Urban Inventor

Chapter 297: 7 steps of Mars transformation (2 in 1

Zhang Wei discussed with Liu Hai, Qin Xiaobu and Zhang Zhijian for nearly a day, and basically confirmed the matter of genetic evolution fluid. {Щww {suimеng] [lā}

Gene evolution fluid can be sold to the outside world, but it is divided into three levels.

The third class only has the function of optimizing genes and repairing genetic defects, and can be sold worldwide.

The second is the normal gene evolution fluid, which can optimize genes, transform genes, let humans evolve, and at the same time increase human lifespan to around 150 years old. At the beginning, they are only sold in the country, and later, depending on the situation, decide whether to sell globally. .

The first is the enhanced version of the genetic evolution fluid. This genetic evolution fluid will incorporate the performance of the Z-1000, allowing users to have a longer life span while genetic evolution, and to classify the life span, for example Two hundred years old, three hundred years old, four hundred years old. This level of genetic evolution fluid is not disclosed to the public, and is only used to reward core employees who contribute to the company. The greater the contribution, the longer the life expectancy.

As for Zhang Wei ’s work, he developed these three grades of genetic evolution fluids, and at the same time tried to reduce costs significantly, and also started to develop the second generation of genetic evolution fluids. Various excellent genes, such as memory ability and super radiation resistance ability, are fused into the second-generation genetic evolution solution.

The next day.

The research work on the Mars transformation plan was officially launched, and 2,500 scientists from all over the world were fighting hard, preparing to show their talents, and studying hard for decades, not for this day?

In the conference hall, on the rostrum, Zhang Wei sat precariously, looking around 2,500 scientists under the stage. He is the chief person in charge of the Mars transformation plan, and major decisions of the entire plan require his approval to pass. For his identity, the governments and scientists participating in the Mars transformation plan all agreed, because only he can convince governments and scientists of various countries.

"Good morning everyone."

Zhang Wei said, "Everyone is a leader in biology, physics, ecology and other fields, and time is precious. Therefore, I will not waste time talking nonsense. I now announce that the research work on the Mars transformation plan has officially started. "

"Reforming a planet is a great project of the Genesis level. It must not be as easy as shouting slogans. Especially for a planet as large as Mars. It is even more difficult for us to mount directly without relevant experience. But we humans Civilization can reach today, it is to make the impossible possible, to turn dreams into reality. To transform Mars, we must succeed, and we ... "

Zhang Wei outlined a bright future for the scientists present, "We will all become heroes of human civilization and be admired by future generations!"

There was a wave of applause from the audience, and all the scientists were applauding excitedly. The Mars transformation plan must be successful. If they succeed, they are human heroes, gaining fame and fortune; if they fail, they will become a laughing stock and become unrestrained. Typical.

After the applause paused, Zhang Wei continued, "The transformation of Mars is a huge systemic project. Our first job is to formulate a general framework, and then fill in this framework. You can change what you think about Mars today. The ideas and suggestions are all put forward, any ideas can be used, don't have scruples. "

At this time, Zhang Wei started a holographic imaging device with his mind, projecting a virtual stereoscopic screen in front of the rostrum, a huge red planet appeared on the screen, everyone looked very familiar, this is their goal- Mars!

Zhang Wei stood up and pointed to Mars on the stereo screen, "This is Mars. Although everyone is already familiar with Mars, I still want to introduce its information, because future technology companies have obtained a lot of Mars expeditions. Has a deeper understanding of Mars.

The average diameter of Mars is 6790 kilometers, which is about half the diameter of the earth, the volume is about 1/6 of the earth, and the mass is about 1/10 of the earth. Its interior has the structure of core, mantle and crust like the earth.

The day of Mars is 24 hours and 37 minutes, and the day of Earth is 23 hours and 56 minutes. The two have almost the same day and night; the two have almost the same seasonal changes; Mars also has an atmosphere, but it is relatively thin; of all planets, Mars The temperature is closest to the earth, the highest temperature is about 20 ℃, and the average temperature is -70 ℃ to -60 ℃.

There is still water on Mars. Astronauts of Future Technology Company have confirmed that there are rich solid and liquid water in the north and south poles and underground of Mars. The total amount of proven water resources is about 340,000 cubic kilometers. 0.00025% of the water resources on earth.

