Urban Inventor

Chapter 161: Get involved in military industry?


In addition to the spacecraft, the National Day parade also made Zhang Wei very excited, because the military robot he developed will appear majestic on the National Day parade. This is a great achievement for him. That's the National Day parade to be watched by the whole country. It's full of blood when you think about it!

Zhang Wei's thoughts immediately turned to the National Day military parade. He has been busy with research these days. He did not pay attention to the National Day military parade. Until today he received a call from Secretary Wang, he realized that it was only two days before the National Day military parade. He immediately commanded, "Beidou, I will transfer the content related to the National Day military parade on the Internet."

"Sir, the National Day military parade is now the most popular news in China, and it is also the most concerned news in the world."

As Beidou spoke, he turned on the holographic imaging system and displayed the information Zhang Wei wanted to know on the virtual screen.

Sure enough, as Beidou said, although it is still two days before the National Day parade, the news of the National Day parade has been on the Internet, the circle of friends and Weibo are all madly forwarded, and the social network is also hotly discussed. Internet media has also produced a special section early on. The special section contains a series of videos of the previous National Day military parade. From the 1949 military parade to last year's National Day military parade, everything was available. From the videos of the National Day military parade, we can see the replacement of weapons, we can see the growth of national defense forces, we can see the generations of indomitable soldiers, we can see the motherland step by step from weak to strong, become the most on this planet One of the powerful countries!

There has also been an unprecedented patriotic craze on the domestic Internet, and all the passions have been ignited, and everyone is expressing their love for the motherland in their own way!

In addition to expressing love for the motherland, one of the things people are most concerned about is whether the robot troops reported by the media will appear at this National Day parade.

Three days ago, the U.S. Department of Defense held a press conference to publicize that it had mastered the relevant evidence. China already has a huge robot army, and it has also produced a stronger individual than the United States ’" future soldier individual armor ". Armor.

At the press conference, a spokesperson for the US Department of Defense showed reporters a series of photos captured by spy satellites. The photos contained humanoid military robots, tracked military robots, and similar appearances to the "future warrior individual armor". robot. A spokesman for the US Department of Defense strongly condemned this kind of behavior by China and believed that it would pose a serious threat to peace throughout the world.

After the press conference, foreign media reported: "This is not a movie! China really already has an army of robots!"

A Chinese foreign spokesperson held a press conference, admitting that China does indeed have a small-scale robot army, but the spokesperson seriously stated that the idea of ​​"harmony is precious" is deeply ingrained in Chinese civilization. The Chinese believe in this concept and will always adhere to peace Road to development. In fact, these photos were intentionally taken by American spy satellites, because the National Day military parade is approaching, there is no need to hide anymore, and it is simply open, deterring other countries, and at the same time consolidating national centripetal force and sense of honor!

China ’s public acknowledgement of this incident has caused global shocks and made the National Day parade more concerned. Everyone is concerned about the issue of whether the robotic force will debut.

In addition, this incident also has a certain impact on future technology companies.

Some foreign media accused the future technology company as a responsible high-tech company, should not help the military develop military weapons that symbolize war and evil!

However, the future technology company did not give any response, and did not pay any attention to this matter at all, because in recent months, the media has been discrediting the future technology company, but it is not the same, the sales of anti-gravity flying vehicles and intelligent robots have not Under any influence, it will sell more and more fire!

However, domestic netizens have stopped doing it, and have been clamoring for future technology companies.

"Google is also helping the US military develop military robots, but you turn a blind eye?"

"Boeing has been producing fighter planes for the US military and ranks second in the list of the world's top 100 military companies; Nokia also once owned a 50% stake in Finland's SAKO weapons company; Samsung is one of South Korea's most important military companies; Hyundai Group Building ships for the Korean Navy and Coast Guard; Mitsubishi Heavy Industries has built almost half of the submarines and one-third of destroyers for the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force; Toyota is the largest manufacturer of Japanese military vehicles and armored vehicles; Toshiba, Hitachi, Fuji Heavy Industries are all producing weapons for the Japanese Self-Defense Force ...

It can be said that there are many well-known multinational companies in the world. You think he is a mobile phone, a computer, a car, but in the back, it is involved in military industry and is very popular.

Therefore, it is not worth making a fuss about future technology companies' involvement in the military industry! On the contrary, as a Chinese, I want to applaud the behavior of future technology companies! "

After reading the above content, Zhang Wei was also a little surprised. He did n’t expect that he “closed the door” to study for a while, and many things happened outside. After finishing, notify him.

The next day, in the afternoon.

"Beidou, the experiment will be given to you, record the experiment data."

After Zhang Bei ordered Beidou, he walked out of the research building with two robot bodyguards, drove a bullet-proof flying car, and went to the celebration of the spaceship.

The location of the celebration party is at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse. This is an important place for national leaders to conduct foreign affairs. It is also a super star hotel where the country receives heads of state and important guests. There are nearly 1,000 passengers. In short, this is a place with a high-end atmosphere.

Immediately after Zhang Wei arrived, a staff member greeted him and led him to the site of the celebration party. Along the way, many people greeted Zhang Wei voluntarily, and all smiled. Zhang Wei also responded enthusiastically, but only in his heart But it hurts a little bit. Those who greeted him didn't know any of them!

However, after coming to the banquet hall, this situation is much better, because he saw some acquaintances, such as Secretary Wang ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ and many researchers of the spaceship project.

"Haha, our great scientist is here."

Secretary Wang greeted him with a smile, "You are a well-deserved protagonist in this celebration, without you, there will be no spaceship based on anti-gravity technology."

"That's right, Zhang Wei is the biggest hero of the spaceship."

"It's said that scientists don't engage in personal worship, but if I have to choose one, I will worship Zhang Wei."

"Xiao Zhang is indeed a rare genius in a century. His position in the scientific community no longer requires us to evaluate, and future generations have their own arbitration."

"Anti-gravity technology and intelligent robot, these two achievements are enough to make him remembered by history, but I am more interested in the genetic technology he is studying now. If he can create miracles again, humans may be able to master the mystery of life Now. "

Others also agreed, expressing their praises to Zhang Wei without hesitation.

For a time, Zhang Wei, like many stars holding the moon, became a well-deserved protagonist.