Urban Inventor

Chapter 256: 3 stages of the interstellar age


It took nearly eleven months for Zhang Wei ’s spacecraft to be completed. Although the country ’s Chang'e 7 spacecraft has accelerated its progress, it will take at least four months to complete. The gap is partly because Zhang Wei spares no expense, and partly because the country is building a spaceship industrial base and moving all supporting factories to the base. This integration process took a long time.

However, these are not important. What is important is that Zhang Wei can become the first batch of people on the moon in China, which is a great honor.

September 13.

Zhang Wei, Qin Xiaobu, Zhang Zhijian, and Liu Hai came to the spaceship factory. Inside the factory, a 100-meter spaceship has been assembled. The cold metallic luster and the immense volume make the The four of Zhang Wei looked bloody.

In the interstellar age, the first step is finally to be taken.

In Zhang Wei's view, the interstellar age can be divided into three stages.

In the first stage, you can only sail in the planetary system. Taking the solar system as an example, any planetary voyage from Mercury to Neptune is called planetary voyage. For us humans, the lowest planetary voyage is Earth to Mars.

In the second stage, it is possible to realize the navigation of the galaxy. The navigation of any star from the solar system to the Milky Way is called the navigation of the galaxy. The lowest navigation of the galaxy is the navigation of our solar system to the Alpha Centauri. Sailing between.

In the third stage, the voyage from any galaxy in the galaxy to any galaxy outside the galaxy is called a galaxy. The lowest galaxy is the galaxy to the Large Magellanic Cloud.

These three stages represent the three levels of human civilization.

Mankind has just entered the first stage of the interstellar age, which is equivalent to not yet going out of the novice village, but even so, it is also a matter of pride.

With excitement, the four Zhang Wei walked to the entrance of the spaceship. The identification system of the population department recognized the identity of the four Zhang Wei, and then opened the entrance, and the four Zhang Wei entered the spaceship.

"Beidou, start the spacecraft self-test procedure."

After Zhang Wei entered the spaceship, he said to him.

Not only this spaceship, every spaceship he built in the future is assisted by artificial intelligence, and these artificial intelligences are replicas of Beidou, so Beidou can take over the control of the spaceship at any time.

"The self-test program starts."

The sound of Beidou sounded inside the spaceship. At the same time, a virtual stereoscopic screen was projected in front of the eyes of Zhang Wei and a striking progress bar on the screen was gradually increasing with time.


15 ...

75 ...

99 ...

The four Zhang Wei looked at the increasing progress bar, they were all a little excited, and their breathing was a little short.

When the progress bar reads to 100%.


A sweet and audible reminder sounded, the progress bar also turned green, and Beidou's voice also sounded. "Congratulations, the boss and the spaceship are in perfect condition. They can take off immediately and expect to reach the moon in eight hours."

"It only takes eight hours."

Qin Xiaobu heard the words, and asked, "How long will it take to fly to Mars?"

"It is estimated that it will take ninety days to reach Mars."

Beidou responded.

"Ninety days ... Doesn't it mean that a round trip only takes 180 days, so the distance from Earth to Mars is not too far, it is completely within the tolerable range."

Qin Xiaobu looked at Zhang Wei, Liu Hai, and Zhang Zhijian with some expectation, and said, "Otherwise, after we land on the moon, we go directly to Mars? In this way, we are the first people on Earth to land on Mars. It ’s going to be in the history books forever. It ’s a little exciting to think about it. "

"I'm going to go by myself. I don't have time to spend time with you blindly. It's 180 days, six months!"

Zhang Wei shook his head and said, "The speed of the spaceship is still too slow. It takes ninety days to go to Mars. It is like a snail. This is no way. Our current power system is too backward. Gradually transferred to the spacecraft's power system, but I still have a lot of ideas, it's really a headache. "

The power system of this spaceship is nationally designed. The engine used is an ion engine. The speed is too slow. Zhang Wei is going to spend some time to develop a nuclear fusion engine. In theory, the speed of a nuclear fusion spacecraft can reach the speed of light One tenth of it is 30,000 km / s. Compared with the ion engine, this is a qualitative leap. It only takes ten seconds from the earth to the moon!

But if you want to sail in the sea of ​​stars ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ this speed is still not enough. At the speed of light of 10, it takes 40 years to reach the nearest star from the solar system, Proxima, without slowing down. But this is unrealistic, because we can't brake at 10 light speeds right? And acceleration also requires a process, so it takes about 60 years to reach Proxima, 60 years is enough to raise one or two generations in space!

Therefore, Zhang Wei's research focus will be on the antimatter engine. If successful, a spaceship powered by an antimatter engine can theoretically accelerate the speed to 0.5 times the speed of light, or even 0.8 times the speed of light. According to the general theory of relativity, the time of the high-speed inertial coordinate system will be lengthened, so it only takes 3.3 years to reach Proxima. As for traveling between planets in the solar system, it can be reached in minutes.

However, even an anti-matter engine can only allow humans to move in the galaxy, because the galaxy is so vast, even if our travel speed can reach the speed of light, it will take 100,000 years to pass through the galaxy. Therefore, if you want to achieve true galaxy navigation, you must rely on the legendary curved speed engine to achieve super light speed flight.


The matter of pulling the wind on the moon cannot be carried out in a low-key manner. It must be high-profile and let the world know. Therefore, Zhang Wei did not immediately order Beidou to fly the spacecraft to the moon. After discussing for a while, they made relevant plans and left the spaceship. When leaving the spaceship, Qin Xiaobu was still talking about wanting to go to Mars, but Zhang Wei, Liu Hai and Zhang Zhijian did not agree. They are the core figures of future technology companies. If they leave for half a year, the future Technology companies are likely to undergo dramatic changes. * book *