There is still life on Mars, although it is only a low-level life such as microbes, but this is the only life that humans have discovered outside the earth so far, and it also shows that Mars is suitable for life.


It can be said that Mars is the most suitable planet for human migration in the solar system in terms of energy, materials, and living environment. "

Zhang Wei once again used his mind to control the holographic image device to switch the screen. The red Mars on the three-dimensional screen suddenly changed, and in the blink of an eye it became a blue planet, bright, charming, and yearning.

"This is Mars after the transformation, it will become the second earth of mankind."

Zhang Wei pointed at the image on the stereo screen and said, "Then please invite everyone to put forward your own ideas and suggestions, so that the current Mars becomes the Mars on the screen."

Because there are too many scientists on site, if everyone takes turns to speak, the efficiency is too low. Therefore, Zhang Wei let these scientists be divided into several groups, first discuss a more feasible plan within the group, and then use The supercomputer provided by the future technology company simulates this plan, and finally the group representative will make a speech and let others evaluate the plan. Finally, the plan proposed by all the groups is combined to design the best plan.

Scientists burst out their enthusiasm and expressed their opinions one after another. Then they stared at the supercomputer provided by the future technology company and watched the simulation results of the scheme they designed. At the same time, these scientists couldn't help but feel shocked by the wealth of the future technology company, because the future technology company has prepared for them sixty supercomputers, which is simply too great!

Three days later, the various groups have successively improved their own plans, and all the scientists gathered in the conference hall to start evaluating these plans.

Under the attention of everyone, a spirited old man took a strong ~ healthy step to the main ~ seat stage, the entire conference hall became quiet in a moment, waiting for the old man's speech.

This old man is called Yang Qihai. The Chinese government made a plan to participate in the Mars transformation project. He and a group of 20 other Chinese scientists formed a group to design a plan that would make them more confident. For this plan, they only took less than ten hours of rest for a total of three days, which was completely a desperate rhythm.

"Regarding the transformation of Mars, I think it can be divided into seven steps."

Yang Qihai's voice is very loud, just like the young and strong guy, this is due to the medical cabin invented by Zhang Wei, so that elderly people like Yang Qihai can regain a young and energetic body. In fact, governments of all countries attach great importance to the important scientists in their own countries, and have issued relevant policies to replace young people for scientists who have entered the old age free of charge.

"It is well known that gravity has a major impact on human bodies. Mars’ surface gravity is only 38% of the Earth ’s surface gravity. Earth ’s humans go to Mars and they will have bones within a year. If Mars colonization succeeds, those in low gravity If Martians who grew up in the environment come to Earth, it is difficult to adapt to the gravity of Mars on Earth.

Therefore, if we want humans to truly occupy Mars, instead of living in colonial cities with artificial gravity, we must solve the problem of gravity.

I communicated with Dr. Zhang, and he also considered this aspect. He believes that there are two ways to solve this problem. One way is to make humans adapt to changes in the gravity environment through genetic technology, and the other way is to transform Mars so that Mars has Gravity similar to the earth. Dr. Zhang said that the first method may take a long time to achieve, but the second method is already in sight.

For a planet like Mars, there is only one way to increase gravity-to increase the mass of the planet.

How to increase the mass of the planet? Of course, space meteorite, comet, asteroid, etc.

Mars is relatively close to the asteroid belt. We can move the asteroids in the asteroid belt to make them hit Mars.

As long as the impact angle is appropriate, not only can the mass of Mars be increased, but also the rotation speed of Mars can be accelerated, so that the gravity of Mars can be increased. In addition, the huge energy generated by the impact can also raise the temperature of Mars, and some asteroids also contain rich water resources, which can bring a lot of water to Mars.

Regarding the technical question of sending asteroids from the asteroid belt to Mars, we ask Dr. Zhang to answer them for us. "

In the applause of the scientists, Zhang Wei came to the main stage and said, "I mentioned the technology of capturing asteroids last year. At that time, I thought it would take five years to succeed, but I was inventing the fusion engine Later, I used supercomputer simulation and found that it only takes about a year, and the future technology company can successfully do it.

We will install a large number of nuclear fusion engines on the asteroid, and tow with a large number of spaceships at the same time, and then make reasonable use of the gravity of the sun and planets to push the asteroids to move to Mars.

