Urban Inventor

Chapter 162: Moon landing plan

At six o'clock in the evening, a sound of heavy leather shoes sounded, from far and near, causing everyone to look sideways, seeing that the No. 1 chief came in surrounded by a group of people, and as he passed, everyone voluntarily gave up one way.

"Xiao Zhang, I haven't seen you for a while. Are you making any big moves?"

The chief crossed the crowd, walked straight to Zhang Wei's side, patted Zhang Wei's shoulder, and said with a smile.

"I did make a breakthrough in genetic technology, you will soon know."

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, what he said was naturally a genetically modified injection to treat AIDS.

"Haha, you can always surprise other people, then I will wait and see."

The chief smiled and did not ask much. Instead, he crossed Zhang Wei, shook hands with the important people present, and praised some scientific researchers who had made great contributions in the spaceship project. The personnel burst into tears with excitement.

It didn't take long for the celebration to officially begin, Zhang Wei found his place under the guidance of the staff, and was immediately shocked because he was sitting at the same table with the head.

However, Zhang Wei quickly accepted calmly, and with his status and influence today, he was fully qualified to sit at the same table with the head.

"Xiao Zhang, the personal gene sequencing service launched by your company is very popular. As far as I know, the order volume has exceeded 100 million?"

The chief asked with a smile.

"The order volume has exceeded 110 million, the domestic order volume is 60 million, and the rest are foreign orders."

Zhang Wei answered happily. He is also quite satisfied with this result. Although he said that the company will have a significant loss on this project, he does not care. As long as enough human genetic data can be collected, everything is worthwhile.

"Okay, this is a good thing, genetic technology is of great significance, I hope you can also provoke the beam in this field and lead the times."

The head said, there was a trace of anticipation on his face, and he very much hoped that Zhang Wei would once again create miracles in this field.

"I can do it."

Zhang Wei said confidently, not at all humble.

"Haha, just be confident."

The head knows Zhang Wei's character very well and is accustomed to Zhang Wei's way of speaking, so he doesn't feel disgusted. Young people, who have achieved such great achievements, should have this kind of self-confidence and impulse!

After the celebration, Zhang Wei did not leave immediately, but came to a secret meeting room in Zhongnanhai, where he had to negotiate with the country on spacecraft and the development of the moon.

"Xiao Zhang, although we reached an agreement at the beginning, when the spacecraft design is completed, you also have the right to obtain the design information and produce it yourself, but I must remind you that even if you have the design information, the scientific and technological content contained in the spacecraft It is not necessarily manufactured. This is a huge project and requires thousands of supporting factories, most of which are military units, and many of the materials used are military materials. I do n’t think so. The country places an order and the country will help you build it. "

The chief paused, and then said, "The country has named the spacecraft Chang'e VII and has officially started manufacturing. If you need it, you can build one for you."

"Chief, I still insist on producing the spaceship myself."

Zhang Wei replied. The spaceship is of great significance to him. He must be in his hands to ensure that he has the ability to produce alone. He believes that with his wisdom and financial resources, coupled with the help of Beidou, all difficulties can be solved.

"I knew you would answer that."

The chief smiled, not caring.

After more than three hours, the negotiations officially ended, and Zhang Wei paid some price and got what he wanted, that is, the design information of the spacecraft and the qualification to explore and develop outer space.

After the negotiations were over, Zhang Wei was excited to leave here with a black suitcase containing a mobile hard disk, and the design information of the spacecraft was stored in the mobile hard disk. It can be said that the value of these materials is more than 100 billion yuan. ! Therefore, Secretary Wang also specially arranged a team of special forces to prepare to **** Zhang Wei and these materials to reach Zhongyun City safely. However, Zhang Wei does not need it. His bulletproof flying vehicle is equipped with an energy shield generator as long as the energy is sufficient The energy shield is invincible, so he does not worry about his safety.

After more than an hour, Zhang Wei returned to the scientific research building, and immediately opened the black suitcase, connected the mobile hard disk to the computer, and commanded, "Beidou, the mobile hard disk stores the design information of the spaceship. You store these materials. Go to your supercomputer and analyze if there is any need for improvement, then design a production plan. "

"Okay, sir."

Beidou responded and immediately began to work.

At this moment, the sound of the system suddenly sounded in Zhang Wei's mind.


"The host has a new mission: landing on the moon

Task content: The host needs to personally land on the moon. If the mission is successful, you will get a mysterious reward. "

Since the completion of the task of "Advantage Inventor", Zhang Wei has not received the system task for a long time. He thought the system would not release the task anymore, so he was a little excited after hearing the prompt. Especially the mysterious rewards mentioned by the system made him look forward to. He believed that the system would definitely not pit him. As long as he completed the task, he would definitely get good things! Another thing that made him very happy is that this task has no time limit and no punishment. Compared with the previous system task, it can be said to be quite kind!

"Beidou, I'm going to land on the moon in person. You can help me understand what preparations I need to make, and then make a plan for landing on the moon."

Zhang Wei asked eagerly.

"Sir ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ is there a time limit?"

Beidou asked.

"There is no time limit, but the sooner the better."

Zhang Wei paused and added, "Ah ... Let's presume security!"


Just when Zhang Wei was excited because of his moon landing plan, the outside world was also sensational because of the moon landing plan. Of course, these two moon landing plans are not the same.

Time returns to 7pm, "Newscast" program.

"Good evening, friends and viewers! Today is Monday, September 28, August 12th of the lunar calendar. Welcome to the" Newscast "program!"

"First of all, I will introduce you to the main content of this program. The design work of the spacecraft project based on anti-gravity technology has been completed. China has officially launched the manned moon landing plan. It is expected that a Chang'e 7 spacecraft will be built within two years ... (To be continued.)
