Urban Inventor

Chapter 189: Secret exposure

Zhang Wei wanted to sit on the "electric chair" to challenge the anti-vertigo training, and immediately attracted a large group of people to watch, and even the astronauts and coaches came to see the excitement. It is normal for this to happen. After all, Zhang Wei is so famous. Almost no one in China knows it, and he is an idol for many people.

Looking at the black crowd around him, Zhang Wei also had some pressure. If he behaved too badly, it would be embarrassing.

"It should be okay. I have a normal adult's physique 2.1 times."

Zhang Wei took a deep breath and took the electric chair, then put his hand on the call button.

The staff blindfolded Zhang Wei, and then, the electric chair was started and started to accelerate, and soon reached the fastest speed, which would rotate once every 25 seconds.

The people around discussed in a low voice.

"How long do you say Zhang Wei can last?"

"One minute, I only insisted for two minutes for the first time. Zhang Wei is a scientist, and his physical fitness is definitely not good. It should not last long."

"2 minutes."

"3 minutes."

"Dawei, hold on for 5 minutes if you are a real man!"

Qin Xiaobu shouted with a smile.

Zhang Wei said it was calm, because his body did not feel much abnormal.

One minute.

Two minutes.

five minutes.

fifteen minutes!

The people around were stunned. This ability to resist vertigo is already comparable to many astronauts who have been trained for a long time! Should n’t scientists be weak? Why do you have such a strong physical quality! So unscientific!

At this time, Zhang Wei was also bored, and pressed the call button, the electric chair quickly stopped, and Zhang Wei walked down indifferently, "go to the next training."

The next training is "Electric Swing".

Sitting on the "electric swing", you must first blindfold, and then, the "electric swing" will swing back and forth, left and right, the higher the swing, the higher and lower can swing 15 meters! This kind of swing periodically sends people's blood to the brain for a while, flicks to the lower limbs for a while, and it is extremely fast. People who have not been specially trained can squirt out gastric juices!

However, Zhang Wei still easily conquered the "electric swing" in the stunned eyes of the surrounding crowd.

The two-hour training soon ended, Zhang Wei said calmly that there was no pressure during the whole process. If other training is also so easy, he can shorten the training time. Well, he has to spend the world of two with Ren Huaiyu on the weekend, and he cannot waste it on training.

Liu Hai, Qin Xiaobu, and Zhang Zhijian also performed quite well throughout the training process, and their physical qualities exceeded those of astronauts after a long period of training.

If Zhang Wei alone is of superb physical quality, it will not cause much attention, but four people, and they are ordinary people who rarely exercise at ordinary times, their physical qualities are so excellent. It's a bit abnormal!

Therefore, what happened here quickly reached the top, and finally to Secretary Wang.

Secretary Wang made a survey of Zhang Wei ’s physical fitness test results at the university, and found that they were just just passing the level, absolutely not excellent, combined with what Zhang Wei said at yesterday ’s press conference and past experience, He boldly speculated that Zhang Wei had mastered a genetic technology that strengthens the body.

After reaching this conclusion, Secretary Wang immediately went to the office of the No. 1 chief to report the matter to the chief.

After listening to the Chief Minister, he pondered for a moment before he said, "Zhang Wei always likes to hide his hands. This was the case with the anti-gravity technology. He had mastered the complete technology from the beginning, but only published part of the theoretical knowledge. If he mastered it now, I do n’t find it strange that it can strengthen people ’s bodies. ”

"Director, so ... what should I do? This technology is very useful to the country."

Secretary Wang asked.

"Go ahead and keep this matter strictly confidential. As for Zhang Wei, don't you understand? If he thinks the time is right, he will take out the technology and cooperate with the country. If the country forces him, it will only It is not worth the loss. Moreover, he has never done anything to disappoint the country, and the country will not let him down, otherwise it will cause a disaster. Even if I resign, I will not let this happen! "

The head said seriously.

"I'm going to deal with this matter immediately, and I will never let it leak."

Secretary Wang nodded.

After stepping out of the office, Secretary Wang calculated Zhang Wei ’s current power in his mind. In the business world, Zhang Wei has woven a huge network of interests. In the future, technology companies will also account for a considerable share of the national GDP. In the military, Zhang Wei It is optimistic by many hawks. In politics, Zhang Wei ’s influence cannot be underestimated. It can be said that Zhang Wei has become a behemoth in the country, and domestic high-level officials know a secret, that is, the robot force, because it is provided by Zhang Wei. The artificial intelligence that led to the final control is actually in Zhang Wei's hands!

Thinking of this, Secretary Wang couldn't help but sigh. Zhang Wei has grown to such a terrible state in just over a year. It really has to be called a miracle, and with Zhang Wei's status today, no one in the country can move him. And no one dared to move him, otherwise ... the consequences are unimaginable.

However, in fact, there is no need to move Zhang Wei, because the country has already analyzed Zhang Wei's character many times, and concluded: "Zhang Wei is worthy of trust. As long as he controls it well, gives him trust and guidance, he is the backbone of the country." The previous series of events also proved this point. Zhang Wei has made inestimable contributions to the country. It can be said that the great changes in the country since this year are all related to Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei didn't know that he had inadvertently exposed his secret. If he knew it, he would have to reflect on it. He seemed a little arrogant recently, and he was no longer as cautious as before. However, he is so arrogant because he feels that he is safe enough, even in the face of a fully armed army, he is not afraid.

At this time, he and Liu Hai, Qin Xiaobu, and Zhang Zhijian were returning to Zhongyun City in a steel suit. After half an hour, he returned to the scientific research building and continued his research work after dinner. Today it took nearly three hours to train astronauts, and he had to make it up.

However, he just started his research work at lightnovelpub.net ~ Beidou reminded, "Sir, your graduation thesis has caused a sensation on the Internet."

"Huh? What's going on?"

Zhang Wei wondered, "Is the school publishing my paper?"

"Sir, this is indeed the case. Your alma mater uploaded your paper to the school's official website. The download volume has exceeded five million and the number of comments has exceeded two million."

Beidou responded.

"I go, so many boring academic papers are downloaded by so many people?"

Zhang Wei was speechless. This is the celebrity effect. Ordinary doctoral thesis has almost no attention on the Internet, and his thesis has been downloaded by more than 5 million people in less than a day, and there are absolutely 100 of these 5 million people. Ninety-nine percent cannot read! If you do n’t understand, you still need to see it. That ’s true love!

"Beidou, give me the relevant content, I want to see how netizens evaluate my paper."

Zhang Wei said with some expectation. (To be continued.)