Urban Inventor

Chapter 250: Very happy


In the current civil service system, there are only a few officials, and the moth among the officials is a minority. This is because if you do not reach a certain level, you will not have the relevant power and resources, and you will not be in contact with outside enterprises and ordinary people. In fact, it can be seen from the relevant news that the assaulted and corrupted bribes are all at the leadership level, and there are few grassroots civil servants.

However, although there are few worms, a worm can harm a city and damage the levers. The negative impact is unimaginable. Ordinary people can be said to hate these worms. With the official launch of the Chief Executive ’s policy, the good times for these borers are coming to an end, and the radishes are pulled out to bring out the mud, and each borer involves a group of people.

Considering that if this is done with great fanfare, the impact may be too great. I chose to deal with it in a low-key manner. In the absence of media reports, the Chief Minister ’s policy was launched in a low-key manner. For a time, those who had ghosts in their hearts were panic-stricken. Uneasy, they are well aware of the power of "Mind Reading Machine". If they come to the "Mind Reading Machine", they will definitely tell the secrets that cannot be said like bamboo beans poured out of beans.

The first reaction of most borers is to go abroad immediately. They have overseas money such as Swiss banks, which is enough for them to live abroad in the future. In fact, overseas has also been a "sin-avoidance paradise" for these worms, because some countries have not concluded a judicial assistance treaty with China, nor have they concluded an extradition treaty with China, and cannot pursue their escape through extradition. Over the years, the worms The assets brought overseas are difficult to count. As for the specific amount, it should be a confused account.

In fact, many borers have already made relevant preparations and prepared for the future. For example, a cadre of ICBC branch, Chen Mou, who had carried more than 40 million yuan in stolen money and fled and fled inside and outside the country. Chengdu, Guangzhou, Haikou and Zhanjiang went around non-stop and then entered Vietnam and then Burma. In the whole process, 29 fake ID cards were exchanged. If they were not prepared early, hell.

However, the back road they had prepared in the past is no longer useful. The country has severely restricted the exit routes. They basically have no chance to leave quietly. Therefore, most of the worms chose to surrender voluntarily and strive for leniency.

At this time, a lot of borers can't help but be a little sighed. Time flies so fast. I thought they were full of blood when they graduated from university and just started to work. I believe that as long as they pay, they will always return hard work. They will work hard and complete themselves beautifully. However, they do n’t know when they will find that hard work is not enough. Someone has to appreciate it, because there are so many places. If no one appreciates it, it is difficult to go further. So they learned to ride a horse, learn to stand in line, and learned the phrase "power is at hand, not used as waste". Then they slowly became what they are now. Is it their fault or the fault of society? Maybe both. Insects shook their heads and smiled bitterly, because they suddenly remembered that when they were young, they hated the identity of assholes, but they did not expect that they later became their most hated people.

The civil servant system is quietly undergoing a major blood exchange, a large group of borers are replaced, and then someone quickly takes over their positions. The whole process is in order, with little impact on the operation of the country.

However, although the media did not report it, such a large-scale exchange of blood in the civil service system inevitably attracted the attention of ordinary people, and it was immediately discussed on the Internet.

"My second Olympics is a big deal. Didn't you find that there have been major exchanges in the leadership of many cities? Many people who frequently appear in the news suddenly disappeared and replaced with strange faces."

"Uh ... I have been paying attention to various cases during this time, not paying attention to other things. In other words, everyone found out that social security has improved a lot in the past."

"I followed, and my second in the city changed."

"Wait for the truth emperor to come out and explain, is it swollen?"

"Don't you know? This matter is actually related to the" Mind Reading Machine "of the future technology company. It has issued an earth-shattering policy to review all officials. The main purpose is to investigate corrupt officials. It is only implemented in some provinces and cities. , Mainly for the stability of the country, but according to my information, it will be gradually extended to the whole country, and the scope of the implication will be very wide. It is unprecedented ... Well, I can only talk about this here, please make up for the rest by yourself. "

"My second Olympics, it's really a big deal! I just don't know what to do with those huge corruptions ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ If you are hungry for hundreds of millions or still die or have no time, then I will not agree, people just because of the bank ATM machine If more than one hundred thousand failures are taken, they will be sentenced to indefinitely. If these moths that deliberately make use of national resources to make profits by hundreds of millions of people are only dead or indefinite, then it is too bad! Anyway, I do n’t agree with 10,000! "

"Anyway, the people's hearts are just right! Those moths are usually honest, but privately use their rights to squander money, pack three milks, raise four milks, and send their children to settle abroad. It's abominable. Hum, they must be panic now. "

"That ’s right, some worms say that their children settled abroad based on their own skills, but how can it be so easy to settle abroad, either as a skilled immigrant or an investment immigrant, the children of these worms cannot always be geniuses, right? It can only be explained by investment immigration. Since it is an investment immigration, one or two million is definitely not enough, at least 10 or 20 million. So much money is obviously not a salary, so I said ... "

"Still admire Zhang Wei, not only is this matter related to Zhang Wei, the great changes that have occurred in the country in the past two years are basically related to Zhang Wei, my father is in the advanced stage of lung cancer, and it is also the" future 2 gene injection "invented by Zhang Wei 'Healed, it only cost a few hundred dollars. This was put in the past, and it will not be cured if you go bankrupt. As the saying goes, the grace of dripping water will be reported to Yongquan. If you have a chance, you must repay Zhang Wei.

"What Zhang Wei did was all for the benefit of the country and the people, but he also offended many people, and he was offended by death. There must be many people who want his life. I sincerely wish him good people and good rewards. a peaceful life."

"You can rest assured that I am an employee of a future technology company. As far as I know, President Zhang's security measures are stricter than that of the President of the United States, and the probability of encountering danger is very low." (Unfinished.) La
