Urban Inventor

Chapter 171: joint


Ten minutes later, the summit meeting of various countries was held on time.

British Prime Minister, French President, Russian President, German General Manager, Japanese Prime Minister, Australian General Manager, Indian General Manager, South Korean President, Indonesian President, Philippine President ... A head of state appeared on the video screen, these dominating The bigwigs of the fate of various countries now have some dignity on their faces. Since they have seen the Chinese National Day military parade, they have all felt a bit of heavy pressure.

The President of the United States looked worried, and said, "Gentlemen, I think everyone must have seen the parade of the Chinese today, so I will not introduce more. Next, I want to state the fact that China ’s The strong economic and military rise has brought or is about to pose a serious threat to us.

The first is the economy. Here I have to mention China's future technology companies.

Over the past year, more than $ 400 billion in wealth has flowed into this company and into China. If we do not take corresponding measures, this number will increase to one trillion dollars in the following year!

Not only that, the anti-gravity flight vehicle launched by the future technology company is still destroying our automobile industry, and has now caused at least two million employees to be unemployed. It is expected that two years later, with the company's launch of low-end flying cars, the automotive industry in various countries around the world will collapse, causing at least 20 million people to lose their jobs.

There are also intelligent machines-long-wind-literature-learning, launched by future technology companies, ww≮w.cfw⊥xn ◆ et people, it will not only destroy the robot industry in various countries, but also to the translation industry, security industry, catering industry, etc. More than a dozen industries have caused devastating blows. The most important thing is that this is just the beginning. When the intelligent robots of future technology companies enter the industrial and commercial fields, the global unemployment rate will instantly reach more than 50%! This is not alarmist, because future technology companies have proven that intelligent robots can replace human work in various industries. What will this high unemployment rate cause? Social turmoil, the crime rate has soared, the political situation is unstable, we ... are very likely to be forced to step down!

In addition, we must admit the fact that Zhang Wei, the founder of the future technology company, is indeed a rare genius. He will certainly be able to introduce more advanced technologies and destroy one industry after another in the world. Ultimately, global wealth will It will flow into future technology companies in large quantities and into China. This future is terrible. In the end, there will be only one superpower in the world, that is, China, and other countries will become second-rate countries, delivering talents for China and serving as a dumping ground for products.

The second is territorial disputes. China is one of the countries with the longest borders in the world and the most territorial disputes with neighboring countries. With the strengthening of their national strength, will they "put aside disputes and develop together" as before? Do not! impossible! When China's strength accumulates to a limit, qualitative changes will occur. They will not ignore the territorial erosion, and from their frequent military demonstrations, it can be seen that their high-level leaders are always preparing for the opportunity. , They will fight a big battle, the battle will determine the world. India, Japan, Vietnam, the Philippines, and even Russia may be threatened.

In addition, the increase in economic power and the increase in military power will inevitably seek regional and even global dominance. The rise of all major powers in history has been accompanied by power and war, all by the use of force. Therefore, World peace will be seriously threatened.

Finally, the earth ’s resources are limited. Now, one billion people in developed countries have used 300 years to achieve modernization, which has caused excessive consumption of resources and great pressure on the environment. However, China has 1.3 billion people who want to achieve modernization. The intensity of future resource demand will be unprecedented. "

In fact, the heads of state understood immediately that what the US President said was the "China ~ Country ~ Prestige ~ Threat ~ Theory". There was basically no change, and there were still very alarmist places, such as the future technology company has clearly made it clear It ’s an attitude that commercial service robots and industrial robots will be launched only when the time is ripe, and they can also legislate to ban the sale of intelligent robots at any time, and will never allow intelligent robots to be large-scale without being prepared. Replace human work.

However, there are still many heads of state who have been poked at the G ~ point, and they have to admit that they do feel a serious threat. Especially Japan, the Philippines, Vietnam, and India. These countries have territorial disputes with China. What should they do if China uses force to resolve territorial disputes? hit? What to fight against the other party's steel torrent. Do not hit? They will be nailed to the column of shame because of "lost territory". In the past, they have been using the power of the United States to fight against China's repression, but now the United States may not necessarily use it!

