Urban Inventor

Chapter 288: Z-1000

? "Zhang Wei is too busy with work and has no time to go to Stockholm, Sweden, to send a secretary to receive the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine."

This news quickly occupied the front page headlines of major media.

Startled to eyeball.

This is the Nobel Prize. It is the highest honor in the scientific community. How many scientists regard it as the highest goal of life. Zhang Wei won the award even if he did not go in person. Obviously, he did not value it very much.

Everyone thinks about it, Zhang Wei really has this capital, and his achievements no longer need to be recognized by any awards. With or without this award, he is recognized as the greatest scientist in human history. To put it bluntly, Zhang Wei no longer needs the Nobel Prize to add luster to himself, but the Nobel Prize needs Zhang Wei to maintain their authority and popularity! It is estimated that Zhang Wei personally went to receive the award last year, and it should be just to collect a medal in order to fulfill a previous wish.

Compared to the Nobel Prize, everyone is more concerned about what invention Zhang Wei is busy with. This must be paid attention to, because the products that Zhang Wei has invented so far have been shocking and profoundly affected their lives. Not to mention, taking the newly-invented medical cabin as an example, the medical cabin has been on the market for less than a month, and the whole world has changed a lot. Many elderly people who have stepped into the coffin have obtained it. A brand new body is equivalent to starting a second life; many people who could only sit in wheelchairs now have lost the wheelchair and run on the ground with their own legs; many heart disease patients and kidney failure patients , I have put on healthy organs and lived a normal life; many flat-chested female stars in the entertainment circle have turned into d cups and f cups overnight, and they have a magnificent chest and chest; Become a big beauty, a figure of pride, and charming; even the people who lived and chopped really appeared, and after chopping, they directly changed to a new one ... countless netizens felt that this world was broken by Zhang Wei ’s invention. .

The world will not always turn around anyone, not even Zhang Wei. After the Nobel Prize award ceremony, relevant news quickly faded out of sight.

Zhang Wei didn't care about this. He has been working closely with other researchers on longevity medicine, which is his most important thing at present.

In the next three weeks, the research on Longevity Pharmacy has made important progress. Zhang Wei and the researchers discovered one side effect during the experiment on the mouse, and then overcome one by one, and finally formulated In theory, longevity medicine without side effects. As for whether it can really achieve no side effects, it still needs to be verified by experiments.

Future technology company, experimental base.

"Start experiment."

Zhang Wei pointed at the reagent rack.

On the reagent rack, there is a clear blue medicine, which flashes magnificently under the lights, which makes all researchers including Zhang Wei obsessed. For them, this is their hard work for a long time. It is also the most precious treasure in the world, and vulgar objects such as diamonds and jewellery simply do not deserve to be compared.

Under Zhang Wei ’s gaze, the experiment began. The experimental materials were ten mice. The researchers used special methods to make these mice aging earlier, so that their skin, brain, internal organs and other organs are similar to those of the 80-year-old man. . This azure blue agent was also specially developed for the mouse's genes, but the mechanism of the agent is the same. As long as this agent can pass the experiment on the mouse, Zhang Wei and other researchers can quickly develop Longevity potion for humans.

The researchers injected the medicine into the mouse with a syringe, and then backed away. All the people in the room stared at the ten poor mice, waiting quietly for the medicine to work.

If all goes well, under the action of the agent, the telomerase reverse transcriptase in the mouse cells will regain vitality, spawn a large number of new cells, rejuvenate, regenerate vitality, and there is no growth of deformed organs, cancerous cells, etc. Unacceptable side effects.

Time ticked off. Seven hours later, all the mice were alive, and the mice had changed significantly. They looked a little younger, and their fur was a little more shiny.

After observing for more than ten hours in a row, the mouse's body still slowly changed under the action of the medicament. At this time, researchers such as Zhang Wei were already a little tired, leaving two researchers to continue to observe, and the others went back to rest .

Two days later, in the morning.

After finishing the breakfast prepared by Beidou, Zhang Wei came to the experimental base, and a researcher hurried over, "Doctor, the experimental report has come out, the experiment has achieved perfect success, all ten mice have reached the ideal state, and nothing has been found. side effect."

"It seems that today is a good day."