When I say this, there will definitely be a lot of people worried that the movement of a large number of asteroids and the change in the mass of Mars will affect the fragile balance of the solar system, and even make the solar system collapse and affect the earth.

However, please rest assured that future technology companies have prepared enough supercomputers. During the process of transforming Mars, we will calculate in detail the impact of each gram of mass on the solar system. "

Scientists in the audience heard the words and all showed shock. The technology of the future technology company has been improved too fast. It cannot be inferred by common sense!

At this time, Zhang Wei stepped down from the main ~ Xitai, Yang Qihai continued, "The impact of asteroids on Mars, increasing the gravity of Mars, this is the first step, and the second step is to quickly heat Mars to make it warm up. The huge energy generated by the impact of the planet will raise the temperature of Mars, but this is not enough. We have to use a nuclear bomb to bomb the north and south poles of Mars. The nuclear bomb can release a large amount of thermal energy radiation in a short time, which has the effect of heating Mars and melting at the same time. The frozen carbon dioxide of Mars' north and south poles thickens the atmosphere and heats water, thereby creating a greenhouse effect on Mars and further increasing the temperature of Mars.

As for the problem that a large number of nuclear bomb explosions may cause nuclear winter, we did not find it in the process of using supercomputers for simulation. In addition, we can release nuclear bombs in batches during the specific implementation process. If it is found that it may cause the nuclear winter to stop immediately, and then start a backup plan to build a space mirror with a length and width of hundreds of kilometers, arranged at a distance from Mars. At a distance of 210,000 kilometers, it reflects sunlight onto Mars and raises the temperature of Mars. Regarding the Mirror of Space, I have also communicated with Dr. Zhang. Dr. Zhang said that for future technology companies, there is no technical problem. "

In fact, there is no need for a nuclear bomb in the process of heating Mars. However, in the process of communication between Yang Qihai and Zhang Wei, Zhang Wei believes that this method can be used to consume a large number of nuclear bombs on the earth and make the earth safer.

As soon as the words fell, the scientists under the stage discussed with each other. This is a big deal. After throwing asteroids and dropping nuclear bombs, it is simply to toss Mars to death. Having said that, there are no humans on Mars. You can do whatever you want. As for the microorganisms on Mars, humans will still control their life and death?

Then Yang Qihai opened his mouth again, "After the first and second steps, the temperature on Mars has increased and there is a lot of water resources. We can start the third step, increase the atmospheric concentration and change the atmosphere. Ingredients. As everyone knows, the atmosphere on Mars is thin, only 1% of that on Earth, and if water is to remain in liquid form, this number needs to be increased to at least 30%.

In addition, the main component of the Martian atmosphere is carbon dioxide, which accounts for 95.32%, while oxygen is only 0.15%, and there are a lot of dust particles in the atmosphere, which is completely unsuitable for human survival.

Therefore, we must increase the atmospheric concentration of Mars and increase the oxygen content in the atmosphere. I have drawn up a Mars atmosphere transformation plan. Because there are too many contents, I wo n’t go into details now. I will upload the information to the shared space later ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ You can download it. "

Everyone nodded their heads, instructing Yang Qihai to continue.

Yang Qihai paused, and then said, "The fourth step is to establish an ecological environment on the surface of Mars. We can choose to cultivate fungi and moss that can promote photosynthesis, and gradually carry out afforestation on Mars. Photosynthesis gradually turns carbon dioxide into oxygen. To further develop super plants that can release more oxygen, accelerate the growth rate of oxygen on Mars, and gradually change the composition of Mars ’atmosphere. In fact, the third and fourth steps are complementary and almost simultaneous. In addition In the future, the technology company has accumulated a wealth of technology in the cultivation of space plants. Currently, it is also using genetic technology to cultivate fungi, moss and plants suitable for survival on Mars. The progress is very smooth and it is expected that a breakthrough can be achieved within one year. "

"The fifth step is to build a complete ecological chain on Mars, with animals, plants, and microorganisms, to maintain ecological balance, and to make Mars a vibrant planet. At the same time, establish Mars agriculture and animal husbandry to form self-sufficiency of agricultural and sideline food."

"The sixth step is to carry out production and construct industrial facilities for energy and raw materials."

"The seventh step is to build a house and build infrastructure for human life. At this time, we humans can move to Mars."