Urban Inventor

Chapter 206: Zhang Wei's prediction

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Zhang Wei never gave a speech, and this time was no exception. He walked onto the stage, picked up the microphone, showed a smile, and began to speak, "Dear King, Queen and Members of the Royal Family, Ladies and Gentlemen:

According to the usual practice, the Nobel Prize winner is going to give a speech, and I was absent from this session before, and I apologize to everyone, then I decided to combine the speech with this speech thank you, and the topic of my speech is : We live in a great era.

There are several famous "prophecies" in the history of science and technology.

More than 100 years ago, Professor Philip von Jolly, a teacher of German physicist Planck, advised him that "physics is basically a science that has been completed."

From 18 to 99, the Director of the United States Patent Office asserted, "Everything that can be invented has been invented."

A few decades ago, IBM Chairman Watson also predicted that "the scale of the global computer market is five."

Now it seems that these predictions are very ridiculous; but these people are the most outstanding talents in the field at that time. The failure of their predictions is not because of short-sightedness, but because the demand for social and economic development has far exceeded everyone's predictions, the potential for human innovation has far exceeded everyone's imagination, and technology is endless.

Today, we can learn about news events happening on the other side of the earth within a few minutes. We can communicate with people from any corner of the world, discuss work, hold meetings, and buy our favorite products at home. Even anti-gravity flying cars and intelligent robots, which existed only in science fiction movies two years ago, have entered our lives.

Why has our life changed so much? There is no doubt that it is technology. The accelerated development of science and technology has promoted such an unprecedented change in history and changed our production methods and lifestyle.

In my opinion, the development of science and technology will be faster and faster. Many technologies are about to explode. We have entered an era of unprecedented historical upheaval.

In the field of computers, strong artificial intelligence has emerged, the intelligent earth is being realized, and the virtual world is coming.

In the field of advanced materials and manufacturing, we have been able to design and intelligently manufacture new materials from the molecular level. In addition, breakthroughs have been made in polymer materials, nanomaterials, graphene materials, and optoelectronic materials.

In the field of space, we have also made revolutionary breakthroughs. The development of the moon is about to become a reality. The next step is to colonize the moon, Mars, and more distant space.

In the energy field, significant progress has been made in solar energy, shale gas, wind energy, hydrogen energy, wireless power transmission technology, nuclear fusion, etc., and because we can develop the moon and obtain abundant helium-3 on the moon, the energy problem will be several thousand It will not be a problem during the year.

In the field of life sciences, we have been able to read the genetic code of all existing organisms, and are exploring the mechanisms and processes in which each genome participates in protein synthesis. When we fully understand the genes, we will cure all diseases, create species as we like, artificial Species will replace the special created by God. In other words, we can do God's business.

In addition, there are quantum computing, quantum communication, quantum network, quantum simulation, nano-robots, 4D printing, ecological maintenance in enclosed spaces, antimatter, dark matter, speed engine ...

Every moment, countless high-tech products are invented, and every minute and every second, countless advanced theories are proposed or realized, so I will say that we live in a great era, because we will Seeing the birth of great technologies, our lives will undergo unimaginable changes. I can affirm that if you live five years of isolation in the virgin forest from now on, when you return to human society five years later, you will think you have come to the future world one hundred years later.

I want to tell you that the future belongs to the age of science and the heyday of scientists. Those who are interested in scientific research, please do not hesitate to join this field as soon as possible. As Newton said, he just picked a few beautiful shells on the sea of ​​truth. The truth and countless precious knowledge for human beings are waiting for us to discover. As long as you invest in this field, you can certainly find your own shell.

Finally, I will follow the predecessors of the scientific community to make a few predictions.

The first prediction is that there are aliens in the universe, and we are likely to meet aliens within a hundred years.

The second prediction is that in fifty years, we can extend our lifespan to five hundred years.

Thank you all. "

Well, these two predictions are actually not predictions at all, because Zhang Wei can be sure that there are really aliens in the universe, otherwise it will be impossible to explain the origin of the great inventor system. As for meeting aliens within a hundred years, then It is his goal for himself. As for the second prediction, part of it has been achieved. As long as the gene evolution fluid is injected, the life span can be extended to one hundred and fifty years old, and five hundred years old is also his goal for himself.

In general, this is both Zhang Wei ’s own goal and the pressure that Zhang Wei puts on himself. If a face-loving person like him blows out in public, he will definitely work hard to achieve it, so as not to beat his face.

As soon as Zhang Wei's voice fell, there was a wave of applause in the blue hall, and at this moment, Zhang Wei, who was walking down the stage, suddenly remembered something, and his footsteps stopped abruptly. microphone.

Everyone was stunned, what rhythm was this?


Zhang Wei paused and continued, "Everyone, I'm sorry, but I forgot to announce one thing just now that I have developed a gene injection ~ solution for cancer treatment. This drug will soon undergo clinical trials."

The audience was silent for a few seconds. At the next moment, almost everyone stood up, applauded vigorously, and thunderous applause shook the audience.

With the "Future No. 1 Gene Injection ~ solution" that can cure AIDS 100%, everyone in the audience subconsciously believes that the gene injection ~ solution invented by Zhang Wei for cancer treatment can also cure cancer perfectly.

This is cancer. Unlike AIDS, everyone has the possibility of suffering from cancer. Now, there are more than 10 million new cancer patients worldwide every year, and more than 7 million patients die from cancer every year. This is a terrible number! Many people were suffering from cancer, and there were advanced patients. The kind of physical and psychological torture made them realize the terrible word "cancer". Especially in the late period, the desperate taste is unbearable.

It can be said that as long as the gene injection for cancer treatment is confirmed to be effective ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine next year must be and can only be Zhang Wei.


At this time, someone found an interesting problem. If the gene injection ~ solution for cancer treatment is confirmed to be effective, then Zhang Wei has overcome AIDS and cancer. Both of these achievements are enough to win the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, then Zhang Wei You are competing with yourself for the Nobel Prize! This is really an interesting thing, and will certainly become a beautiful talk!

Next, other Nobel Prize winners also came to the stage and gave their short thank-you speeches. However, everyone was still in shock. The few Nobel Prize winners did not pay much attention to what they said, and the applause was sparse. , So that these Nobel Prize winners could not help but feel a little depressed, "in the same era as a genius like Zhang Wei, even if they have achieved great achievements, they will be overshadowed because Zhang Wei's light is too dazzling enough All scientists ’light is covered up. This era seems to be dedicated to Zhang Wei alone."

With the speeches of all Nobel Prize winners ending, the banquet also ended.

At this time, Zhang Wei was already surrounded by people, including scientists, members of the Swedish royal family, and celebrities. (To be continued.)