Urban Inventor

Chapter 338: chain reaction Within half a month, Baodao and Outer Mongolia have taken the initiative to return one after another, making China into an ocean of joy. Will there be surprises in the future?

Other countries are also clamoring for these two events, especially the latter event, which has given great stimulus to countries around the world. Because Outer Mongolia is a country recognized by the United Nations, in the eyes of the United States, Russia, and other countries, this is actually a merger of China. The most important thing is that Cambodia, Pakistan, Laos and Nepal, traditional Chinese friendly countries, have also been stimulated. They have some stubborn postures and want to take the initiative to become a part of China. The economically developed countries such as South Korea and Thailand have similar voices. It is also getting bigger and bigger. According to the development of this situation, China only needs to wait and hope to unify the world!

The United States, Russia, the United Kingdom and other countries are anxious and have accelerated the pace of forming a federation.

On May 1, the four most powerful countries in the United States, Brazil, Canada, and Mexico, the United States of America (North and South America), announced that they had begun negotiations to form the United States of America. All countries in the United States could participate.

The American Federation will adopt the existing federal system of the United States. The American Federation's status is higher than that of each member state, but it shares its political strength with each member state. Each member state enjoys the highest power within the scope of its own rights.

The news shocked the world.

The United States is the world's second largest economy. A few years ago, it was still an unshakable world hegemony and has a deep heritage. Now, although the United States is surpassed by China in overall and cutting-edge fields such as space technology, it still leads in many industrial fields Globally, the quantity and quality of papers published by American scientists in the world's major scientific and technological literature are still leading the world.

Brazil is the ninth largest economy in the world, with rich natural resources and strong industrial strength. In the past, it was often called the second United States, and it should not be underestimated.

Canada is the tenth largest economy in the world, and has always been a good friend of the United States. Manufacturing and high-tech industries are also very developed. In nonferrous metallurgy, information and communication, power equipment, power and water conservancy, pulp and paper, microelectronics software, new It has the world's leading level in industries such as new energy materials.

Mexico is known as the back garden of the United States. Although the security is poor and drug-drug crime is rampant, its economy is not to be underestimated, ranking 15th in the world. It is worth mentioning that more than 100 years ago, the Mexican parliament passed a resolution requesting to merge into the United States and become a state in the United States, but it was rejected by the United States! Until recently, there were several states in Mexico that wanted to join the United States because they were too poor. They thought they could live a good life by joining the United States. However, the United States also sees them as too poor and does not want them! Now, they are finally getting what they want.

These four countries can be said to be the essence of America. Once the integration of resources is completed, the potential for terror will erupt! In addition, under the general trend, other countries in American America should choose to join the American Federation. By then, a super federation with an area of ​​up to 42 million square kilometers will be born. With the support of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence in the United States, the development of the Federal Republic of America will surely be rapid.

In fact, as expected, other countries in the United States of America joined in the negotiations to form the American Federation after learning of the news.

And shortly after the announcement, Russia and Belarus merged, which made Ukraine and other countries around Russia, the Baltic States, Turkey, Poland and other countries vigilant, because these countries are hostile to Russia, even if they want to form a federation, they do n’t want to talk to Russia. Mix together.

Negotiations in European countries such as the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Sweden, and Italy are also underway. In fact, since the Second World War, Europe has begun the integration process. Although some countries are somewhat sloppy, the degree of integration is still very high. This negotiation will lead to the birth of the European Federation. The economic, technological, and educational levels of European countries are at the world's leading level, and once the integration is completed, the power erupted will also be very scary. However, some countries in Eastern Europe may be attracted by Russia, and Turkey is likely to choose to mix with the Arabs due to religious reasons.

Arab countries have been negotiating. Not only that, they also intend to bring the Islamic countries of Europe, Africa, and Asia closer to this federation.

Seeing the great changes in the world situation, African countries have also accelerated the progress of negotiations. However, the ethnic problems in Africa are very complicated. Most ethnic groups are still in a tribal state. In some areas, the conflicts between tribes are very deep, and they are incompatible. Fighting continues, sometimes rising to tribal wars, with tens of thousands of casualties on both sides, and sometimes more than one million casualties, and a deep hatred. Therefore, negotiations in African countries have not been smooth. Even with the formation of the African Federation, the black uncles were not very talented in science due to the extremely backward education level, leading African scientists to be as rare as rare animals. This is destined for Africa to lag far behind the world.

In Asia, Cambodia, Pakistan, Laos, Nepal, Myanmar and other countries have begun to take action when they see how the world situation has become like this, and have sent applications to China. However, these countries hope that China can adopt a federal system like the United States.

Regarding this point, some netizens in China expressed their objections. "If you adopt the federal system, everything will be fine if you continue to develop powerfully. If there is any trouble, the former Soviet Union will be a lesson to learn from, and our investment in these countries has made a splash."

This netizen's statement was immediately opposed, "Whether a country adopts a federal system or a unitary system is not only related to its historical tradition, but also to the needs of its actual political situation. It is not invariable. The world is influential. Among the big powers, the United States, Russia, Germany, India, etc. are all federal states, and China is a unitary state. Whether a country is prone to division and whether it is a federal system is not necessarily related, mainly because of the emergence of various kinds of central government powers. The political crisis, the comparison of power between the central and local governments and the distribution of power, the intervention of external forces, the mentality of the people and the economic and geographic connections, etc., China has historically been a centralized unitary state, but it has not been able to avoid much The emergence of the Second Great Split! The United States is a federal system, but there has been no splitting problem in the past 100 years! It can be said that no country dare to say whether it is a federal system or a unitary system, no matter what form is adopted to organize the regime. The country promises never to split! "

There are also netizens who should be selectively accepted, because the country does not lack resources, all it needs is a high-quality population, and blindly accepting applications from other countries will only drag down its own development.

As netizens debated, China and Cambodia, Pakistan, Laos and other countries completed negotiations. Subsequently, these countries held a referendum. After the referendum was a complete success ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ These countries no longer have The status of the country has become a special administrative region like Hong Kong and Treasure Island, and has since become a sacred and inseparable part of Chinese territory.

At this time, South Korea and Thailand, two originally reserved countries, also took the initiative to contact China. Vietnam has always been not very dealt with by China. At this time, after looking at the surrounding environment, the major things are not good, and they are completely surrounded. What can I do?

India was also taken aback by the situation in the world, completely surrounded by China, and Pakistan, which has always been a feud, also became a part of China. This situation is not right, and we must find a way.

Japan is also in a hurry. It is alone overseas, and it can't find any allies at all. What can we do? Japanese people are divided into three groups. One group believes that they should join China. As for the historical problems of the two countries, it is actually very easy to solve. As long as the Japanese people have a low profile and a sincere attitude, there should be a smile between China and Japan. Enemy; another faction believes that it is still following the old boss of the United States. The United States leads the formation of the American Federation, and the future is also good; another faction believes that Japan can form a The federation, with the strength of Japan, can also have the largest say in this federation.

In short, due to the chain reaction of the events in Outer Mongolia, the world situation suddenly became chaotic, making people fully accept the inability. (To be continued.)