Urban Inventor

Chapter 199: Recruit astronauts

The future technology company's astronaut training base can be built so quickly, thanks to the good relationship between the company and the country. The training equipment is produced by the country for the future technology company. The training method is bought from the country, even the relevant technology. The personnel are also supported by the state. It can be said that only future technology companies can get this treatment in China.

After the training base is completed, Zhang Wei no longer has to fly to Beijing Space City for training every day, which is not only convenient, but also saves more than an hour of round-trip time. Zhang Wei is a man with millions of people in one second. For many hours, it was quite a small amount of money.

After receiving the news, Zhang Wei temporarily quit his job and went to the training base. When he arrived, Liu Hai, Zhang Zhijian and Qin Xiaobu also arrived one after another.

After visiting the training base, four people Zhang Wei came to the spaceship factory near the training base. This is a 500-meter-long, 300-meter-wide, and 40-meter-high steel-structured factory building. Here, there are thousands of engineering robots that are continuously operating advanced facilities, transporting a large number of parts to the factory building, and building spacecraft.

"Dawei, I can't wait to get to the moon now. Is there a way to complete the spaceship ahead of time?"

Zhang Zhijian asked.

"How can it be so easy? It takes five to eight years for an aircraft carrier to start construction and launch, and even for those countries with construction experience, it takes two to three years. Spacecraft and aircraft carriers have very complicated systems. The design and construction must also have high and new technology, new materials, new processes, and many materials and equipment related to military security technology. If we do not rely on the power of the country, it will take at least two or three years to complete the construction. The construction was completed within the year, which is already very good. However, we must also strive to get rid of the dependence on the country and strive to build a spaceship on our own. "

Zhang Wei turned his head to look at Qin Xiaobu and asked, "Xiaobu, has the acquisition of the supporting factories needed to build the spacecraft go smoothly?"

Qin Xiaobu replied, "It is generally smooth. It is expected that it will take one and a half months before we can take down all the target factories and complete the integration work. However, even if we purchase these supporting factories, we still have some core equipment And materials must be purchased from the country. "

"I will solve these problems at that time, and technical problems will not fail me."

Zhang Wei replied confidently, and immediately the topic changed, "Astronaut training base has been completed, it is time to recruit astronauts according to plan."

At the beginning, Zhang Wei and Liu Hai, Qin Xiaobu, and Zhang Zhijian discussed the space plan seriously, and seriously discussed a question: "In the future space exploration, which model will be adopted? First, rely solely on humans to explore; second , Rely entirely on robots to explore; third, humans are the mainstay, and robots are the secondary. "

In fact, the severe space environment, weightlessness, vacuum, high and low temperature alternations, and high-radiation cosmic rays will pose a great threat to human life. If you change to a robot, you will not have this trouble. And with the robot's current level of intelligence, it can completely replace humans to explore space and develop space, and humans can only enjoy their achievements.

In the discussion, Zhang Wei insisted on adopting the third mode, which is mainly based on human beings and supplemented by robots.

Because Zhang Wei does not want to be surrounded by robots when he enters space, not only must he endure unimaginable loneliness and loneliness, but even if he has achieved great achievements, no one can share it, which is unacceptable to him of. Even if you can't find an object, you have nothing to do with this kind of life.

And in Zhang Wei's view, robots can only be and must be subordinate at any time, and cannot replace humans. Humans can use robots, but they cannot rely on them. Otherwise, humans will lose the spirit of aggressiveness, self-improvement, fearless hardship, and tenacious struggle, and they will fall into cowards, rice worms, and waste. The reason why human beings can grow to the top of the food chain step by step is because of these spirits. If these spirits are lost, will there be a future for humanity? The space age should be and must be the space age of human beings, not the space age of robots, otherwise this age will be too pale and weak.

The next day.

The future technology company issued an announcement on the official website, announcing that it would enter space, and a manned moon landing one year later, building a permanent base on the moon, and beginning to recruit astronauts.

Astronauts need to meet the following conditions:

First, it must be a Chinese citizen with a bachelor's degree in engineering, biology, physics, or mathematics. (As long as college students pass relevant tests, they can be regarded as having the same academic qualifications.)

Second, the height should be no less than 1.57 meters and no more than 1.9 meters. They must also pass the NASA medical examination and be able to adapt to long-term space flight.


Once the news came out, it immediately caused a sensation.

Everyone has already guessed from the series of layouts of future technology companies that the future technology companies will definitely enter space in the future, but they did not expect to come so fast, and they also announced that they will achieve a manned moon landing within one year and build a permanent moon. base!

Is this too crazy?

Does this not mean that future technology companies will rush to build permanent bases on the moon in front of China, the United States, the European Union, Russia, Japan, India and other countries?

Sure enough, it was Zhang Wei's style, and he beat the whole world alone.

The news is so crazy that the media in various countries are reporting crazy.

"Future Technology Corporation announced that it will enter space, and a manned moon landing will be achieved a year later to build a permanent base on the moon! 》

"Future Technology Company will build the world's first permanent base on the moon! 》

"Future Technology Company Recruiting Astronauts! 》

Netizens are also hot discussions.

"Dr. Zhang, you want to sling the whole world again. Are you so good, really good?"

"Where does the future technology company's aerospace technology come from?"

"Does this still need to be thought? It must have reached a relevant agreement with the country ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ He provided anti-gravity technology support to the country, and the country provided space technology to him."

"Dr. Zhang is also really good, and there is an explosive news every one or two months, but after all, does this mean that the conditions for immigration to the moon are about to mature?"

"You think too much, immigration to the moon is not so simple. The temperature difference between the day and night of the moon is extremely large, the daytime temperature of the moon's equator is as high as 100 116 degrees Celsius, but it drops to minus 173 degrees Celsius at night. If you want to emigrate to the moon, the moon base is It must be able to isolate the extreme heat and cold from the surface, which is not a good solution!

In addition, the gravity on the lunar surface is only 1/6 of that on the earth. In this case, the human body may suffer very serious damage, including muscle degeneration and skeleton demineralization.

There is also the issue of radiation. The earth has an atmosphere and a magnetic field. Both of these are like huge safety blankets, protecting us from the sun particles and cosmic rays that are basically from the Milky Way, but on the moon, there is no such natural protection, we must find ways to avoid ourselves Category danger. Otherwise, these radiations will penetrate human skin and affect human DNA, causing radiation sickness, cataracts and a sharply increased risk of cancer. "(To be continued.)