Urban Inventor

Chapter 245: How to fight against future technology c

(I'm busy until four o'clock in the morning and finally finished this two-in-one chapter. I still have to work during the day. It is quite hard to ask for a subscription and a reward. ↑ Fiction,)

When Zhang Wei went to the capital to meet with the head, the news about the content of the Deep Blue 1 conference had already spread wildly all over the world as a wildfire.

This conference is a feast of black technology, a visual feast, and a feast of the times.

Everyone saw the press conference and found out that the future technology company seems to have released only one product, but the black technology used in this product can make a tremendous change in many industry fields around the world.

For example, "intentional control technology" will inevitably have a revolutionary impact on many fields. Products such as mobile phones, TVs, air conditioners, washing machines, light bulbs, flying cars, intelligent robots, etc., will slowly merge with Italian control technology. The whole world will become a world of "whatever comes to mind". It can be said that this will have a huge impact on countless manufacturers. Future technology companies already have plans to launch a series of "intentional control chips" one after another, allowing these manufacturers to develop "intentional control chips" to develop products. This is a huge market that will bring a steady stream of profits to future technology companies.

Holographic imaging technology will also have a revolutionary impact on many fields. The first thing to bear is the screen industry. With the popularization of holographic imaging technology, physical screens such as traditional TV sets and monitors will completely disappear, replaced by convenient and powerful virtual stereo screens. Such virtual stereo screens are "invisible", but people can Use ideas and gestures to control the image on the screen. In addition, games, education, medical care, scientific research, military training and other fields will also be greatly affected. Future technology companies have also formulated plans to expand the application of holographic imaging technology. Of course, in the future, it is impossible for technology companies to get involved in so many fields, and the method adopted will still be to provide technical support. With the provision of technical support, the future gains of technology companies will certainly be an eye-catching astronomical figure.

In addition, with the intention control technology and holographic imaging technology, the tentacles of future technology companies will extend to every corner of society, and its influence will reach a new height.

It can be said that the release of Deep Blue 1 is the beginning of a new era, and people's lives will undergo earth-shaking changes. In the future, technology companies will also enter a new level.

The whole world is boiling because of the launch of the Deep Blue 1.

"Toutiao": "He, he will change the world again!"

"Baidu News": "From the era of voice control to the era of Italian control, the wearable smart device" Dark Blue 1 "is about to change the world! Are you ... ready?

"Tencent News": "This is a visual feast. Zhang Wei brought us an unforgettable press conference with Deep Blue 1. Although the theme of this press conference is Deep Blue 1, but in this press conference , Deep Blue 1 is only a supporting role, the real protagonist is intention control technology, holographic imaging technology, virtual world and Zhang Wei!

Regarding the mind control technology, anyone who has watched the movie "Avatar" must not forget such a bridge in the film: on the Pandora star, the paralyzed former naval warrior Jack Sally lies in the sealed cabin and passes the head The complex equipment worn on the body uses ideas to control the artificial hybrid Avatar. After we watched the movie at that time, we basically thought that Pandora and Avatar were only the fiction of director Cameron, and it was naturally impossible to manipulate Avatar by using ideas. But Zhang Wei told us with facts that this can be achieved! God, I ’m still shocked by this technology. This is completely God ’s ability, but Zhang Wei allows us mortals to control “all things” with the mind like God!

In addition to mind control, the "Mind Reading Technique" possessed by Deep Blue 1 always reminds us that the "Mind Reading Machine" has appeared, and the ideas in our brain may be stolen at any time. This is a terrifying fact. In the face of technology, we have no privacy at all. Although Zhang Wei set a shackle for Deep Blue 1, so that people with suspicions cannot use Deep Blue 1 to steal other people's ideas, but this does not mean that we can sit back and relax. What if other people have mastered the technology of making mind-reading machines? Will Zhang Wei manufacture "Mind Card" devices other than Deep Blue 1?

In addition, there is one more thing that scares us. Now that technology can make people use their minds to control mobile phones, it is expected that in the near future, technology should be able to develop to control the brains of other people with some kind of equipment. If this technology appears, it will surely become a nightmare for mankind.

If Italian control technology makes us mixed, then the holographic imaging technology brings us the purest enjoyment.

