Urban Inventor

Chapter 209: 1 family member of cancer

(Two-in-one chapter, for subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket. Thanks)

Seven thirty in the morning.

After breakfast, Zhou Hai looked at his father who was paralyzed in a wheelchair, trying to squeeze out a smile, "Dad, I'm going to work."

Father Zhou heard the words, turned his head hard to look at Zhou Hai, and said indistinctly, "Note ... Pay attention to traffic ... safety."


Zhou Hai nodded vigorously and turned to walk outside. At this moment, the young man who had just smiled suddenly looked like a teenager in his age, and no longer had that kind of vitality.

His thoughts could not help but return to a night more than two years ago, that time was March 2018, the specific date can not be remembered, when he was playing online games at home.

Zhou Hai remembers that in those days, the mother of a friend in the game got cancer, and then the friend said that he would not continue to play the game, on the grounds that he had no money at home, all he could do was accompany his mother to do what the mother wanted to do Things, accompany her mother to the place you want to go. Listening to that, his mother will go home and die when he finishes these things with his mother.

Zhou Hai's life at that time was carefree, and he was discussing marriage with his girlfriend, and he was still thinking about how to ask for money at home. To the unfortunate friend, he was both sympathetic and contemptuous, "If I were to ruin my family, I would have to be ruled."

That night, Zhou Hai received a call from his mother, and he was completely ashamed in just a few words-his father had lung cancer. Although the doctor did not express it, it was estimated that it was already in the middle and late stages.

Frankly speaking, Zhou Hai didn't know much about cancer at the time, knew it was a "health killer", and knew it was almost incurable. But after all, it happened to outsiders, and did not pay close attention. Moreover, there are also reports on weekdays that someone defeats cancer, a doctor saves cancer patients, etc. There are also miracle fantasies.

However, when he checked the Internet, he realized that the cancer was almost terminally ill, and he had a cure in the early stage, but in the middle and late stages, especially after the cancer cells began to metastasize and spread, it was the real terminal illness. Searching for various treatments on the Internet, I feel dizzy and dizzy, but I still have no solution. Some people say that Western medicine is treatment, some people say that chemotherapy is useless or still need to use traditional Chinese medicine, or introduce some kind of magical remedies, such as walnut branch boiled eggs; there are also countless unscrupulous merchants, posting advertisements on the Internet, posing as patients conscientiously boast The magical effect of a medicine. If there is a so-called magic medicine, as long as people with normal IQ will apply for patents, followed by winning prizes and soft hands, and assets exceeding Bill Gates, how can this kind of advertising be used to promote it? This is not only about making money, but also killing lives! He was so angry at that time that his human nature was so filthy and so degraded!

Comprehensive evaluation of various claims, Zhou Hai found that in the end there is only one option: go to a regular hospital. After all, this is well documented. Unlike others, no matter how good it is, after all, there is no basis for it.

The next day, he rushed back home from the capital, and he was gratified that his father's appearance had not changed. It was still as tough as he was, and his appearance was good, but there was a little more depression in his expression. This reminded him of a sentence that he saw on the Internet. Of the dead cancer patients, 1/3 were scared to death, 1/3 died because of over-medication, and 1/3 died because of treatment. Invalid and die. As long as the mentality is good, even if cancer metastasis occurs, there are many people living with tumors for 10 or 20 years.

Therefore, in the following time, he continued to encourage his father, but most of the time the father just smiled. He knew that he was as smart as his father, and he was afraid that many things would be clearer than him. Of course, hope is still there, and they are all waiting for a miracle.

In order to let his father receive the best treatment, Zhou Hai asked his parents to go to the capital with him and went to a well-known swollen tumor hospital.

Then, what he has to face is huge treatment costs.

Like many north drifters, he didn't save money. For this reason, he can only borrow money from family and friends. However, it is really difficult to borrow money for the reason of treating cancer. He only borrowed 50,000 in the end, plus his parents' 100,000 deposits, only a total of 150,000.

However, in just 7 days, the cost of treatment is as high as 100,000, which gives him an accurate concept of the cost of cancer. Even if his father has medical insurance to reimburse 50%, the remaining cost is also a heavy pressure for him . He asked the doctor. The doctor told him that with a cheaper targeted drug and treatment, the cost of a month of treatment is nearly 30,000. At this time, something even worse happened, because his girlfriend could not bear this heavy pressure, he proposed to break up with him. Although he was very painful, he also understood that after all, no matter who is longing for a better life.

My father also knew that he was very difficult, and he insisted on returning to his hometown, which would save some expenses. Taking into consideration the actual situation, he agreed. At that time, he hated himself very much. He hated himself as a waste. A majestic man who had graduated for more than two years, even had no ability to take good care of his father.

