The chief executive made a rare joke.

"That's not daring to be, just say it if you have anything."

Zhang Wei listened and scratched his head with a smile.

"Okay, let me just say that. I ask you, to what extent have you studied the intelligent robot?"

Asked the chief with a smile.

"Whether it is the technical content of the robot body or the degree of intelligence, it is the best in the world."

Zhang Wei said confidently.

"Okay ... Ok! What I want to hear from you is that the genius brain is different. You only have to make such an excellent robot in a few months."

Paused, and then said, "Intelligent robots are very important to the country. After all, the strength of force can guarantee the stability and peace of the country. The country must talk to you. What is your attitude?"

"Director, since you asked, I will not hide it. I can cooperate with the country, but I will not turn in artificial intelligence technology. This is the bottom line."

Zhang Wei said bluntly, fighting for his own interests ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ I knew your kid would say that, I personally would like to take this kind of cooperation with you, but it is not a big country People have the final say, you do some preparations, two days later in Beijing, many people want to talk to you about intelligent robot technology. "

After the head said, he simply hung up the phone.

Zhang Wei put down the phone, also thoughtfully.


Quickly arrived in Beijing for an interview.

When Zhang Wei set off, he also brought Zero One, but at this time Zero One had wrapped a layer of bionic skin, wearing a wig and sunglasses, after a simple makeup, also wearing a black suit, expressionless , Looks similar to the T-800 in Terminator.

Ning Wei saw the brand-new Zero One, raised his eyebrows, and smiled bitterly, "Boss, you have a robot bodyguard now, three of us ..."

"Relax, you are still my bodyguard, after all, robots also have many shortcomings."

Zhang Wei interrupted. The reason why Ning Wei's three people stayed was that he was thoughtful, because in addition to being his bodyguard, Ning Wei was also the upper liaison. Ning Wei's existence can reassure him; Ning Wei's identity can sometimes be It played a role and brought him a lot of convenience. In addition, all three of Ning Wei helped him with bullets with his body, and he thought about it in his heart.

After talking, Zhang Wei flew to Beijing with a bulletproof flying car. This bulletproof flying car was also modified and equipped with an energy shield generator. After startup, even the missile could not hurt the people in the car. Absolutely. Known as the world's most cattle-proof bulletproof car ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Welcome readers to read. The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Mobile phone users, please read.