Urban Inventor

Chapter 215: Prehistoric virus under Antarctic ice

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"Boss, there is one thing that must be reported to you. After research, analysis and calculations, it was concluded that the virus discovered yesterday can" get rid "of the human immune system and is extremely destructive to humans. The mortality rate is as high as 48 hours after infection. 90%, and the self-evolution of this virus is extremely fast, it can only be transmitted by air at first, but it has evolved the ability of blood transmission after 12 hours. Once this virus leaks, it will be detected in a very short time. Humans have caused heavy damage, and the worst is that humans have been extinct since then. "

One day later, when Zhang Wei was studying Jiang Shan's genes, Beidou suddenly reminded.

"This is a real super virus! It can even" get rid of "the human immune system. Once the virus escapes from the laboratory, the world's humans will have no defense."

Zhang Weiwen said, frowning slightly, and after careful consideration, he commanded, "Create a new space virus database, name this virus as No.1 virus, establish a file, continue research, and find a way to restrain this virus. In addition, improve The safety level of the laboratory must not allow virus 1 to leak out. "

Mankind will soon start to step into space, and will inevitably encounter various space viruses. He must prepare for it early. Every time he discovers one, he must find a treatment, which can be dealt with in time if he encounters it later. As for the virus leak, causing human destruction? The probability of this happening is almost zero. The future technology company is not an umbrella company, nor will he let "Resident Evil" stage in reality!

At this time, Zhang Wei opened his brain again. Wouldn't this meteorite be deliberately thrown onto the earth by aliens? Well, this possibility is minimal. But this seems to be a good way of interstellar colonization. If an alien civilization is found on a certain planet, a super virus is created against the aliens on this planet, and these aliens are "humanely destroyed." It seems a bit cruel, but it is likely to happen. After all, this method is simple and efficient. As long as the super virus spreads on this planet, then you can leave directly. After coming back in a few years, this planet becomes an unowned planet. .

Thinking of this, Zhang Wei couldn't help but shudder. If an alien really used this trick on the earth, the consequences would be disastrous!

Therefore, it is still necessary to climb the technological tree as soon as possible, as long as the technology is sufficiently developed, even if it encounters a world-class virus, it can quickly find countermeasures.

Just when Zhang Wei's brain opened wide.


Three ch101 helicopters whizzed past the white desolate Antarctic ice layer, rolled up snowflakes and fluttered in the sky. A few dozen minutes later, the helicopter landed at Japan ’s “Fuji Dome” Antarctic base. The Japanese wearing thick leather gloves came down from the helicopter and entered the "Fuji Dome" base.

These Japanese are all Japanese researchers stationed in Antarctica, mainly for ice core drilling operations.

The Antarctic ice sheet is called "the time capsule of the earth's environment" by polarists. During the long years, a large number of bubbles, impurities, animals and other creatures were frozen in the Antarctic ice layer. By drilling and analyzing Antarctic ice cores, scientists can obtain information about climate change over hundreds of thousands of years, as well as information about prehistoric organisms.

However, the ice cores harvested by these researchers today gave them an unexpected surprise.

After research and analysis, the researchers found a prehistoric virus in the ice core. What shocked them even more was that they found the virus still infectious.

The researchers immediately reported the news to the country. Two days later, these prehistoric viruses were taken away by special agents sent from Japan.

Six days later, Africa, Liberia.

Liberia is located in the west of Africa, Guinea in the north, Sierra Leone in the northwest, Côte d’ Ivoire in the east, and the Atlantic Ocean in the southwest, with an area of ​​110,000 square kilometers and a population of about 2.5 million. It is one of the world ’s least developed countries announced by the United Nations. Poverty, turmoil, and the proliferation of weapons are the first impressions of this country.

There has been a strange mutiny in this country. On April 12, 1980, 17 soldiers launched a coup d’ état in this country, and they succeeded in one fell swoop. This incident made the world look at Liberia: a dozen people. The coup was launched and succeeded. It has never happened before. The 17 soldiers in Liberia broke this record and set the first major news of the successful coup of more than a dozen soldiers. The leader is actually a sergeant. However, the sergeant's final ending was miserable. He was captured by the rebels. On September 10, 1990, his body was parked in a small hospital in the capital of Liberia, Monrovia, allowing people to visit freely: double Ears were cut off, leaving two black holes; ten fingers on both hands were cut off, leaving only bare palms; the male symbol, the male main organ, was cut off by Qi Gen, leaving one The dark pit ...

After that, until the end of the civil war, Liberia continued to riot, slaughter, rape, lun, **** women, decapitate, amputate limbs, anesthetize young people with drugs and enter the battlefield as cannon fodder, or even eat human meat The motive is to gain strength from the process of eating human flesh and at the same time to intimidate the enemy) ... Various evil deeds continue to take place.

Until now, Liberia still has to rely on United Nations peacekeeping forces to maintain order.

Therefore, few foreigners are willing to invest or work here.

However, for some people, the more dangerous the place is, the safer the place is. It is originally poor and turbulent. The government has very poor control. Building an underground laboratory here can be hidden very well. Found by the outside world. And if you want to do human experiments, this is also a good place. Here, it is normal for a few people to be missing.

Liberia, near a tropical rainforest, in a small village.

"Dr. Queon, someone is looking for you."

A black man brought two yellow men to the door of the only outpatient hospital in the village and shouted.

At this time, a black man in his 50s and 60s wearing a white coat came out. After seeing two yellow men, he smiled slightly and said to the black man, "Brazy, thank you."

"Dr. Quion, you're welcome, if I'm fine, I'll go first."

Seeing Dr. Queon nod, Brachy turned and left, and he still respected Dr. Queon. Because Dr. Kui Weng's medical skills are good, he has cured many diseases for the villagers, and the charges are quite cheap, almost equal to free.

After Brahe left, Dr. Queon smiled and talked with the two yellow men for a while, and then immediately closed the iron door of the clinic.

Then he took two yellow men to a wall and pressed it against the wall. Then the wall separated to the two sides, an elevator appeared suddenly in front of them, and the three entered the elevator.

It did n’t take long for lightnovelpub.net ~ The elevator stopped and the elevator doors opened automatically. What turned out to be a bright and spacious hall. When you enter the hall, you can see many modern high-tech laboratories There are researchers wearing white coats in the laboratory.

Dr. Kwion brought two yellow men to one of the laboratories, walked to an old man with gray hair, and respectfully said, "Dr. Ishii, I brought your guests."

"Well, you go up first."

Ishii Ryuji waved.

When Dr. Kui Weng left, Ishii Ryuji immediately looked at the two yellow men and asked, "Has the prehistoric virus brought it?"

One of them nodded, "Dr. Ishii, the Prime Minister is also very concerned about the study of prehistoric viruses, because domestic researchers have found that although this virus is very toxic, it can have a certain strengthening effect on the human body. The Prime Minister hopes that you can use this For basic research ... "

Ishii Ryuji waved his hand, "I don't need you to say, I also know the purpose of the Prime Minister. He definitely hopes that I can study in two directions. The first direction is the human body strengthening agent, and the second direction is the super virus ..." (To be continued.)