In the following time, my father had one month of chemotherapy and a month of rest. The hospital bed and the bed at home became the whole content of the parents' life. Every time he called home, in addition to comforting his father, he was discussing the cost of treatment with his mother. And his father will find him some trouble every one or two months: for example, complaining that the nurse is not good at puncturing the needle and refusing to continue the chemotherapy, for example, refusing to be hospitalized on the ground of the hospital's "black money". The whole family managed to maintain treatment in their own way.

Every day life seems to fill an endless hole.

However, his father's condition continued to deteriorate. In March of this year, after his father's examination, he found that there were still brain tumors (can't determine whether this was a lung tumor ~ tumor metastasis or primary), and his condition deteriorated sharply.

Starting in March, his father's actions and speech skills gradually declined. First, the left limb gradually became weak, unable to exercise normally, and walked a bit lame; then writing was not as neat and delicate as usual; then later, the right limb began to weaken, and then the language ability was not as good as before. In September, even life Can't take care of himself.

To this end, Zhou Hai quit his job in the capital and returned to his hometown, because he had a terrible hunch that his father's life might be counting down.

Now, Zhou Hai does not dare to talk to his father about his illness or even comfort his father, because he fears that he will cry once he talks about it. Moreover, he was most afraid of waking up every morning, because he suddenly remembered his father who had cancer, and he had to watch his father suffer.

The drag and blows caused by cancer in the home are far more than that. Not only did the father become stranger, but even the mother was significantly older. The original healthy and cheerful mother was completely old, her hair was white and thin, and her nervous breakdown became more and more serious. Got a stomach problem. In fact, she once suspected that she had stomach cancer. She once told Zhou Hai that if she really had cancer, she planned to die with her wife, "walk clean and not drag you down."

Whenever I think of this sentence, Zhou Hai's eyes will have pantothenic acid, and there will be a deep feeling of powerlessness, so powerless ... I don't want to do anything. However, he must persevere, if he can not persevere, this family will never be angry again.

In addition, he also saw a glimmer of light. Two months ago, on October 16, Zhang Wei announced the development of the "future 1 gene injection ~ solution" for the treatment of AIDS. After the clinical trial, the "future 1 gene injection ~ Liquid 'proved to be effective, with a cure rate of 100%.

Since that day, Zhou Hai has been paying attention to the movements of Zhang Wei and future technology companies. In his view, AIDS is a terminal illness similar to cancer. Since Zhang Wei can overcome AIDS, maybe he can also overcome cancer.

A few days later, on October 21, Zhou Hai heard a very exciting news for him. Zhang Wei announced that he would conquer the century-level terminal illnesses and include cancer. At that moment, he couldn't help but get excited. Since Zhang Wei could overcome AIDS within a month, it should not take much time to overcome other terminal illnesses. At that moment, he was praying to heaven, Zhang Wei must conquer cancer within a year, because the doctor told him that his father could only support one more year.

After this, Zhou Hai will check the relevant information online after work every day, looking forward to and anxious. Before going to bed last night, Zhou Hai inquired about Zhang Wei ’s latest news and found that Zhang Wei went to Stockholm, Sweden to receive the Nobel Prize. He was a bit disappointed because he did not see the information he wanted to see.

After leaving home, Zhou Hai came to the bus station and boarded the bus to the company. On the bus, he was still immersed in sadness. For more than two years, he has watched his father's life slowly exhausting, and he has been worried in his heart. I don't know which day I will never see my father again. There is no father in my life ... He can't help but sigh, Why do people have to die, why do people have to separate, why are there terminal illnesses like cancer!

Unconsciously, the bus had arrived, and Zhou Hai hurriedly got off the bus, packed his emotions, and walked to the company.

"Good morning, Manager Zhou."

"Manager Zhou, early."

Along the way, many colleagues greeted Zhou Hai, and Zhou Hai also nodded in response. Since his father had cancer, he matured overnight and worked extremely hard at work, because he had to earn enough money to renew his life. In the capital, he spent more than a year as a company Back to his hometown, he became the deputy manager of the R & D department of the new company with solid technology, and his income increased to 20,000 per month.

However, even so, he still owes hundreds of thousands of foreign debts, because after his income is high, he will replace the drugs used by his father with more expensive imported drugs. It can be said that cancer is a bottomless hole, and how much money can be swallowed. Most families will go bankrupt. The most desperate thing is that even if they go bankrupt, they will not be able to cure cancer. In the end, people will be gone and there will be a pile of debts! This is why many people said, "I think every family should prepare cyanide, potassium, potassium. If I get cancer, I will eat it immediately. I cannot accept myself as the cancer patient who tortured my loved ones."

