Urban Inventor

Chapter 306: Orangutan holding a smartphone

In a flash, five days passed. [w.SuiMеng.lā

Long watch TV speech, excitedly announced that the last confirmed virus infection in China has been cured after injection of genetic optimization solution! Virus has been defeated!

The people of the whole country were relieved. The experience of the past few days made them unforgettable and unforgettable for life! Especially when the country announced the existence of the grade virus, but did not find a cure for the grade virus for more than a day, it was simply their nightmare! That kind of panic and despair, they never want to experience it again!

Some people lamented that human beings were the spirits of all things, and they wanted to conquer the great race of the universe. They were almost wiped out by a virus that emerged from the horns. This is really a cruel reality!

Humans are still too weak!

These people ridiculed that the human beings who claimed to be the spirits of all things, in the eyes of aliens, may just be a gorilla holding a smartphone on a barren planet in a corner of the universe!

There is also a view that it is precisely because human beings are too weak now, such as virus, volcano explosion, alien invasion, nuclear war, etc. can destroy humans on the earth, so humans should emigrate into space. In the future, when humans on earth were destroyed for some reason, human civilization can continue on other planets.

Many people agree with this view, and human beings really have to increase their pace of exploring space! And China must always be a pioneer and always be ahead of other countries!

While the Chinese are in a heated and relaxed discussion, other countries are still suffering from fire and water.

Although these countries purchased the technical information of the genetic optimization solution from future technology companies, it takes time to convert the technical information into production equipment. Even an industrial power like the United States started producing the genetic optimization solution three days after obtaining the technical information. And in these three days, not only have 100,000 virus-infected people die, but millions of virus-infected people have emerged. It can be said that the entire United States is crying! In an interview with reporters, the US President also said that this is the biggest disaster in the history of the United States!

This is not even the case in the United States, let alone other countries, especially in African countries such as Liberia, Congo, Sierra Leone and Guinea, it is a hell-like scene!

In a country like Liberia, where the economy is backward, the medical system is backward, and education is backward, when faced with a mysterious virus, they lack experience in prevention and control, and the countermeasures taken are simple and violent. Under the cloud of the virus, the Liberian government dispatched military forces to block the hardest hit areas. In Monrovia, four areas were sealed and isolated, which quickly attracted strong confrontation, but the number of infections remained straight. rise. The patients are constantly dying, the isolation treatment centers are not enough, the medical staff have sacrificed a lot, the worst case is that the situation is almost out of control, and the fear begins to spread quickly. Later, the Liberian government could only control urban areas, while rural areas were almost completely out of control.

Most of the news scenes that Chinese viewers see on TV and the Internet are like this: "A refugee camp with an area of ​​several square kilometers is full of black crowds. Most of them are desperate, their eyes are blind, and occasionally There are also some black people who will cry and yell at the camera. Some people lie on the ground, some people lie on the wooden bed, some children cry in the arms of their mothers, but the children ’s mothers look blank. Outside the refugee camp, It is a heavily armed soldier. It is strictly forbidden for the crowd to leave the refugee camp. These soldiers will also drag the body from the camp from time to time and throw it into the back compartment of the pickup truck. The rear compartment will soon be covered with corpses and flies flying on the corpses. , And then the soldier started the pickup truck, pulled to an area, and concentrated on the cremation. "

There are some news scenes like this: "Countless crowds crying and escaping from the disaster area, they abandoned most of their belongings and everything in their homes, only carrying a little things with them, and using all kinds of transportation to desperately During the flight, some refugees will turn into mobs, grab food, grab money, grab vehicles ... "

These news scenes have made people in China dumbfounded. They have also experienced the raging of a virus, but they are never as miserable as those in these countries. After they thought deeply, they couldn't help but reach a conclusion that if the virus continues to wreak havoc, China might not be as miserable as Liberia, but it's not much better!

At this moment, they have a deeper understanding of Zhang Wei's contribution.

After all domestic virus-infected people received treatment, Future Technology finally reached out to foreign countries, and the first country to receive assistance was Liberia, the source of the virus.

Liberia has a population of more than 4 million people. In just one week after the virus broke out, 60,000 people died of the virus, and the number of infected people exceeded 40 million. If there is no assistance, there is a risk that the country will die. This is the sorrow of small countries. They are unable to cope with major disasters. The Ebola virus was defeated with the help of all countries in the world.

Each flying car was loaded with gene optimization fluid for life-saving, and it came out of the future technology company and crossed the airspace of many countries and arrived in Liberia. It is worth mentioning that, in response to the requirements of various countries, future technology companies have imposed restrictions on flying vehicles. The current flying vehicles only have a driving mode of intelligent driving, and in general, they can only fly in one country. To enter the airspace of another country, you must apply to that country for permission. This permission is a string of electronic passwords. It is jointly formulated by the future technology company and the governments of various countries. Only after the electronic password is verified by the flying vehicle will the owner ’s order be executed. Enter another country. Of course, the map of the flying car was created by the future technology company. In the map, the disputed territories such as Diaoyuyu and Huangyan Island belong to China. For this matter, Japan, the Philippines and other countries have been protesting, but they have not been involved. Future technology companies have not modified the map, and in these countries, the sales of flying vehicles have not declined.

In addition, the flying cars to Liberia are all flying trucks that will go on sale in November this year. At that time, low-end flying cars will also be on sale at the same time. For this day ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Whether it is future technology The company or the people of the world have been waiting for a long time. By then, flying cars will really spread to most families. As the currency continues to depreciate, the minimum selling price is only RMB 40 million for a flying car, many families can afford it, and they have already saved money, waiting for that day. In the future, technology companies have also started to produce low-end flying vehicles, and have prepared a large amount of inventory to avoid serious supply shortages.

When the future technology company's flying truck was loaded with life-saving gene optimization liquid and landed in Liberia, the whole Liberia was boiling. Many people were crying with joy, many people were crying for their loved ones, and many people were grateful for the future technology. The selfless assistance of the company and Zhang Wei.

From this moment on, the virus outbreak in Liberia has taken a turn, countless infected people have been reborn, and new cases have been declining.

Four days later, the epidemic of Liberia ’s virus was basically under control. The President of Liberia expressed with excitement, “We will usher in a victory day against the virus. This is an exciting time. Here, we must thank the future technology companies, who are Brings a new life to Liberia! Future Technology Company and Dr. Zhang are friends of the Liberian people forever! "

After this secondary virus outbreak, the image of the future technology company and Zhang Wei in the hearts of Liberians has reached almost perfect level. 8