Urban Inventor

Chapter 267: Wait for your fellow earth

? After everyone is excited, it is doubtful that the future technology company already has a huge moon plan, and can it still covet Mars? This is not the construction of a city on the moon, but the transformation of the entire Mars. This is definitely a major project of the century, or even an unprecedented major project. The human, material and financial resources for this century project cannot be invested. It is estimated that the time will take at least a dozen years or decades.

After all, the future technology company is just a company, not to mention the annual revenue of more than 20 trillion, but the profit is up to 10 trillion, and it has to pay taxes. The remaining money must not only maintain the company ’s operations, but also be used for acquisition Other companies have to invest huge amounts of money in advanced technology research, and the remaining money can barely maintain the construction of a lunar city. As for the transformation of Mars, it must be choking!

This is actually that everyone's concept has not changed, and it still stays in the earth age, without considering the space age that has come.

After entering the space age, the current currency system will soon be unsuitable, because the resources in space are countless times that of the earth. As long as you have the ability, those resources can be freely exploited by you, and you can even capture asteroids. Towed to the earth to sell, such as the asteroid with the number of 100 million tons of platinum numbered uw-158, or the asteroids all over the gold, the asteroids all over the diamond, the mineral resources worth up to 958 trillion dollars The "German 241" asteroid, even if it is not an economic expert, can think of how much impact this will have on the planet ’s existing currency system! That is definitely the rhythm of collapse!

Therefore, after entering the space age, for companies that have the ability to exploit space resources on a large scale, money is no longer so important. They even have the ability to build their own complete ecosystem and issue their own currency. Moreover, for a country like China stepping into space, the reform of the monetary system is already imminent. Of course, this process is not so fast. The reform will not start until the exploitation of space resources reaches a certain scale.

In addition, in fact, Zhang Wei did not plan to transform Mars by the future technology company. This is actually a very realistic problem. He built a city on the moon. This city can be completely controlled by him, but if he transforms Mars into a suitable one. The planet where humans live, can he take Mars as his own? Obviously not! All countries including China will not agree! And where did the huge population come from after the successful transformation of Mars? Obviously still have to emigrate from various countries on the earth. Therefore, if he chooses to transform Mars alone, he is completely sacrificing himself for everyone. The resources he paid are not a little bit, but the benefits are minimal.

Therefore, Zhang Wei's Mars transformation plan has been tied to the country from the beginning. After the success of the Mars transformation, the country will occupy the greatest benefits. In the future, technology companies can also get their own reserved land on Mars.

The country did not think about monopolizing Mars, because all countries in the world use Mars as the hope of human immigration. If China declares sovereignty over Mars, it will inevitably be opposed by all countries in the world. This is quite unwise. Moreover, China is also a party to the United Nations ’Outer Space Treaty. This treaty stipulates that the resources of outer space (including land on the moon and Mars, minerals in outer space, etc.) belong to all mankind, and no country can declare them Of ownership! As a responsible big country, China will of course not tear up the Outer Space Treaty. Therefore, China has never planned to monopolize Mars, but is prepared to divide Mars as much as possible, not too much, half is enough. ! Regarding the Mars transformation plan, China is also prepared. As long as it is capable of sending a spacecraft to Mars, it can participate in the Mars transformation plan. Everyone forms a Mars alliance together to divide Mars. As for other countries Well, I'm sorry, wait until you have the ability to send a spacecraft to Mars, and let's not mention that the Mars Alliance does not give you a chance. The Mars Alliance can serve all countries in the world that have not yet been able to send a spacecraft to Mars. A piece of land is reserved on Mars. As for the size and location of this piece of land, it is obviously not good.


Zhang Wei threw out the Mars plan, which shocked the whole world. Ordinary people were excited and looking forward. They were discussing the feasibility of the Mars plan and when the Mars plan could succeed, when they could travel to Mars or settle, and governments of all countries It's quite an eggache, Zhang Wei, you are shocked, you want to get people out of the heart ~ sick!

At first, it was only a manned moon landing, and a big movie about the comet destruction was staged in the middle, and then a migrant moon project was launched. Now there is a Mars transformation plan. How can your energy be so strong ~ Can you stop it? A little bit! There are also leaders of many countries madly talking, we have not even flew out of the earth, you are about to transform Mars, buddy, stop and wait for your compatriots on the earth, okay? You are too fast, we can't keep up! Even the two major aerospace nations, the United States and Russia ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ said that they couldn't take it anymore. In the future, technology companies and China would just like a stimulant, and they would have a triple jump in the space field. They can only barely see the back of China now, but they have no other choice. In order not to be too wide apart by China, they can only grapple with their teeth and continue to increase their investment in space strategy.

At the same time, governments of various countries also made up their minds, and absolutely cannot watch Mars completely occupied by China! Mars belongs to all mankind!

Therefore, while the press conference is still in progress, governments of various countries have issued statements: "The resources of outer space (including the land of the moon and Mars, the minerals of outer space, etc.) are not owned by any sovereign country and belong to all mankind! "

The Chinese side immediately gave a positive response, "China recognizes the United Nations'" Outer Space Treaty "because it will never do anything to monopolize Mars."

At the same time, the Chinese side also sent invitations to various countries in the name of the country, inviting them to come to China to discuss the Mars environmental transformation plan. The United States, Russia, Germany, France, Britain, India, Japan, South Korea, Brazil and other countries immediately responded and expressed their willingness to consult with China on the Mars transformation plan. After each country ventilated each other, the time for holding the Mars Environmental Reconstruction Plan meeting was given: the 15th of the month. (To be continued.)