Urban Inventor

Chapter 339: Tanigami star

The situation in the world is so messed up that Zhang Wei is a bit dumbfounded. Does this seem to be the butterfly effect caused by me?

In any case, the current world situation has caused a certain impact on everyone and every company. Zhang Wei and Future Technology Corporation are no exception. Especially the virtual world project of Future Technology Corporation has already been negotiated with most countries. These countries are now joining a variety of federations, and we will definitely have to talk again. However, Zhang Wei did not pay too much attention to these matters, because the future technology companies have the ability to respond to any changes in the situation. In addition to continuing to improve the performance of quantum computers with the quantum computer research team, he is concerned about the situation of the interstellar fleet.

On April 28, the fleet had entered the asteroid belt, but they were still about 0.63 astronomical units away from Ceres, the primary target of the operation, which is close to 94.2 million kilometers. It was only on May 10 that the fleet arrived 800,000 kilometers away from Ceres.

Ceres, the smallest dwarf planet in the solar system and the only dwarf planet in the asteroid belt. Discovered by Italian astronomer Piazzi and published on January 1, 1801.

Scientists participating in the Mars transformation plan chose Ceres as the primary goal because it is the best quality target in the asteroid belt, and according to supercomputer simulations, future technology companies have the ability to move it.

First, the quality of Ceres is large enough. Its diameter is about 950 kilometers, and its mass is about 9.43 billion tons. It is the largest known mass in the asteroid belt, accounting for about one-third of the total mass of the asteroid belt.

Second, there is a lot of water inside Ceres. Its mantle layer contains a lot of ice water material, a lot of water-carrying minerals on the surface, and even a lot of liquid water. The spacecraft of the future technology company discovered that the total amount of this water was about 32.3 million cubic kilometers, which is 0.0238% of the earth ’s water resources. These abundant water resources can be a good complement to the lack of water resources on Mars.

These two reasons are enough to make Ceres the primary goal. It can be said that after throwing Ceres on Mars, the first step of the Mars transformation plan is probably completed by one third.

However, the plan is well formulated, and its actual implementation is far less simple than imagined. Ceres is a dwarf planet with a mass of 9.43 billion tons after all, and its "dignity" is not so intrusive! The little human, who wants to shake it, seems to be more ridiculous than ants shake the tree to a certain extent!

However, human beings have the weapon of "science" to make the impossible possible! The best proof is that humans can reach Gushen with a weak body!

"After 40 minutes, start to slow down!"

At this time, Yang Rui gave orders. In space, after a long accelerating voyage, it is often necessary to start decelerating at a distance of hundreds of thousands of kilometers or even millions of kilometers from the target, otherwise it will still maintain a relatively high speed when reaching the target location. The deceleration method is also different from that of a car. The spacecraft uses the reverse propulsion method to slow down. In addition, it can also reasonably use gravity to slow down.

"Roger that."

All spaceships sent feedback to Yang Rui ’s spaceship.

At the same time, the spacecraft also sent information to the moon's command center. But now the distance between the fleet and the moon has reached 1.8 astronomical units, about 269 million kilometers, which is 1.8 times the distance between the earth and the sun. The signal is transmitted back to the moon, which takes 15 minutes! This is the disadvantage of traditional electromagnetic wave communication. The spacecraft is still in the solar system. It takes so long to transmit information and it is easy to lose! This actually gave rise to another problem. When the spaceship was far away from the moon, the information transmission time was too long. If an emergency is encountered, it is necessary to use weapons such as electromagnetic rail guns. It is very likely that it will be too late to apply for permission. Zhang Wei also considered this problem and set up the spacecraft. When the time for information transmission between the spacecraft and the moon exceeds 1 minute, the artificial intelligence on the spacecraft determines whether it should be authorized. These artificial intelligences are actually copies of Beidou. To a certain extent, Beidou is still processing these permission applications.

However, this is only a temporary solution. At present, future technology companies are already studying quantum communication. Once successful, even if they are a thousand light years away, information can be instantly transmitted. This is the communication technology required by the space age.

In the 32nd minute after transmitting the signal, Yang Rui received a communication from the moon, a short video of blessings recorded by Zhang Wei himself, "Wish all the best!"

In the 35th minute after transmitting the signal, Yang Rui received a communication from the moon again, which was a compressed package. After decompression, it turned out to be a series of folders. Each folder corresponds to a spaceship, and the corresponding spaceship is inside. The latest photos of the astronauts ’family, and their blessings.

After watching the photos of his family, Yang Rui showed a warm face, and then ordered the artificial intelligence on the spacecraft to send the folder to the corresponding spaceship.

Due to current communication technology and other reasons, it is costly to contact the moon after being away from the moon. The farther the distance, the higher the cost. Therefore, after being away from the moon, astronauts communicate with the moon, Not much, let alone contact with family. Now I have received blessings from my family, and these astronauts are immediately excited and motivated.

"Countdown: 10, 9, 8 ... 1 ... slowdown begins!"

With Yang Rui's order, all spaceships began to slow down and flew a distance further, astronauts suddenly heard the warning sound of artificial intelligence.

"Warning! Warning! An asteroid was found in front, with a diameter of about 43 meters and a distance of 230,000 kilometers!"

Under the arrangement of Yang Rui, the asteroid was quickly destroyed, and the artificial intelligence on the spacecraft immediately reminded, "Meteorites have been shattered. After calculation, the remaining fragments cannot penetrate the energy shield and do not affect the safety of the spacecraft."

After 2 minutes of crushing the asteroid, the fleet and some asteroid fragments met head-on. Astronauts on the forefront spaceships suddenly heard crackling sounds, and the spacecraft also wobbled slightly, but the astronauts They seem to be very calm, this scene, they have experienced several times.

The crackling sound came quickly and quickly, and the spacecraft quickly stabilized and continued to move towards Gu Shenxing.

An hour later, the speed of the fleet has dropped to 30 kilometers per second, and about 11,000 kilometers away, a huge object with a bumpy surface appears in front of everyone. This is Valley God Star. Through the telescope, you can see a lot of cracks on the surface of the planet, you can see the undulating mountains, and even you can see the water vapor above. The water vapor comes from the darker area on the surface of Ceres. It is the sun that makes the ice on the surface of Ceres Caused by rapid heating.

"The speed of Ceres is now 17.8 kilometers per second, the orbit radius is 427 million kilometers, and the speed is increasing slightly."

"Adjust the speed and direction of the spacecraft. All spacecrafts should fly synchronously with Ceres at a distance of about 500 kilometers from Ceres to maintain a relatively static state."

Yang Rui's steady voice sounded on every spaceship.

It didn't take long for fleet Yang Rui to say ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ all spaceships, report status. "

"Spacecraft 1, in perfect condition, is 503 kilometers away from Ceres, and is flying synchronously with Ceres, keeping it relatively still."

"Spacecraft 2 ..."


All spaceships have reported their status. The artificial intelligence on the spacecraft where Yang Rui is located summarizes the report and reports to Yang Rui, "Your Excellency, all spacecraft are in good condition and have arrived at the predetermined location.

"Spacecraft 601, spacecraft 602, spacecraft 603 ... spacecraft 616, began to implement the first step plan. Landing on Valley God Star, install the nuclear fusion propulsion device at the calculated location! Astronauts are ready!"

Yang Rui's eyes were bright and he said.

At this moment, not only the astronauts in these 16 spaceships, all astronauts in the fleet are slightly nervous! Because they next want to do a very crazy thing, drag an asteroid with a mass of 9.43 billion tons! If everything goes well, the Mars transformation plan will have a perfect start, and they will also be born forever! (To be continued.)