In recent years, holographic image technology has frequently appeared in science fiction movies, which makes us look forward to this technology, and Zhang Wei has not disappointed us. The holographic image technology he showed at the press conference has exceeded our imagination. , Brought us unparalleled shock. Especially the perfect combination of holographic imaging technology, intention control technology and artificial intelligence technology almost gives us the feeling that I am God. When one thinks of the world, one thinks of the world. It can perfectly present our rich imagination in reality. Come out, this is simply magic.

There is no doubt that these two technologies invented by Zhang Wei will definitely change the times and change our lives.

However ... Zhang Wei does not seem to be satisfied. He also proposed an ambitious virtual world plan, which will take about three years to bring the virtual world to our lives. I have done a careful research and analysis of Zhang Wei's history and personality. It can be said that he is very rigorous in the field of technology and never talks big words. Therefore, the virtual world has more than 99 capabilities and will become a reality within three years. One of humanity's ultimate dreams will become a reality in Zhang Wei's hands, which cannot but shock.

After the press conference, I was still in a strong shock until the press release. I was reviewing the black technology Zhang Wei brought to us.

Anti-gravity flying vehicle, intelligent robot, future No. 1 gene injection ~ solution, future No. 2 gene injection ~ solution, as well as current idea control technology and holographic imaging technology.

All of this is brought to us by Zhang Wei, who has brought tremendous changes to our lives. Today, we can fly in a flying car at the speed of Mach 3, and we have new family partners-intelligent robots, AIDS and cancer, which are two terminal illnesses that can be easily cured like a cold, and these major changes are only It's just that Zhang Wei's two years of research results are unimaginable.

And as far as I know, Zhang Wei did not stop his steps, but aimed at more black technologies: nanorobots, quantum computers, quantum communications, antimatter, dark matter, human freezing sleep technology, virtual world, Curvature engine, planet transformation, wormhole.

In addition, he is also preparing to enter space. He also wants to extend the lifespan of human beings to five hundred years, one thousand years, and even immortality. He still has many ideas.

From Zhang Wei, I seem to have seen the truth of a world: the people who changed the course of human history have never been so few people, not most people. I think of Newton, Tesla, Einstein, Nobel, Watt, Edison, Oppenheimer, etc. Human development seems to be driven by these few scientists who are not usually concerned.

Zhang Wei is undoubtedly a scientist who has changed the course of human history, and is the scientist I admire most. He has the wealth of a rival country, but he always adheres to his scientific dream. He is so successful. He has unparalleled talent, but he has to work harder than most people in this world. He spends almost every day in the laboratory. I heard that I was often busy until late at night. This ... is the reason I admire him.

Finally, I would like to say to Zhang Wei, you do n’t have to be so busy, you can stop and take a break occasionally. "

This news is about to praise Zhang Wei to the sky, but the content of the news is true and true, which caused a lot of Zhang Wei fans to resonate. Everyone has published a reply, let Zhang Wei relax properly, do not be so tired, black Technology or something can be studied slowly, or the body matters, and some girls said that if the male **** needs to warm the bed, he can be on call. Some people have deep feelings. The world ’s richest man, Zhang Wei, who is recognized as the most talented scientist in human history, has worked so hard. Both their talents and achievements are worse than Zhang Wei by 18,000 miles, but they are lazy and mature. Thinking aggressively, such a strong contrast makes them suddenly feel hot on their faces.

The domestic media are all singing praises to Zhang Wei and Future Technology, while foreign media reports are more diversified.

"The New York Times": "Ten years ago, in 2011, for the first time in my life, I personally traveled to the ancient Eastern Kingdom. Before that, I didn't know China well. The China in my mind is probably like this: small There are few bridges, courtyard houses, big lanterns, buildings and electric lights. The population is too large. Everyone can't eat enough, and they don't even have the money to send children to kindergarten.

However, when I went to China, I found that it was completely different from what I had imagined. There were many people, beautiful buildings, new buildings, luxurious airports, luxurious roads, and many cars. The economy was extremely prosperous. Of course, there was still a big gap between China and the United States at that time. As far as I know, Chinese rich people at that time liked immigration to Europe and America.

Three years ago, in 2018, I went to China for the second time in person. I found that China has changed a lot in the past 7 years and the economy is more prosperous, but there is still a big gap compared with the United States. China ’s rich people are still I like to immigrate to Europe and America.

