Urban Inventor

Chapter 227: I want to equip weapons

Since the small nuclear fusion atomic furnace thrown by Zhang Wei was so important for the country, the head of the government immediately interrupted the meeting and ordered Secretary Wang to convene the most authoritative nuclear physicist in the country to identify the small nuclear fusion atomic furnace and call it Members of the heavyweight think tank and other political and military leaders came to discuss the political, military, and economic significance of the small nuclear fusion atomic furnace and its impact on the country's future.

After the old scientists came, they immediately surrounded Zhang Wei and said excitedly, "Is the controlled nuclear fusion really realized?"

"of course."

Zhang Wei smiled and showed the small nuclear fusion atomic furnace, and then started a specially designed holographic imaging device. A three-dimensional virtual model of the small nuclear fusion atomic furnace appeared out of thin air. He put his hand on the virtual model After operating for a while, the virtual model was decomposed into parts, and at the same time, the design drawings and parameters of each part were perfectly presented.

Old scientists can see their eyes bright. This is holographic imaging technology. It is really too tall and easy to use. If it is used in scientific research, it should be very useful.

Um ... Now it seems to identify the small nuclear fusion atomic furnace.

The old scientists were ashamed, and then excitedly ran to the virtual model of the small nuclear fusion atomic furnace, studied it carefully, and asked Zhang Wei from time to time to ask some questions.

Zhang Wei had already mastered the relevant technology, and the questions raised by the old scientists seemed to him as simple as drinking water, so he quickly won the respect of these old scientists with his professional knowledge.

Looking at the admired look of the old scientists, Zhang Wei's heart also raised a huge amount of satisfaction and carefreeness, as if something burned in his body, um, it should be pretending to be forced.

Under Zhang Wei's explanation, the old scientists became more and more aware of the small nuclear fusion atomic furnace, and more and more admired Zhang Wei. The admiration in the mouth was endless, and they all called Zhang Wei "Dr. Zhang".

"Oh my god! It's incredible! The large Tokmark nuclear fusion device we are working on is still in the experiment, and its success is far from being expected. Dr. Zhang's fusion atomic furnace can be as small as a fist! I do n’t believe in the design, "

"It turned out to be cold nuclear fusion. Isn't this already determined to be impossible? Unexpectedly, it succeeded in the hands of Dr. Zhang! This will definitely cause an earthquake in the scientific community."

"It turned out to be using energy shield technology to withstand the high temperature of the atomic furnace, which is really a imagination. Hey, the energy shield seems to be used in other fields. The shield of the interstellar warship in science fiction and movies is not like this Energy shield? "

"The working temperature of this nanocomposite material is from 233 degrees below zero to 3300 degrees above zero. The corrosion resistance and radiation resistance are also so excellent, it is hard to imagine!"

"This small nuclear fusion atomic furnace is completely an epoch-making technological crystallization. We have exhausted our lives and it is impossible to develop such an advanced atomic furnace. Sure enough, Dr. Zhang and the media said that it is a real genius, and we ... Hey, it's just a little more scientific cells than ordinary people. "

The small nuclear fusion atomic furnace has brought great thought impact to the old scientists, and some people even howled, and they dedicated their lifetime to the controllable nuclear fusion technology, which was finally realized, and was more perfect than they thought. . If they are asked to give an evaluation, it is definitely a perfect level, surpassing the current technology for one hundred years!

The old scientists quickly gave their research conclusions, and then the head and other political, military, and think tank members held meetings to discuss the significance of the small nuclear fusion atomic furnace to the country.

There is no doubt that the small nuclear fusion atomic furnace is of great significance and will completely change China's future.

Helium-3 on the moon can be used as a raw material for nuclear fusion reactions. This fusion produces no neutrons and is safe and pollution-free. 10 tons of helium-3 can meet all the energy needs of China in one year, 100 tons of helium-3 can provide the world's total energy for one year, and the content of helium 3 in the lunar soil is estimated to be millions of tons!

In other words, as long as it can mine helium-3 on the moon, China is almost equivalent to obtaining cheap and unlimited energy!

The mining of helium-3 on the moon is already a matter of course. The spacecraft can reach the moon in less than two years! But this process must be shortened now, because the helium-3 on the moon is more important for China, and it is necessary to accelerate the pace of attacking the city on the moon!

At the same time, the domestic energy layout will also change dramatically.

Due to the emergence of anti-gravity technology, the domestic demand for oil is gradually declining. Now that the technology of small nuclear fusion atomic furnaces is in place, this process will accelerate. As long as there is another three or four years of buffer time, China can completely stop importing oil To get rid of the situation of being restricted by oil in the past. Thermal power stations, hydropower stations and other power stations will also be gradually replaced. Even the century project like the Three Gorges Hydropower Station has lost its practical significance.

In addition, after the popularization of nuclear fusion power stations, electricity charges will be cheaper, industrial costs will be reduced on a large scale, and intelligent robots can also be popularized faster. And because the energy is almost unlimited, food, machinery, weapons and other products will be more abundant, you can open your hands and feet to manufacture, the strength of the entire country will rush into the same development ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Just, there is a problem to consider : Controllable nuclear fusion will only make the world more polarized. Countries that do not have the practical ability to control nuclear fusion can only be stepped on and be a low-end country forever, unless the owner is willing to share technology for free. is it possible? Of course not. Therefore, China must consider in advance how to get along with other countries and how to use this technology to obtain more benefits.

It can be said that after possessing the technology of small nuclear fusion atomic furnaces, China's future strategy needs to be adjusted on a large scale. This is a systematic large-scale project, and it will not be completed in a short time.

Therefore, after the meeting took place for a period of time, the head and several political leaders left the meeting room in advance. They wanted to talk to Zhang Wei about the technology of the small nuclear fusion atomic furnace.

The Chief Executive and Zhang Wei have had several negotiations with Zhang Wei, so they never thought of taking the technology from Zhang Wei for free, but they would n’t really be able to come up with it in the first half, and they could come up with something corresponding to exchange.

At this time, Zhang Wei proposed his first condition. He would be allowed to equip his own spaceship with weapons. In addition, future technology companies' robots on the moon must also be allowed to equip weapons. (To be continued.)