Urban Inventor

Chapter 156: The ultimate pursuit of mankind


"Relax, my secret work is done very well, everything is under control. As for those political and business giants, we do n’t have to be afraid, do you forget our army of robots? Robots equipped with electromagnetic rail guns and anti-gravity devices The army is completely worthy of any army, and the nuclear fusion technology I have can be used to make hydrogen bombs. This is a world-class deterrent and can calm all crazy people. "

Zhang Wei said confidently, "With our current strength, we actually don't have to fear anyone at all, but I like to be low-key."

"Dawei, the word low-key doesn't seem to be with you. Do you remember what you said at the conference of the intelligent robot conference?"

Qin Xiaobu deliberately simulated Zhang Wei's expression at that time and said, "You said this at the time: things that other people can't succeed do not mean that I can't. I'm the one who broke the limit and created miracles! Please remember Live my name, my name is Zhang Wei, the nickname Zhang Yida! "

"You're the one, pinch it!"

Zhang Wei couldn't hold his face and threw Qin Xiaobu a punch.

"Xiaobu, stop talking, it's important to talk about business."

Liu Hai paused, and then said, "Force is only the last resort. If you use force, you will lose even if you win, because our company's image will be destroyed. I think that the genetic evolution fluid cannot be known to the outside world for the time being, it must be Be fully prepared. "

"You misunderstood, this time I came to you not to talk about the listing of the genetic evolution fluid. The genetic evolution fluid, for the time being, I only use it for myself, the three of you, and your parents, each have a copy, premise It must be kept secret! I believe you will deal with it! "

Zhang Wei paused, and then said, "I will consider introducing the genetic evolution solution to the market later when I develop more advanced gene evolution technology. As for the fact that I came to you this time, it is because I have a new plan. , I call it the 'Earth Genome Project', I am ready to collect the genes of all the organisms in the world and build a huge gene database, which will allow me to have a deeper understanding of genes and help me to develop a better genetic evolution solution. Or maybe we can live to be five hundred years old, one thousand years old, and even eternal life! "

The three of Liu Hai heard the words and suddenly gasped, shocked and speechless. Zhang Wei's idea ... it was crazy!

eternal life! What is this concept? This is the ultimate pursuit of humanity that has never changed since ancient times, but the whole process is full of failures and disasters. For example, around 210 BC, Qin Shihuang, China's first emperor, died of poison because he wanted to pursue immortality and swallowed mercury pills! In 1492, Pope Innocent VIII died after receiving blood transfusions from three healthy boys. He thought he could use this to absorb their youth, but it was counterproductive and took the life of Qing Qing. These living and **** historical precedents are endless!

If someone else said this sentence, Liu Hai and the three would definitely think that person was a lunatic and scoff, but Zhang Wei is different, he has created too many miracles, and he has already stepped out on this road now. In one step, since the genetic evolution fluid can increase the life span of a person to 150 years, it is not impossible to be even eternal!

It can be said that when Zhang Wei proposed the word immortality, the three of Liu Hai had become the most staunch supporters of the "Earth Genome Project". As long as it is helpful to immortality, it will be worth the greatest price!

Zhang Wei looked at the excited look of Liu Hai and laughed, "I have two ideas about immortality, but you don't have to worry, you have to eat one bite at a time, and the road has to go step by step. Science can't rush Seeking success. Let's go back to the "Earth Genome Project" I said.

This plan is divided into two aspects. On the one hand, the genes of animals, plants, microorganisms and other organisms. You should form a team as soon as possible and go to all parts of the world to collect biological genes. The shorter the time, the better.

Another aspect is human genes. The current price of whole-genome sequencing is too high for ordinary people to afford, so I plan to develop the fourth-generation gene sequencing equipment. By then, the price of whole-genome sequencing can be reduced to less than 1,000 yuan, and ordinary people can also afford it. However, the fourth-generation gene sequencing technology is protected by extensive patents. I need you to buy related patents, don't care about money, as long as you can get the patent in the shortest time. "

"I will talk about my opinion.

Collecting the genes of animals, plants, microorganisms and other organisms, I think we can adopt a model: develop a gene sequencing device that is not very expensive, and then allow users to rent it, of course, a deposit is required. After users rent equipment, they can collect biological genes. As long as they are not in our gene database, this gene data can be uploaded to our gene database. At the same time, users can get a cash reward. In other words, users can make money in this way!

The wealth is moving, I believe that under the stimulus of money, there will be many people who are willing to help us collect biological genes, and we can also create a batch of examples of getting rich by collecting biological genes and earning 100,000 or even one million models per month Mass media on the media and the Internet ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ This way, it will definitely attract more people to collect biological genes for us, and will inevitably set off a wave of collecting biological genes. Of course, at the beginning, it will be easy to collect genes, and the price we give can be slightly lower, but as time goes by, our gene database will become larger and larger, and users will receive fewer and fewer bonuses. At this time, we have to increase the price. In short, give users enough motivation!

Using this model, we can not only save a lot of manpower and financial resources, but also collect genes faster.

As for the collection of human genes, this model is not suitable. After all, there are 7 billion people in the world, and we cannot support even a large family. We can vigorously promote the benefits of gene sequencing, and then provide people with gene sequencing services at a cost price or even lower prices, and collect more genes in the shortest time. Although we will lose money, in the long run, we still make a profit, because gene databases can not only help you study gene evolution technology, but also have great commercial value. "

After Liu Hai finished speaking, he looked at Zhang Wei and asked, "What do you think?"

"Good ideas are executed according to your ideas, and this matter is also led by you."

Zhang Wei agreed immediately after hearing it.