Today, on May 15, 2021, I came to China for the third time in person. Before I came, I was prepared to be surprised, because in the past three years, China and even the whole world have been turned upside down. The change. When I came to China and came to the future technology company, what I saw still shocked me. They have surpassed other countries in many fields of science and technology and stood at the pinnacle of humanity! People here are no longer longing to emigrate to Europe and America. They think that their motherland is the best country in the world, and it will get better and better, while other countries, especially the United States, are rapidly declining.

Why is there such a big change?

In fact, without me saying, everyone knows that because a sinister genius was born in 2019, he has successively invented anti-gravity technology, intelligent robots, sonic weapons (to be verified), future No. 1 gene injection ~ liquid, future A lot of 'black technology', such as gene injection ~ solution # 2, has taken China and the entire world on a completely different path.

Now, Zhang Wei has launched Italian control technology and holographic imaging technology. He is also preparing to complete the virtual world in three years ... These technologies will allow China to develop at a faster rate, and it is expected to replace the United States in two years. And become the world's number one power.

This is not alarmist, but describing a fact!

This is the change Zhang Wei brings to the world. One person leads an era!

America, where will it go?

Cooperation or confrontation?

This will be a major choice we face!

It is worth mentioning that many traditional allies of the United States, especially the European countries, have been slowly moving closer to China, and these countries have also imposed a technical blockade on China in previous years. From this phenomenon, we seem to find some clues that the center of the world is already shifting to China.

"Washington Post": "Italian control technology, holographic imaging technology, the future of the company's dark blue 1 is full of science fiction elements, can be called the world's most perfect smart device, unstoppable! Technology giants such as Apple, Intel, Qualcomm, etc. The biggest crisis in history has caused stock prices to plunge. Take Apple as an example. Apple used to dominate the smartphone market and is the target of capital. The stock price has continued to rise. However, since the announcement of the future technology company two days ago, Apple The company ’s stock price has not stabilized. Not long after today ’s Deep Blue 1 launch, Apple ’s stock price has plummeted, and the market value of more than $ 300 billion has been evaporated. The stocks are sold everywhere, and there is no one to buy. It shows that capital has completely lost confidence in Apple!

In addition, the virtual world plan proposed by Zhang Wei also makes Internet giants such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, and others in danger! It can be said that this conference of future technology companies has completely awakened the traditional software and hardware giants such as Apple and Google, and everyone affected has felt an unprecedented sense of crisis. However, this company has grown into an unprecedented Big Mac, a well-deserved technological empire, it is no longer a company can fight, neither Apple nor Google.

It is reported that these giants are liaising with each other, preparing to form an alliance to cooperate in capital, technology, human resources, etc., to gather together to fight against the future technology companies.

In fact, even in this way, it may not be able to stop the future technology company that can be called the "terminator" monster, the best way is to stop it with the power of the country. However, this is also the worst way, because it will inevitably provoke trade friction between the United States and China. Now the United States cannot withstand such tossing. Moreover, the future technology company is also the manufacturer of the "future 1 gene injection ~ solution" for the treatment of AIDS and the "future 2 gene injection ~ solution" for the treatment of cancer, and China has more than 1.7 million new cancer patients every year. To force a ban on the products of future technology companies will inevitably cause considerable trouble ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The Wall Street Journal: "It is reported that Google, Apple, Microsoft, IBM, Facebook, Intel, Qualcomm and other technology giants are preparing to form An alliance, cooperating in capital, technology, human resources, etc., to warm up and fight against future technology companies. This is a good phenomenon. In this dark period, we in the United States should be united and overcome difficulties together. The temporary failure is not terrible. The terrible thing is the loss of confidence.

We have the most scientific and technological talents in the world, and we have the deepest technical knowledge in the world. Therefore, we have reason to believe that as long as we unite and increase investment in research and development, we will inevitably be able to catch up with the technological gap of future technology companies! We have reason to believe that American high-tech companies will certainly lead the world again! "

"USA Today": "Apple is preparing to file a lawsuit in the New York State High Court and the Zhongyun City Court in China, accusing the future technology company's" Deep Blue 1 "of infringing Apple's 32 patents.

Qualcomm CEO said that the future technology companies are suspected of monopolization, they will file a lawsuit in the New York State High Court. At the same time, they hope that future technology companies will be able to develop some technical standards ... "(to be continued.)

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