Urban Inventor

Chapter 276: Will the interstellar colony be independ


"Doctor, you told me that if there are major discoveries, I will notify you as soon as possible. Therefore, I have not had time to observe and analyze telomeres and telomerase."

Summit said.

Zhang Weiwen said, nodded, and continued to communicate with Dr. Summit for a while, then returned to the research building and began to detect telomeres and telomerase in alien cells.

After two days of research and analysis, he was surprised to find that the telomeres and telomerase of alien cells and the telomeres and telomerase of human cells are not much different in nature, but during the process of cell division, the The shortened length of telomeres in star-shaped cells, and telomerase can remain active for a long time, prolonging telomere repair. If human cells 'telomeres and telomerase can also have these characteristics of alien cells' telomeres and telomerase, in theory, humans can also have a lifespan of more than 5000 years!

This discovery delighted Zhang Wei, and he was willing to believe his own inference! Because the alien blood is rewarded to him by the system, and what the system has rewarded before are all good things, this time will be no exception! Well, it should be like this.

Zhang Wei wanted to put all his energy into the research of this project immediately, but after careful thinking, he still decided to improve the medical cabin first. According to his prediction, it can be done in about two weeks.

While Zhang Wei was busy improving the medical cabin, it was time for the Nobel Prize to be announced.

Zhang Wei won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine without any suspense for his "Future 1 Gene Injection" for the treatment of AIDS and "Future 2 Gene Injection" for the treatment of cancer, and he became one of the few in the world. A scientist who won two Nobel Prizes.

Global media is reporting hotly.

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine is hot! 》

"Zhang Wei won the second Nobel Prize in his life! 》

"When did Zhang Wei win the third Nobel Prize in his life?" 》

Congratulations call one by one.

Dad, mom, Ren Huaiyu, head, principal Liu ... Almost all people with Zhang Wei's contact information came over.


Zhang Wei himself was not interested in the Nobel Prize. After going to space to swim, his mentality has changed a lot, and he has looked down on many things on the earth, and it is also true of the Nobel Prize. He even all Not intending to go to Sweden to receive the award in person, but to prepare Beidou to accept the award on his behalf.

Just when the popularity of the Nobel Prize news dropped, another major event of global concern happened: "The Mars transformation plan meeting initiated by China is officially held!"

This is the first time in human history to formally discuss how to transform a planet, or how to divide a planet!

The wealth of a planet is enough to make any country jealous. No country wants to miss it, nor dare to miss it!

Therefore, many countries that do not have the ability to land on Mars have come to participate in this meeting! These countries also have their "foundation": "According to the" Outer Space Treaty "of the United Nations, Mars belongs to all mankind!" They are also part of humanity and are also eligible to divide Mars!

For these cheeky countries, domestic netizens are quite disdainful and spit out, "These countries can't even fly out of the earth, and they want to divide Mars. Why! Mars is lying there, you can go, you can't go Do n’t even think about getting good for it! And even if it ’s good for you, you wo n’t get it! ”

Netizens also divided all countries participating in the Mars transformation meeting into three echelons.

The first echelon: China. Mastered the most advanced space technology of the earth, capable of transforming Mars alone, immigrating to Mars, and even capable of monopolizing Mars. However, in order not to cause confrontation around the world, only part of the interest can be let go, allowing other countries to participate in the Mars transformation plan. In this move to divide Mars, the greatest benefits will surely be obtained, otherwise all Chinese will not agree.

The second echelon: the United States, Russia, European Space Agency member countries, Japan, India. If these countries invest more, they have the ability to send probes to Mars, or send astronauts to Mars.

Third Echelon: Other countries, including the "Cosmic Power"-South Korea, if nothing unexpected, have been trapped in the earth for the past five years, watching other countries divide Mars.


When the Mars Transformation Conference was officially held, something that surprised everyone happened: "Future Technology Company also participated as an independent member in the Mars Transformation Conference."

Domestic netizens are hot.

"It's a bit unexpected, but it makes sense. After all, the Mars transformation plan was first proposed by the future technology company, and the space strength of the future technology company is stronger than all countries including China. The main force. "

"Awesome, future technology companies should be able to use this opportunity to obtain a piece of their own land on Mars? I wonder if future technology companies will consider using this land to build a country?"

"It shouldn't be now, but it will be difficult to say in the future. After all, the universe is vast, and future technology companies have mastered advanced space technology. And Dr. Zhang, the strongest genius scientist in human history, should be able to find one in the universe in the future. Another planet suitable for human habitation ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ may then establish a country on its own colonial planet! "

"I think not only will future technology companies establish nations in the universe, but every interstellar colony will become independent in the future. Recall how the colonies on the earth are independent? They all have one thing in common, that is, the distance between the ruler and the colony. Far away, the so-called will be outside, the monarchy is not affected. For example, the United States and India. The United States and Britain are only separated by an Atlantic Ocean, not to mention the distance between Mars and the earth.

In the science fiction novel Stern Moon, the author describes the story of a lunar colony fighting to resist the rulers of the earth. Due to the fact that time and distance are too far away, people on different planets cannot think about people on another planet. If people who emigrate to Mars in the future start to have children, these "Fire II" people have never been to the earth. When the older generation of earth people die, there will be no authentic earth people anymore, which will become of extraordinary significance. At the turning point, the "Fire II" is likely to be independent. After the First World War, the two systems of one prince (Yang system) will be implemented, and the fire will control the fire. As for the planet farther away than Mars, it goes without saying. "

"It is entirely possible that human beings will engage in interstellar colonization. If they succeed, there will be a fierce battle in the future. Thousands of years ago, a group of lonely black people who couldn't bear it decided to leave the African continent. Obstacles to gene communication. Thousands of years later, this group of black people who had run away became white. Everyone knows what happened afterwards. Qin Shihuang sent Xu Fu to Japan two thousand years later, and everyone knows ... "

"Everyone is too pessimistic. I'm optimistic about the future space age: flying out of the solar system and exploring colonies throughout the galaxy. Our journey is the sea of ​​stars, and Mars is just the beginning of the golden age." * Book *
