Urban Inventor

Chapter 225: Dumb to eat Coptis

The Japanese Prime Minister stood in front of the camera and said sadly, "Today, our compatriots, our lives, and the freedoms we cherish have all been deliberately attacked by terrorists. At the ruins of the Yasukuni Shrine in Yi, I feel extremely sad and angry, and I believe that all citizens will feel just like me at the moment.

Terrorists, the so-called Earth Guardians Alliance, distorted the facts, created false testimony, and slandered us for conducting biological and chemical weapons experiments with living people, planning and carrying out this heart-stirring terrorist attack! Their purpose is to lead our country to chaos and recession, but their conspiracy will not succeed ... "

At this moment, the Prime Minister suddenly felt the ground shaking violently.

Living in a country where earthquakes occur every day, the Prime Minister certainly understands what this means, and a terrible thought appeared in his mind: "An earthquake, and it is still a major earthquake."

The facts are the same as he imagined.

At the next moment, there were countless tiny cracks in the nearby ground that was still intact, and those cracks continued to expand, and then expanded, the entire ground instantly turned into broken porcelain.

"There is an earthquake. Judging from the current situation, the earthquake obviously exceeds magnitude 6, and it may even exceed magnitude 7."

The prime minister ’s body continued to tremble with the ups and downs of the ground, his face became very ugly, the nuclear explosion was just over, and there was another earthquake of magnitude 7 or higher. Is Japan just unlucky? If it is a magnitude 6 earthquake, Japan is not afraid at all, but an earthquake of magnitude 7 or more will pose a threat to Japan. In 2016, a magnitude 7.3 earthquake in Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan killed 111 people and damaged more than 160,000 houses. The loss reached 4.6 trillion yen (about 44.27 billion US dollars). Is the tragedy of Kumamoto Prefecture going to be staged in Tokyo?

The earthquake came and went quickly. In a blink of an eye, the prime minister could not feel the vibration. He quickly interrupted the live broadcast and dealt with the earthquake related matters.

Inside the research building.

"Uh ... There was a big earthquake in Tokyo? It's not such a coincidence, was it caused by this nuclear explosion? It looks like it's very likely."

Zhang Wei was also speechless. He did not expect that a nuclear explosion would trigger a chain reaction beforehand. However, he did not feel guilty or regret-like, but instead felt a little gloating. This is not to blame him, only to blame the Japanese is too bad.

Immediately, he sneered again, this is just the beginning, his revenge is not over yet.

Another part of the retaliation has already begun.

Tokyo, Iwasaki Manor.

The rich like to live the life of a manor, but it is not an easy task to own a manor in a decent place in Tokyo. Even if they have money, it is difficult to do it, but for the Iwasaki family who controls the Mitsubishi Foundation , This is a breeze. The Iwasaki family has built huge and extremely luxurious manors throughout Japan, and live a luxurious life that ordinary people cannot imagine.

Yataki Iwasaki is the contemporary head of the Iwasaki family. Although the Mitsubishi Consortium has been in decline since he took over the Mitsubishi Consortium, this has not affected his power at all. He still has the ability to control Japan's economic and political situation.

"After the nuclear explosion, it was followed by an earthquake. It was really a disaster."

Iwasaki Yataro said, "I immediately ordered people to count how much damage the nuclear explosion and earthquake caused us."

"I will arrange it now."

The butler behind him quickly answered him, then withdrew some distance and started calling to arrange the matter.

"This matter is awkward. We sent someone to secretly kidnap Zhang Wei's girlfriend to the underground laboratory of the Yasukuni Shrine, and then a nuclear explosion occurred at the Yasukuni Shrine. The strangest thing is that I clearly arranged for someone in the underground laboratory. With Zhang Wei ’s girlfriend evacuated, not only did Zhang Wei ’s girlfriend not be taken out, but also the people in the underground laboratory were all disconnected. In this matter, there is a great possibility that Zhang Wei did it? Found his girlfriend, and then implemented revenge ... yes, it must be. "

Iwaki Yashiro's index finger lightly tapped his forehead, pondering for a moment, and said, "Contact Kazui Mitsui, I have something to ask him to discuss."

The butler standing in the distance heard the words and immediately replied, "Yes, Mr. Iwasaki, I ..."

The butler's voice came to an abrupt halt, followed by a thumping fall.

Yataki Iwasaki stopped all thoughts and quickly turned his head, only to see the housekeeper fall to the ground, and nothing else could be seen. However, at the next moment, an object suddenly appeared out of thin air, that is an intelligent robot!

Iwasaki Yataro's unscathed face finally frowned, and he was horrified. "A robot that will be invisible ?!"