Of course, with the exception of the Russian President, he is still more confident because he thinks he has enough military strength and enough nuclear weapons to destroy the world N times.

"So, what should we do?" Asked the prime minister of the United Kingdom, a good friend of the United States.

"The system ... unite, put pressure on China, let China and us sit down at the negotiating table, and solve this problem together. In addition, we should strengthen cooperation in the economic, military, scientific and technological fields, and jointly respond to the threats posed by China to us. .

Economically, we should conclude a new free trade agreement, bring North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Southeast Asia, India, Africa and other markets into perspective, make every effort to reduce our dependence on China, and slowly implement de-Sinization.

Militaryly, we should conclude a military alliance, just like the original NATO was established to deal with the Soviet Union.

In science and technology, we should strengthen exchanges, especially in artificial intelligence technology and space technology, we must break the Chinese technology blockade. "

The US President actually wants to say sanctions against China, but he knows very well that this is currently impossible. Now China is no longer China in the 1980s and 1990s. It has become the world's second largest economy and the world's largest import and export country. If China is sanctioned, it is equivalent to sanctioning the world. If he wanted to sanction China, the domestic people would not agree first, because without China ’s cheap industrial products, supermarket shelves would be half empty in an instant, and the cost of living for domestic people would greatly increase. In addition, domestic agricultural groups, industrial groups, Financial groups will not agree, because they have huge interests in China. Sanctioning China now definitely hurts the enemy by 1,000 and damages itself by 800. It can only slowly reduce its dependence on China economically and then take corresponding measures later.

"I totally agree."

The Japanese Prime Minister was the first to agree that Japan is not only a younger brother of the United States, but also the country most worried about the rise of China. There is no reason to disagree.

"Russia is willing to strengthen economic and technological cooperation with other countries, but does not participate in military cooperation."

The Russian President said. Over the years, Russia has been attracting US firepower and has been sanctioned by the United States, while China has been hiding behind to develop. Now it is just right for China to attract US firepower and allow Russia to develop slowly and rapidly.

"Germany is the same, willing to strengthen economic and technological cooperation with other countries, but does not participate in military cooperation."

The German Prime Minister said ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ After World War II, Germany has already moved away from the war, and this position is also normal.

"United Kingdom……"



Participants expressed their views one after another. In the end, all countries agreed to strengthen economic and technological cooperation. After all, this is a matter of benefit and harmlessness. As for military cooperation, only Japan and India agreed, but the President of the United States later privately talked to the heads of state of South Korea, the Philippines, Indonesia, etc., intimidating and lure, South Korea, India, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam finally joined the military alliance.

The President of the United States promised that he would help these countries to form robot troops. Crawler robots, humanoid robots, and individual armor are all available. It is said that after more than five months of hard work, the new crawler robots developed by Google and the US military have passed the military acceptance, and the humanoid robots have also been nearly successful. Although these robots are one or two grades behind China ’s military robots, But the power should not be underestimated! Of course, the price is pretty dark.

The heads of state of Japan, Indonesia, India, Vietnam, South Korea, and the Philippines were quite excited at first, but when they heard that they wanted to collect money, their expressions instantly solidified, and when they heard the price, their faces were black. However, they have to accept it again, because the robot force is the general trend, and they also need the robot force to support the scene and inspire the people. Besides, these arms charges are equivalent to protection fees in a certain sense. If you do n’t buy arms, Americans may not necessarily help you.

After selling the arms, the US President raised another topic, that is, the joint military exercise.

After finishing this work, the President of the United States finally breathed a sigh of relief. His goal has basically been achieved. That is to blockade militaryly, economically interfere, interfere, stagnate, and even interrupt the development and rise of China. (To be continued.)