Urban Inventor

Chapter 264: Chief, you should go to space to see

After Zhang Wei answered the three questions, he set aside a group of reporters, went back to the scientific research building, changed his clothes, and then prepared to drive home in steel armor. Although he hadn't seen him for only one day, he inexplicably missed his parents and Ren Huaiyu. Pen "Fun" Pavilion www.qu.

At this time, the Jingling Bell, the dark blue 1 worn on the wrist rang, and then the intelligent assistant Xiaolan installed in the dark blue 1 told him that the chief was called, and Zhang Wei immediately removed the dark blue 1 from his wrist. Then let Xiaolan answer the phone.

Dark Blue 1 projected in the air ~ a virtual three-dimensional screen, the head figure immediately appeared in the virtual three-dimensional screen.

"Xiao Zhang, congratulations, the expression of" Future "is so brilliant!"

The head said with a big smile on his face.

The perfect performance of the "Future" spacecraft makes him excited and difficult to suppress, because the core technology of the "Future" spacecraft is the same as the "Chang'e 7" spacecraft, and the "Future" has been proved by actual actions. "Chang'e VII" can also achieve perfect success.

"The success of the" future "is also the success of the country."

Zhang Wei also said with a smile, "The factory of the future technology company on the moon has already started construction, and the" Future "spacecraft will travel back and forth between the earth and the moon every day, transporting materials and equipment. In the time of day, the first helium 3 extraction plant can be built, and then a steady stream of helium 3 can be obtained. I think it is time for the planned nuclear fusion power plant to be fully rolled out. "

For Zhang Wei and the country, of course, the primary goal after the moon landing is of course to extract helium 3 known as "super gold", and then fully launch the nuclear fusion power plant plan. Helium 3 is everywhere in the soil 6 meters deep on the surface of the moon. As long as the lunar soil is heated to 700 degrees Celsius, after a series of treatments, helium 3 can be extracted. In the past, humans did not mine helium 3 mainly because the problem of the transportation of people and goods between the moon and the earth has not been completely solved. In addition, the controlled nuclear fusion technology has not been successful. Even if helium 3 is mined, there is no egg use. But now, these problems have been solved by Zhang Wei.

The Chief Minister nodded his head and said slightly excitedly, "With controlled nuclear fusion and the abundant helium 3 resources on the moon, our country's development will surely be a thousand miles away. My dream is to see the Chinese nation standing in the world. The top of the world is just around the corner. In this matter, you are the greatest hero, and your contribution will surely be written into the textbook and remembered by the descendants of the Chinese nation. "

Zhang Weiwen was also a bit dark, paused, and then said, "Chief, after I went to space this time, I feel deeply. I think that only by going to space in person can I feel the indescribable shock. I think it includes The big guys in your country should go to space to see, re-understand the earth, understand the universe, and understand the era we are in today. Only in this way will we know how to lead this nation and nation to glory. And the universe There is simulated gravity in the spaceship, as long as you do n’t leave the spaceship, your body is completely affordable. "

The Chief Minister heard the words. He came all the way from the era of reform and opening up. Of course he understood the importance of changing ideas. So he immediately moved his heart and pondered a little, he made a decision, go, must go! But he didn't go right away. He already had a good day in his mind. It was the 11th National Day. This year's National Day will not be a military parade, but he is going to go to space for a trip. This is actually an alternative form of military parade!

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Wei drove back to his home in a steel jersey. When he landed, he found that his parents and Ren Huaiyu had already waited at the door, welcoming him into the house like a hero. Let him talk about what he saw and heard in space, and his mother cooked the food herself, and prepared a hearty dish for him. As for Ren Huaiyu, he performed a wonderful film of beauty and heroes with him after nightfall. Hollowed out his body.

While Zhang Wei is enjoying the warmth of his family, the outside world is in full swing, and the global media are reporting in depth on this historic event.