With his IQ, he straightened out the whole thing in no time. There is no doubt that his arrangement to kidnap Ren Huaiyu has been exposed, and Ren Huaiyu has also been rescued by Zhang Wei. There are robots that can stealth, which can be easily To do this, as for the subsequent nuclear explosion, Zhang Wei retaliated against Japan, and the stealth robot in front of him was sent by Zhang Wei to retaliate him!

"Iwasaki Yataro."

The robot said, but it was the voice of a young man.

"Are you ... Zhang Wei?"

Yataki Iwasaki said with a look of surprise. At the same time, the fingers of his right hand inadvertently swiped across the watch of his left hand and pressed a small button.

"Yes, I am indeed talking to you through this robot."

Said the robot.

Yataki Iwasaki was silent for a while and said, "How do you want this incident to end?"

"The principle of me is to have revenge and revenge. You plan an action against me, of course, you have to pay the price. You, and all the people involved in this matter, will completely die out of this world. , Your family, the Mitsubishi Foundation, will fall apart. I wonder if you are satisfied with this ending method? "

The robot looked at Yazaki Iwasaki in a down-looking attitude, and the words suddenly turned cold. "It doesn't matter if you're not satisfied, because you don't have the right to choose."

"You may not know what the Mitsubishi Consortium means. If you do this, it will provoke the war between Japan and China. Can you afford this responsibility?"

Yataki Iwasaki said quietly.

"First of all, you look too high on the Mitsubishi Consortium. Second, if Japan really dares to wage war, then I'm very welcome. It's not my arrogance, my own strength alone is enough to make Japan collapse."

The robot sneered contemptuously, and then changed the subject again. He said, "This manor looks ordinary, but the high-tech electronic equipment is extremely advanced. As long as there are some exceptions, the security system will run quickly. You may be wondering now, you pressed the alarm button on the watch two minutes and thirty-two seconds ago, but after so long, your people did not come. Do n’t wait, they do n’t Will come.

In addition, I am actually a person who does not like nonsense, but this time I have been with you for so long nonsense, do you know why? Because my other men are working, the core characters of the Mitsubishi Foundation, and the core characters of your Iwasaki family, will completely die from this world in front of you. As for you, it is the last one. Before you die, you can still see the picture of them when they died. "

"You ... ruthless!"

Yataki Iwasaki looked at the robot with a vicious look, filled with despair and remorse. In the face of a robot that can stealth, no one can escape the chase. The Iwasaki family will be destroyed once! How did you make a fuss about your head and attract such a terrible enemy for the Iwasaki family?

"Oh, you shouldn't fight my idea, you shouldn't kidnap my girlfriend. When you do this, your end is already doomed. Even if you start the world war, I will destroy you and your forces. Now, uproot! "

The robot sneered, "Actually, I have another purpose. Well, I heard that you are proficient in Chinese culture, then you must have heard an idiom, kill chicken and monkey! You are lucky to be that chicken!"

"I am willing to pay any price, just ask you to let the Iwasaki family go."

Yataki Iwasaki stood up tremblingly, his forehead burst with blue muscles under his red face, and his face was twitching. He gritted his teeth and fell to his knees on the ground. The industry of the Mitsubishi Foundation is transferred to yours. "

"Mr. Iwasaki Yaro, you seem to be nervous and desperate now? Unfortunately, even if the conditions you offer are good, you can't change my attention. If you know today, why did you have it?"

The voice of the robot is full of indifference.

Twelve minutes later.

The robot walked to Yasaki Iwasaki and twisted his neck.

The head of the Iwasaki family, Yataki Iwasaki, died!


The Japanese Prime Minister just got the first-hand information about the earthquake. The highest level of the earthquake reached 7.4. During the earthquake, more than 10,000 buildings across Tokyo were damaged to varying degrees. A large number of roads were seriously damaged. Currently, 17 people have been injured. Death, more than 30,000 people were injured, direct and indirect economic losses are expected to exceed 35 trillion yen, more detailed data is still in further statistics. In addition, earthquake experts speculated that the earthquake was probably caused by a nuclear explosion.


The prime minister was trembling with anger, and the **** Earth Guardian Alliance caused such a huge loss to Japan! Fortunately, Japan has high building standards and strong earthquake resistance. Otherwise, this 7.4-magnitude earthquake, Tokyo will have to peel off without dying!

At this time, two more people hurried over. "Prime Minister, in the past half hour, there have been 153 murders in the country. The victims are the core figures of the Mitsui Consortium and the Mitsubishi Consortium. Even the leaders of the Mitsui Consortium and those of the Mitsubishi Consortium have not been spared. In addition, a number of important companies under the Mitsui Consortium and the Mitsubishi Consortium have undergone a major malignancy ~ event, the core technical information was destroyed, and a large number of production lines were blown up ... "

"Baga! What the **** is going on, who can tell me what the **** is going on!"

The Prime Minister roared like crazy.