"Manager Zhou, good news."

A twenty-three to four-year-old young man walked quickly to Zhou Hai and handed his mobile phone to Zhou Hai, "Zhang Wei announced at the Nobel Prize dinner that he had developed a gene injection for cancer treatment ~ solution This drug will soon be clinically tested, and his uncle's illness will be cured soon. "

"Hurry up to me!"

Zhou Hai couldn't wait to take the phone from the young man and click on the news video.

"Audience friends, here is an exciting news report. Yesterday, Dr. Zhang Wei announced at the Nobel Prize dinner that he had overcome the worldwide problem of cancer, and clinical trials will be conducted soon. This marks the medical cause of China Great progress has been made. From then on, cancer will no longer be terminally ill. It will be easily cured like the AIDS that has been conquered. "

As soon as the picture changed, Zhang Wei appeared on the screen, and Zhang Wei said, "Everyone, I'm sorry, I just forgot to announce one thing just now that I have developed a gene injection for treating cancer ~ This medicine is very There will be clinical trials soon. "

"Really? This is true!"

Zhou Hai almost cried with excitement, insisted for so long, and finally waited for the light, a long time before he recovered, returned the phone to the other party, and then immediately took out his phone and called the leader to ask for leave, He wants to return home in the shortest time and tell his parents the good news in person.

As soon as he walked out of the building, Zhou Hai felt the warm sunshine and only felt that the world was very beautiful.

He secretly said in his heart, "Dr. Zhang, thank you!"

At this moment, there are countless people with the same ideas as Zhou Hai.

On the Internet, there are many cancer patients, family members and people with similar experiences discussing this matter.

"Since Zhang Wei announced at the October press conference that he will conquer the century-level terminal illness, I am waiting for this day, but fortunately it is too late!"

"Although no clinical trial has been conducted, I believe that the clinical trial will be successful. After all, he is Zhang Wei, and he has successfully overcome AIDS."

"Zhang Wei ’s merits are immeasurable. I believe that those patients who have experienced despair will be willing to thank Zhang Wei and the future technology company in any way they can, even if they kneel in front of the company for a few days. night."

"Yeah, people who haven't experienced it can never understand the horror of cancer. Why is cancer called the king of all diseases, and why is it terminally ill? More than a simple literal consciousness that can't be cured, the kind of day ~ night and night is shared by physical and psychological The pain and despair of torture is really difficult for people who have not experienced it. This is why many cancer patients are willing to give up their families and try new therapies. They only get a chance, even if the chance is very small. "

"This disease is not only a torment to the patient, but also to the family. How many families are ruined because of this? Many patients even chose to commit suicide in order not to involve the family. My uncle had lung cancer, the doctor said nothing. When he was cured, he slept at home all day. He had difficulty breathing, and he didn't even have the energy to eat. As a result, my aunt took the child out one day, and when he returned home, he found that he actually climbed to the second floor and put it on the second floor. He stabbed himself with a long knife-how weak a person is, how determined will be to die! "

"Looking at the mention of bankruptcy upstairs, I have to say that bankruptcy for cancer is both a natural disaster and a matter of fact." Because cancer treatment is expensive, ranging from tens of thousands of yuan to millions of dollars. Therefore, cancer patients have always been Big hospitals are fighting for the "fat meat", and even among the various departments within the hospital are fighting for cancer patients. The purpose is to make money. In some hospitals, some medical staff use patients "1% I hope to do 100% hard work ”psychologically make a fuss ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ borrow cancer, recommend high-priced drugs, imported drugs, let patients pay more, and finally get no corresponding return.

What is even more hateful is that when you turn on the TV, radio, and open newspapers and magazines, various advertisements for the treatment of tumors are overwhelming. They are all plainly and secretly proclaimed that they can treat various cancers. These products or ancestral secrets Or, it is "the clinical crystallization of swollen tumor experts for many years", or new products refined by high technology. These fake advertisements do not know how many people are hurt! "

"Zhang Wei certainly won't be like this. From his low-cost sale of" Future No. 1 Gene Injection ~ Solution "for the treatment of AIDS, it can be seen that he is a person with great compassion, and he will definitely continue with this life-saving medicine. It is sold at a low price. A compassionate and caring person like him is rare in this materialistic society. I suggest that you buy more products from future technology companies in the future. This is the only way we can return him. . "

"Hey ... If Zhang Wei could invent this medicine a few months earlier, my grandfather would not leave me."

"This is the best news I have heard so far this year. I hope to conduct clinical trials as soon as possible and then go on sale soon!"

"+1" (To be continued.)