"Tencent News": "The" Future "spacecraft landed on the moon, built a lunar base, destroyed comets, and returned safely. This series of events means that the first private manned moon landing in human history has been a complete success. This is the first time The feat destined to be remembered by history has opened a magnificent space age. This feat means that mankind has truly stepped into the space from the earth, to a certain extent, it can climb the land from the ocean to the greatness of life more than 300 million years ago. Always comparable! "

"Toutiao": "The" Future "spaceship has a load of 700 tons. It only takes 16 hours to travel between the earth and the moon. Even if it needs maintenance, the" Future "can also travel between the earth and the moon every day. One trip, and according to the future technology company, the cost of traveling to the moon is not high, which means that the development of the moon and immigration to the moon have become a reality. Perhaps after three or five years, cities will stand up on the moon. Humans will also be divided into earth and moon people, yes, there may be Martians! "

"Washington Post": "The first time mankind landed on the moon was in 1969, it was realized by our United States. This time the moon has stretched the space span of human beings by more than 100 times. However, after 50 years, space technology The revolutionary change of China was born in China, letting China surpass the United States that has led the world by half a century in the field of space technology. This has to arouse our deep thinking. Why did such a change happen? How should we catch up and renew Recapture the glory of America? "

"Korea Daily": "According to the" Outer Space Treaty "adopted by the United Nations in 1967, the resources of outer space (including the land of the moon and Mars, the minerals of outer space, etc.) belong to all mankind. No matter what method is used, all contracting countries enjoy the freedom to engage in scientific research on the moon without discrimination of any kind, on the basis of equality, and in accordance with the provisions of international law.

Now that China has the ability to mine lunar resources, and it has already been exploiting lunar resources on a large scale, this raises the question, does the lunar resources mined by China belong to China or to all mankind? "

"The New York Times": "The reason for the stagnation of the manned space technology in the United States is not because the technology level is not enough, but the investment is too high. Before the industrialization of space development, all these investments can only get a small return, and the benefits cannot be Quantification. The Apollo moon landing plan of the 1960s invested as much as $ 26 billion at the time. With existing technology, sending the payload into low-Earth orbit requires the same weight of gold; it is sent to the moon and other planets. , The capital required is ten times, one hundred times, which is an unbearable burden for any country. It can be said that cost is the tight spell of the United States ’space strategy. For now, the key to reducing costs is to obtain the future The anti-gravity technology of technology companies. Therefore, we hope that the federal government can actively negotiate with the Chinese government and future technology companies. Even if it pays a great price, it will also introduce anti-gravity technology, because space has unlimited resources, and it is now paid. In the future, you can get hundreds of times and thousands of times in the future. "

The US government has really contacted China, hoping to strengthen cooperation with China in the space industry and introducing gravity-generating technology. Of course, they have little hope, because they have negotiated this matter with China many times before.

The result is the same as what the US government thought ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The Chinese side refused decisively.

Domestic netizens have expressed their approval.

"Our country has always hoped to cooperate with 15 countries including the United States, Russia and Japan through the International Space Station, but due to the long-term obstruction of the United States Congress, our country has never had the opportunity to enter the International Space Station. In 2011, the United States Congress passed The bill prohibits the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (nasa) from contacting any participant in the Chinese aerospace project, saying that this is due to national security considerations. Now I want to strengthen cooperation with our country in the space industry and introduce gravity technology, hehe, Do n’t even think about it! "

"Not only that, the US Congress has always been skeptical of our country, thinking that our country intends to steal US cutting-edge technology and state secrets. Many Chinese scientists have been accused by the US government as spies, and they have made a joke. A working Chinese scientist named Jiang Bo was arrested on a flight to China on suspicion of espionage. Fbi believes that Jiang Bo will leak sensitive materials on his notebook to the Chinese side. But Mao did not find any suspicious information. , Except for the mao movie. They found that his computer was full of pornographic content and pirated movies. "

"Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi. In the past, Americans have always imposed a technical blockade on us. Of course, we have to pay back our teeth." (To be continued.)