The six monopoly consortiums headed by the Mitsubishi Consortium and Mitsui Consortium are the true godfathers of Japan. They control Japan ’s economic lifeline and control a large number of Japanese companies. They control 60% of Japan ’s total assets, 55% of total capital, and 60% of sales. 20% employed. Now that such a vicious event has occurred, it will inevitably cause great economic and political turmoil in Japan.

However, after all, the Prime Minister was a political elite, and he quickly calmed down and thought about how to get rid of it. At this time, a flash of light flashed in his mind to straighten out the matter in an instant.

As the Prime Minister of Japan, although he did not participate in the planning of the Mitsui Consortium and the Mitsubishi Consortium, the relevant information was still available.

The course of things should be like this: Mitsui Foundation and Mitsubishi Foundation sent someone to kidnap Zhang Wei ’s girlfriend and transported to the Yasukuni Shrine underground laboratory ... a few hours after Zhang Wei ’s girlfriend was kidnapped to the Yasukuni Shrine underground laboratory A nuclear explosion occurred at the Yasukuni Shrine, and an earthquake was induced ... Immediately after the murder of the core figures of the Mitsui Consortium and the Mitsubishi Consortium.

Things are already obvious, there is no **** in the Earth Guardian Alliance, everything is Zhang Wei's revenge.

Just because his girlfriend was kidnapped, Zhang Wei turned Japan upside down! If Zhang Wei did not maintain a certain degree of restraint and only used a small nuclear bomb, then the entire Japanese high-level official, including the emperor, must be destroyed together with Tokyo! What will happen to Japan by then? How much will it suffer? Incalculable!

After trying to understand this matter, the Prime Minister couldn't help it anymore, a spit of blood poured from his throat, and with a loud puff, the scene was extremely terrifying.

"prime minister!"

"Sir Prime Minister!"

The people around the prime minister hurriedly came to help, now is the critical period, the prime minister can not have an accident.

"I'm fine."

After the Prime Minister vomited the blood that accumulated on his chest, the whole person was awake a lot. He understood that now is not the time for him to fall down. He must rejuvenate and deal with domestic affairs. At the same time, he must also seriously think about how to treat Zhang. Great.

It was announced by Zhang Wei that this was announced to the public? To be fair?

This does not seem appropriate.

First, he has no evidence.

Secondly, this will inevitably involve the abduction of Zhang Wei ’s girlfriend by the Mitsui and Mitsubishi consortiums, and will also inevitably involve the Japanese government, because in this case, Japanese active submarines participated, Zhang Wei ’s girlfriend The place of detention is still a special place, the Yasukuni Shrine. No matter how Japan excuses it, the international community will despise the actions of the Japanese government and Japan ’s international image will plummet! Because Japan is kidnapping an ordinary person in other countries as a country, this is naked ~ naked national terrorism! And terrorism is not allowed in today's mainstream society! Moreover, Zhang Wei invented a gene injection that can cure cancer and AIDS, benefiting hundreds of millions of people around the world, and having many supporters around the world, they will certainly condemn Zhang Wei for Japan!

Finally, Zhang Wei is not easy to mess with! Zhang Wei could easily launch a nuclear explosion at the heavily defended Yasukuni Shrine, and be able to kill all the core members of the Mitsui Consortium and the Mitsubishi Consortium in a short time. This shows that Zhang Wei has extremely terrible force and has the ability to be anywhere in the world. Launch a nuclear explosion. And this guy Zhang Wei is crazy, so he plays so big if he doesn't agree, if he is irritated, who knows whether more terrible things will happen. If he comes to a nuclear explosion in Japan from time to time, Japan will completely collapse.

Then ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ can't tell the truth ~?

"Hey, it seems that I can only bear it for the time being."

The Prime Minister quite has a taste of "dumb eating Coptis chinensis, with bitter words."

Making this choice actually has something to do with the education the Japanese receive. The Japanese worship the strong (whatever the strong pair is), whoever is strong will follow. Faced with the weak, they will choose to bully, rather than despise, (whether this weak person has ever been sorry for themselves). I thought that when Japan fought against the United States during World War II, there were serious casualties on both sides, but as soon as the United States occupied Japan, many people in Japan gave up resistance and even greeted American soldiers with their children, so that they confused the American soldiers By the way, is this a national of Bushido? Now Zhang Wei is actually a strong man. The Japanese deeply respect Zhang Wei in their hearts. If Zhang Wei is willing to cooperate with Japan in technology, it is certain that the Japanese will flatter Zhang Wei. Of course, the Japanese are all tigers and wolves. They follow the strong, in order to learn the strengths of the strong and strengthen themselves. If they become stronger, they will inevitably turn their heads away. History is the best proof.

So, what should I do?

The Prime Minister was frowning and deep in thought. (To be continued.)