Zhang Dawei stepped towards the laboratory where he conducted the experiment, and said with a happy face.

"Doctor, we succeeded!"

In the laboratory, many researchers have gathered, and they are all very excited, with an unstoppable joy on their faces.

Zhang Wei observed the ten little mice and saw that they were no longer the aging appearance before the experiment, but returned to the "young age" and regained the "handsome appearance".

He took the experiment report from the researchers and opened it and looked at it: "After the injection of the drug, the mouse only had an acceptable symptom of body fever; within the next 52 hours, the mouse ’s skin and brain , Internal organs and other organs all returned to a young state, changing from a state similar to that of an 80-year-old man to a state similar to that of a female 35-year-old middle-aged person, and no side effects were detected; the efficiency of the drug did not increase with the increase in concentration Increase, on the contrary, the proper concentration can play the best role ... "

Zhang Wei spent several minutes reading the research report in his hand.

"The experiment has been successful, then we can start to study the longevity medicine for human beings. Once successful, it will definitely be a turning point in human history. The substantial increase in life expectancy will have an inestimable impact on human civilization, and we are history. Creator. "

Zhang Wei said excitedly.

The researchers present all took a deep breath, with an inexplicable look flashing in their eyes. They will not only be the pioneers of history, but also the beneficiaries of longevity pharmacy, thinking that they and their families can live a few hundred years longer. , They are full of motivation.

A week later.

With the efforts of Zhang Wei and researchers to sleep and forget food, the longevity medicine for humans was finally developed. At this time, it also had a name, z-1000. z is the pinyin of Zhang Wei ’s “Zhang”, 1000 is because it can theoretically make people live up to 1,000 years old.

If the pharmacy is successfully developed, the next step is human experimentation. Only through rigorous human experimentation and confirmation that there are no side effects will it be considered a real success, otherwise no one will dare to use it rashly.

And because the z-1000 is too adversity, it is absolutely impossible to conduct experiments in public, otherwise it will definitely cause endless trouble. Fortunately, Zhang Wei is already quite experienced, and he handed over the task of finding the experimental body to Beidou. However, he did not look for it in Zhongyun City, but abroad, because he is not sure what changes z-1000 will bring to humans. It is likely to cause the death of the experimental body, or even worse than death, so he still looks for foreign countries. His experimental body is easier to accept in his heart.

Two days later, Beidou prepared 10 experimental subjects, all of which came from India, and they all volunteered to become experimental subjects under the temptation of the “hard work” of 10 million yuan. This situation is actually very common in India. After the restrictions on drug trials were relaxed in 2005, global pharmaceutical systems such as AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and Merck in Germany have transferred clinical trials of new drugs to India. This move can save them nearly 60% of their research and development costs. Although Indonesia and Thailand and other similar trials are also increasing, India is the most attractive to drug developers. Because not only there are 1.2 billion people here, but the genetic diversity of the population is more obvious. The most important thing is that Indian officials are also biased towards foreign pharmaceutical companies ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ In this case, India has become a "human mouse" base for many foreign pharmaceutical companies, and many Indian poor people earn Volunteers pay hardships and risk their lives to accept human test drugs, but many people are tricked into "human mice" without their knowledge. According to the data, only from the year, as many as 570,000 people acted as "human mice" in the clinical trials of living humans conducted in India, causing at least 2644 deaths in 7 years, and the families of each deceased only received an average of Compensation of 2.38 million rupees (about 30,000 yuan).

Compared with other foreign pharmaceutical companies, Zhang Wei's "hard labor fee" is as high as 10 million yuan, which is already "good".

All the subjects were taken to the scientific research building without the knowledge of outsiders. At this time, they did not know where they were, nor what drug experiment they were going to participate in. Only fear and daze in their hearts, because Zhang Wei The "labor fee" paid is too high, they all think that they are going to participate in the experiment of nine lives. Under this circumstance, the human experiment of z-1000 started, and other researchers were in charge of the experiment, and Zhang Wei will not show up in the whole process, because his face is so famous, the experimental body is very It's easy to recognize him, he doesn't want to cause trouble. Therefore, the researchers he selected are all from Europe and America. It is estimated that after the experiment, these experimental bodies from India will only think that they have participated in the experiment of a European and American pharmaceutical company. (To be continued.)